Last weekend D. and I took a little vacation with some friends down to beautiful Banff, Alberta which is a very well-known national park four and half hours away from where we live. I am always in awe of the amazing views and scenery when I visit the Canadian Rocky Mountains and feel so lucky to live so close to a place tourists travel hundreds of thousands of miles from around the world to see.
The highlight of my trip was white water rafting down the Bow Valley River. I had never done it before and it was a blast! About ten minutes in we pulled into shore, got out of our rafts and climbed to the top of a cliff. We had the option of jumping off an 8' cliff and/or a 25' cliff. I decided against both because a) I didn't feel like dying that day and b) I thought it would be too cold for me jumping into glacier water (even though we were wearing wet suits) and c) to be honest with you I thought the chilly temperature would make me want to pee inside my suit and that would just be awkward and gross. Plus I admit I was a wee bit scared. Just a 'lil. So I hung back while watching everyone else jump, thinking, "I hope I don't regret this."
When there were only two people left to jump off the 25' ledge (my two girlfriends, who were jumping off that cliff for the SECOND time) I told myself, "SCREW IT, JUST DO IT!" like Nike and I climbed over the rocks to the top and jumped! It took me four minutes to actually do it. My friends said my legs were shaking so badly that I kind of just stepped off the cliff and my other leg collapsed underneath it. I don't care how I did it I was just happy and proud that I did! The water was ice cold but so refreshing! It was AWESOME! And I kept my wet suit dry on the inside, if you're wondering. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures rafting because I didn't have a water-proof camera. Boo!
When there were only two people left to jump off the 25' ledge (my two girlfriends, who were jumping off that cliff for the SECOND time) I told myself, "SCREW IT, JUST DO IT!" like Nike and I climbed over the rocks to the top and jumped! It took me four minutes to actually do it. My friends said my legs were shaking so badly that I kind of just stepped off the cliff and my other leg collapsed underneath it. I don't care how I did it I was just happy and proud that I did! The water was ice cold but so refreshing! It was AWESOME! And I kept my wet suit dry on the inside, if you're wondering. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures rafting because I didn't have a water-proof camera. Boo!
Sorry I don't have an outfit post from Banff. I basically lived in my jeans, hoodies and lulu's all weekend which was pretty boring. I promise I'll be back next week with a proper outfit post!

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How fun! And good for you for jumping, you brave girl. You should be very proud of yourself.
I love Banff, a darling town. Did you visit Lake Louise? It's one of my favorite places. The water is such a gorgeous blue/green color.
Yayyy!!! So glad you had such a good time! Hometown represent!
Adrienne: No, we didn't visit Lake Louise this time but I've been there before to ski and yes, it's absolutely beautiful.
Lance: You are so lucky to have grown up in Banff!
Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos! You are so lucky to get to live near such a beautiful place. I'm glad that you enjoyed it, AND I am especially glad that you jumped! Wahoo!
Awesome! There's nothing better than a beer at the end of the walk high on the mountain!
P.S. OK, maybe there is: shoe sale. ;) X
I'm glad you had such a trip - the photos look amazing! I haven't been to Banff in about 14 years but I always thought it was such a beautiful place - I should plan another trip there.
xoxo ~ Courtney
Amazing pics Marie! I love Banff! Good job for jumping!!!!
Love the last one of you and D. You should frame that one!
Great post!!!!
:) j.
Oooh it looks so amazing there!! Wow! I wish we had places like that where I live, haha
Your hair is adorable! I love your bangs!
I've always always ALWAYS wanted to go to Banff, especially in the Summer! One day, I promise you, ONE DAY! And of course we'll have to have a little blogger meet-up ;)
looks FANTASTIC where u went - and OMG jump off a cliff - i'm TERRIFIED of heights - i'd freak out - when i go see my friends in NYC i can't even go near the windows!!!!
These pictures are gorgeous (as usual) and I just love you in a bun. Makes me want to be in the mountains, especially since it's soooo hot here! And I went white water rafting in Colorado as a kid and our instructor had army pit hair ... a girl. BARF! Makes me cringe just thinking about it.
HAHA! Great pics!!
Fantastic pictures, it looks wonderful!
The doll on fashion
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I love Banff so much, it's gorgeous there. White water rafting is soo much fun, and thats awesome that you got to jump off a cliff, i've always wanted to do that!
Gorgeous place!!!
What a beautiful place :)
I love nature :)
Love Christine ♥
I love Banff and Jasper. I love visiting them!
Awesome! Did you manage to stop by Calgary as well? It was the end of Stampede and people were going nuts!!!!
wow it looks beautiful! I would love to go to Banff one day, I went there when I was 12 and don't remember a thing lol
N: No, we didn't stop in Calgary, we had no time. We didn't even drive through it because we knew traffic would be crazy, especially on the Sunday!
Ah you're hilarious, but yes we are so lucky to live in Alberta with these gorgeous mountains! Congrats on nipping your fear in the butt and going for the jump!
i cant imagine jumping off a cliff like that :P but sounds like an adrenaline rush.. the only extreme thing i have ever done is bungee jumping but i feel something is holding onto me at least :P the pictures are beautiful and you looks so sweet together!
i love river rafting!!! how fun! and that place looks absolutely gorgeous. ah i need another vacation.
Absolutely gorgeous photos, darling!
Fabulous news: you are one of the winners of my Lace Gloves Giveaway! Just email me your full name and address to to claim your prize.
It looks breathtaking! So glad you had a nice getaway. xo
These images remind me of my visit to Banff. How peaceful and majestic are those mountains? Good on you for jumping. Wishing you a fun weekend;-)
Sounds like a fabulous time! I especially love the last picture of you and your hubby (very cute). And the cliff jumping sounds awesome, to bad you didn't have your waterproof camera.
Gorgeous pictures! I would LOVE to go white water rafting. It's on my to-do list! You are very lucky to live near a palce so beautiful. :)SarahD
Hi I just started reading your blog recently and I think it's awesome!! I have to ask.....where did you get the sandals you are wearing in the first shot? It looks like they are the perfect nude/brown go with everything walking sandal and are cute too......would love to know! Thanks! Alanna
Anonymous: Hi Alanna! Thank you so much for reading! I actually got my sandals from Forever 21. They were around $13.00. I tried to see if there was an online picture I could link you to but couldn't find one unfortunately : (
Very cute photos !
I dream of one day going to the Banff and visiting the Rocky Mountains, so cool you live only 4 hrs away! You and your man look gorgeous 2gether ;)
you look lovely :)
I never tire of the Rocky Mountains - they are just too majestic! The air, the scenery.... especially THE AIR. You are so brave! I don't know if i could have taken the plunge! Yikesss
wow beautiful photos..those mountains are so pretty, i wish i lived near a landscape like that.
I don't think you could even pay me to jump off a cliff though, you're very brave!
I love Banff, I live in Calgary but only get to the mountains one every few months. You've inspired me to take a trip.
Check out my Calgary based lifestyle blog at
omg, that looks aaaaamazing!!! i looove mountains <3
Marie, such an amazing post! I'm so proud of you for facing your fears and jumping...who cares how you did it, you did it. It's always so much more rewarding to just suck it up and do it and I feel like you should be very proud :). Especially about the dry interior part...good on you!
And how do you manage to look so beautiful on a trip like this? I resort to my twelve year old soccer-playing self...big mens' sweaters, sweatpants...not anything you'd ever want to see on a blog haha. You look absolutely lovely though :)
Alexandra xo
I'd love to do even half the things you did. And to do the jump inspite of being scared is amazing. You'll remember this jump for years I'm sure.
GORGEOUS photos, especially the last one (too cute). You're my hero for going white water rafting, I think I'm too chicken. I really do want to visit Banff one day, it looks amazing!
MARIE: These pics are amazinng .. I LOVE the ones of you and D. SO CUTE and so much chemistry there. Glad you had so much fun =)
the beauty of those mountains leaves me in awe!!!!! gorgeoussss!
Such a wonderful post, work visa canada provide workers at all levels the opportunity to live and work in Canada, i love those mountains how i wish i lived near that landscape.
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