blouse - vintage, Bamboo Ballroom jeans - MiH shoes - Target purse - H & M ring - Free People
This is my new vintage (isn't that an oxymoron? new/vintage?) polyester blouse I purchased at the Bamboo Ballroom Blogger Night last May. As soon as I laid eyes on it I knew it had to come home with me, much like most of the clothes in my closet! I paired it with my wide-legged, flared MiH jeans I got at Nordstrom Rack in the states. They have become my favorite pair of jeans. Of all-time. They're the perfect cut and length and make my legs look longer than they are. I highly recommend them!
Did you have a good weekend? The weather was crappy here for the most part so I spent a lot of time inside. Even when we did get a bit of sun, like when I was able to take these outfit pics, the mosquitoes were nasty, nasty, nasty. So I ran errands, went shopping, caught a movie ('Horrible Bosses' which was actually quite funny) and pampered myself with a much-needed pedicure. Pink toes ; ). Oh, and I ended my weekend watching 'Marley and Me' on T.V. which was a very bad idea. D. couldn't even watch it and I turned into a big, bawling, slobbering, snotty mess even though I had seen it before. When it was over I found Kitty and hugged her close and gave her a few kisses on top of her head. What can I say? I have a huge soft spot for animals. Like this little guy:
Okay he's not so little. Extremely large rabbits and hares are nothing new to our neighborhood, I spot at least three of them every day but this one has made a habit of settling comfortably into our grass (which really needs to be cut, I know!) every evening for the past month or so. Kitty watches him intently from her window perch. He doesn't let me get too close yet but hopefully that will change and I'll be able to pet him soon. Then he can move in with us! HA! D. would just love that I'm sure.
Before I go I wanted to thank Style Nine to Five for featuring me on their site. You can read about it here!
Before I go I wanted to thank Style Nine to Five for featuring me on their site. You can read about it here!
Have a great week!

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LOL. I don't think petting it would be a very good idea... ;) Great blouse!
Love the rose pink blouse - it looks great on you especially with the tan accessories!
The doll on fashion
What a great color on you....
I sure hope you are a paid fashion model because it would be shame if you weren't. You are incredibly photogenic - the camera love you, as they say.
Cute little bunny! He is so much more fluffy than the bunnies around here.
yup, i am definitely in love with this outfit...the way you tied your blouse, the flared jeans and the gorgeous shoes..wish we had target in! how weird...marley and me was on the telly last night here in the u.k too...and even though i already own it, i still made the very wrong decision in watching it again..i literally gave myself chest pains from crying so hard :(
That top is stunning on you - what a perfect find! And I "accidentally" caught the last half hour of Marley and Me a few weeks ago on TV and was reduced to a giant pile of tears and wailing...awful!
xoxo ~ Courtney
You look so gorgeous, loving your shirt :) The color looks so pretty on you :)
Love Christine ♥
Even though it was rainy it sounds like you had an awesome weekend!! I love this blouse, it's really really gorgeous, and your legs look a million miles long.
Aww rabbit! I love them
What a perrrfect blush top. The color, the drape, the sheen in the fabric. Just lovely.
And that bunny in the ca-yuuutest! He looks huge!
So What If I Like Pretty Things
Adrienne: You are way too kind and very sweet. No, I am not a fashion model. At all! Ha ha. Just some acting here and there ; )Thank you for your comment. xo
haha - too funny - my friend live right on the beach - 2 beaches down from Seaside (where they film the Jersey Shore) - she doesn't have TV - so she has NO CLUE who they are - and she'll walk down to Seaside and see a line of girls SCREAMING - and she's like "what's this" - she had NO idea - but i've seen them before in Jersey at regular stores - not when they were filming tho -- it's all scripted -- there's TONS of security around them - ect. - they fence off area's JUST for them ect. ..
ANYWAY that's the fill in - Did ur friends move to NJ yet?!?! - now is SOOOOO the time to be here - get to go to the beach, and hiking, boating, ect -- SO much fun in the summer now!
Love the outfit Marie! I must say this is one of my fav's of yours!!!! You look just stunning :)
I watched Marley and me too on the weekend!!!!! Same thing-bad idea.....
:) J.
cute rabbit, my bf keeps on telling me to bring my rabbit in from outside to inside cuz it's too hot now I'm gonna point at your blog saying see, there's rabbits OUTSIDE and they're not dying of summer's heat! AND its in ALBERTA! lol
btw i REALLY like that salmon colored blouse on you. like, REALLY! <3 <3
Did EVERYONE watch 'Marley and Me' on the weekend? lol
So cute! Love this color on you & love the top knot! Also, please share your secrets on how you stay so tiny! ;)
That blouse is a great find! Also those shoes are so cute! On a side note, how do you keep your bangs from frizzing/curling in this weather?! I am having the worst time!
<3 Kastles
you are so fit and sexy with that shirt! and love the ring as well!!
Kastles: Thank you! For my bangs I spray Redken Iron Silk 07 before I straighten them and then afterward I work a bit of Bumble & Bumble defrizz through them, it's the best! I hope this helps! xo
Ooh, that vintage blouse is gorgeous!! That rabbit is massive. It could be a hare, it's so big! The weather here is just awful. I want some sun, please!! SArahD :)
PS Loving your hair like that!
I absolutely love the shirt! The color goes great with your lipstick too :)
TT's Attic Fashion Blog
TT's Attic - Edgy, Affordable Fashion for a Cause!
i love everything about this look!! head to toe. <3
Great out fit
your bun is the shit!!!
how DID you do that? DO tell :)
Lovely outfit, Marie!
I really like the lipstick you are wearing, I love the way the colour shifts from a light pink to a deeper one in the second and third photos. (Or are they different lipsticks?)
wow you have a really cool blog. i love this outfit too.
Okay this is a wonderful look Marie. And may I just say I was in Target 3x in the past 2 weeks and there are ZERO shoes like the ones you scored. You hit the jackpot!!
you pull off this color sooo well need to teach me how to do it too! i always look so washed out and pasty :(
Danielle: Thank you! I'm wearing the same lipstick in both photos, it's just the camera settings that are different ; )
You have the cutest face! I love your hair, too. This outfit is great.
pretty vintage top Marie! the colour looks great on you too! omg, Marley & Me gets me everytime too...i'm a big animal person so I bawl my eyes out everytime...esp when I see those sad animal shelter commercials. :(
awww, the only animals i see near our house (besides birds) are squirrels. i don't know what i'm gonna do if i see a rabbit around here. ;)
p.s. i love your outfit! and come and join my Perricone giveaway! :)
<3, Mimi
the colour is just gorgeous on you. Love the 70s vibe going on there!
The colour of that blouse is gorgeous, you always look great! x
I love the pink top, it looks gorgeous on you!
and I'm glad Horrible Bosses was good! I thought the previews looked funny! But I'm afraid to watch Marley and Me... I love my dogs too much!
Cute bunny!
Great outfit! Reminds me of Chloe! That rabbit is so cute too...all of the ones in my neighbourhood are brown! It's interesting to see a gray one.
-Jessica of Marvelous Things
bananas: It was a complete accident! I went for a top knot but it turned out as a bun so I went with it and pinned it with bobby pins and voila!
I love the color of your blouse, it looks great on you! And WOW, I can believe those rabbits just hang out on your lawn, very cool!
love love love love it! :)
First of all, you look like a high end super model in these pics! Secondly, I love Nordstrom Rack! best place ever for jeans, shoes and sunglasses! I have heard that movie Horrible Bosses was really good, I want to see it! I haven't been to a movie in so long. Andddd Marley and Me =CRY FEST!!!!!
You're gorgeous ;)
If you're interested in French clothes ... I'm selling them :)
Maybe I'll see you there !
you look AMAZING my dear !! ;-))
lovely blog !
love shoes !
I am loving this outfit! Pink looks great on you, and those shoes are to die for!
first time on your blog
Very pretty outfit nice shoes love it
and your blog is cool too
Please check my blog out too
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