Clues: She's a celebrity triple-threat, naked pictures of her were leaked on the internet a couple of years ago, and she has graduated from High School. In this photo she is on the set of her new movie, "Gimme Shelter."
Did you guess right?
It's Vanessa Hudgens! That actress who dated the dude above (Zac Efron), her costar from all the "High School Musical" movies.
She chopped off her locks to play the role of a pregnant teenager who moves out of her home to get away from her abusive Mother and seeks out her biological Father. Here she is with another short haired actress, Hayden Panetierre. They both rock their cropped 'do's, don't you think?
She's kind of unrecognizable, hey? Reminds me of Charlize Theron's transformation in the film "Monster":

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Holy smokes! That's crazy. I wonder if she put on that much weight for the role or if it's just the clothes?
She looks like a boy! I was so confused.
Love the new 'do, though. It's giving me courage for my next move.
I saw those pictures of VHUDG the other day and damn near fell off my rocker!!
Wow, that's crazy...I NEVER would have guessed it was her.
xoxo ~ Courtney
Blimey I wouldnt have recognised her at all she couldnt look further from her normal gorgeous self. i remeber seeing Charlize Theron in Monster she was brilliant but so didnt look like her either. Thats dedication to your art
Omg! It's like night and day!!! I still love her with long hair! Geez I can't believe how bad they made her look for the part! lol. She does look cute with the short hair when she's all dolled up.
btw, i have a Canon T2i and i was using a 50mm f/1.4 lens before but wanted more of a universal zoom lens so I got the Canon EF 28-135mm...its pretty good and not too expensive. That's the one I've been using lately. :)
They sure grunged her up huh?
I like her better with longer hair!
Wow that is so freaky...shows you what a little hair and makeup can do :0
I was shocked to see this picture on too. I lovve Charlize Theron in Monster. it was a great movie and she thoroughly deserved that oscar! I love short hair dos on celebs but I could never go through with it myself!
Crazy transformation. Takes a true artist to be that "real"....
Love the short hair...Sometimes I feel like chopping mine...
:) J.
holy smokes- what a makeunder! i was actually just thinking about charlize theron in Monster the other day and how i LOVED that she took on that less-than-glamorous role.
fyi- vanessa's new look looks like me in the morning. unfortunate, but true.
It's amazing what not wearing makeup can do! These transformations are pretty drastic but interesting to see the differences!
I saw these pictures of her on some blog yesterday and I was like "WOW, she's serious about this acting business!" But I thought she's wearing a wig (like Dakota Fanning and her pixie hair recently)! I admire her commitment to the role, but short hair doesn't look good on her. She looks much older, no? Just like what short hair did to Hayden P!
She looks so different!! I'm not that mad on her short hair. Lets hope the film is good. :)SarahD
HOLY CRAP!!! she looks kinda horrible! but when she's all done up, she can totally pull off the short 'do. she's pretty enough. but wow...that second one on the top = scary!
i saw this a couple of weeks ago, and i was like "no waaaaay! that's vanessa?!". i think the transformation is amazing, and i really hope this role helps her career. :)
<3, Mimi
Hm, first I said it's Vanessa, then after seeing her on the first photo right; I wasn't quite so sure. She looks completely different! But she looks cute on a photo with Hayden where she's all nicely dressed up. What a transformation indeed...
I totally agree with you on the actors getting into the role, but I don't really like Vanessa's new look. Emma Watson aka Hermione Granger also chopped her locks (to "liberate" herself as she said) and I also don't really like her new look. It shows I'm not really into very short hair. ;) X
OMGGGGGGG! i really dont know what else to say except i would have NEVER guessed that to be her!
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