Guys, I have a confession to make. I have a love/hate relationship with high heels. I love how they can instantly make you feel and look sexy. I love how they make my legs look longer and leaner. I love the confidence I get while wearing them and I love that there are so many gorgeous pairs to choose from. But the truth is, I can't walk in them. Well, technically I can but I look like a newborn giraffe when I do. I'm not sure if it's all the years of dancing that has taken a toll on my feet or what but when I wear a really high heel it's just not good, for me or anyone else in my path. I was always in awe of Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City because she wore heels all the time! And would happily walk 20-plus blocks in a gorgeous pair of Manolo Blahniks on the streets of New York. Do women really do this? Can some of you wear heels all day long without complaining? I could never. When high heels make my feet hurt I get cranky. Harrison Ford-cranky. I remember when I was on holidays in Vegas one time and we were going out to see a show, I wanted to wear these beautiful, brown (high-heeled of course) sandals I had just bought a few hours before to go with my gorgeous new maxi dress. We were staying at The Flamingo and had to walk to Planet Hollywood, which was maybe a 15 minute walk. Well I had to stop at H & M on the way to buy and change into flats! My feet and back were so sore! I just couldn't do it. Where am I going with this? Oh yes. So, I've had my eyes on sandals like these for ages:
photo via
This style was popular last year, too. These ones are from Zara and every fashion blogger (and their dog) seems to be wearing them and I can see why. They're very sexy and sleek! And look at these Jimmy Choos:
Gorgeous, right? But waaay out of my price range. Plus, I'd die trying to walk in them, obviously. So I ended up getting these ones instead:
Not as sexy but still cute. This pair came in the mail from Zara the other day. I'm confident Ill be able to wear them for at least a half hour without cursing Jesus. I'll let you know how I do in them. Hopefully this won't be me:
This video actually makes me nauseous when I watch it.
Have a great day! And hey, do you like wearing heels??

I've pretty much given up on heels - I can do a wedge but I just can't deal with heels. They kill my feet way too much!
Courtney ~
I love all three! The ones you bought are very cute!
i love heels, but if I'm going to be walking far I do flats and change into heels, haha
YAY for the Zara heels.. as you know I have them!! I will admit though, the 2nd pair is way more comfortable but still hurt after a few hours wearing them. The first ones are gorge too but I can't wear them for very long! Still so nice though!
Enjoy x
Lovely pairs of shoes!
I love the heels you got from Zara! They're beaaautiful. I too have a love/hate relationship with heels, i have a few pairs that are super comfortable and that I love but years of trekking across the University campus meant they were all too impractical. I haven't been able to wear any in months because of a hip injury (from shovelling snow, ugh) But they're soooo pretty
Thank you for the comment on my post today, I'll give Duke a snuggle from you when he's home from the vet :D
Cute love the first pair
I love heels and there are a few pairs in my closet that I can wear for a long time. But only a few. It helps if you can spend some of this day sitting down. And if I have to walk I'll definitely change into flats. It's easier in the winter with the heeled boots though.
I just had some Steve Madden wedges fall apart on my feet while at the mall today!!!!! Good thing I was near my friend's store and she gave me some flats to get home!
Hahaha " I look like a newborn giraffe" i actually laughed out loud!! I'm sure you're much better than you give yourself credit for. Plus that Zara pair you just got is definitely a reasonable height, my friend has them and swears by their comfort. Maybe they'll make you a convert! As for me, i actually live in heels, to the point where my calf muscles hurt when i wear flats. It's not as bad as it used to be now that i don't have an office job, but i am def very comfortable in them. Blessing or curse? Not sure!
i never really where heels, but i am in love with the black pair that you posted. i really like the minimal look of heels lately, if i wore them i would have ones similar!
lindsey louise
I'm obsessed with those first heels (just like every other blogger) but I wonder if I could walk in them! LOL @ newborn giraffe comment! I'm not very good at walking in heels either, I'm not going to lie. My back instantly slouches and I kind of shuffle around. It's bad. But I'm getting better!
Great post! Really enjoyed reading your thoughts on heels ;)
Bold Subtlety
omg I adore those tan ones! Zara has so much good credit card hates when i go in there...but I love it! haha
love from San Francisco,
haha...that looks so painful!
I pretty much wear heels every day...and by everyday that means getting the kids into the car...driving to whatever activity Vyla has that day...walking into the building & promptly removing my at the most I maybe walk through the grocery store for 15 minutes in heels!
I love the more ankle friendly version of shoes you ended up getting!
I love my heels, I have to say... years of dance did take a toll on my feet and now it's better for them to be held stiff in a shoe, without bending, so heels are technically a better choice than flats {although my doctor would rather see me in stiff orthopedic shoes - not going to happen.} If it helps, I tried on that first pair at Zara while they are made of lovely leather, they were horribly uncomfortable, even for just a few minutes. I'm sure you'll do much better with the more practical pair you got instead!
Such a fun blog post Marie! Love the look of the heels that you featured! That video is crazy! To be honest, I gave up on heels a long time ago....Love the way they look, hate what they do to my feet and back...I opt for comfort first!
Thanks for sharing!
:) J.
I've only ever worn wedge heels in the past and always cursed them after an hour on my feet. I recently bought my first pair of pumps from Payless. They have memory foam inserts are super comfy. Still, I general just don't bother with heels. There are tons of cute flats these days.
i use to LIVE in heels and could walk 20 blocks in NYC NO problem - now i got use to flats that i can't - and i tried on the Zara one's - LIARS NOT comfortable like they say - JUST sayin' ... and MOST NY'rs carry their heels in a bag and put them on when they get where they are going unless it's a short distance - don't let the bloggers fool you when they wear there Choo's on photoshoots - JUST sayin'
I'm with you a 100%!!! Those heels are just good for photo ops but not in real life! I blame bloggers for making them look like they're "practical"! :p I would totally get the heels you chose as well over the first two pairs. Team Marie!! :D
i'm glad to know other's have probs walking in heels too! i actually just never wear them. i think they are so pretty, ON OTHER PEOPLE. but i just have never been able to pull it off. therefore, i've never learned to walk in them. it would not be sexy AT ALL if i wore them, as soon as i walked.
I love it when I have the opportunity to wear heels. The pink pair are such a pretty colour and I love the gold detailing.
I have the same cute pair with the lower heel from Zara, planning on wearing them soon as the weather is finally meant for sandals!
and PS: the nude ones are Valentinos not Jimmy Choo! ;)
i have a love-hate relationship with high heels too... well, actually it's more hate than love, haha! but i'm trying to get myself used to wearing heels -- i need them because i'm petite, i need the extra height! ;)
<3, Mimi
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