
Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

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Here are some pictures from our friends Matt and Amy's Annual Halloween Party D. and I went to Saturday night. My original plan a few weeks ago was to dress up as Lady Gaga but after hearing that Lady Gaga was going to be the most popular costume this year (and feeling a bit lazy about Halloween, I admit it) I decided to go as Waldo from "Where's Waldo"? instead. I know, he's the total opposite of Gaga but when I saw this cute costume I couldn't resist!

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Matt and Amy. How hot is his tight woman's shirt circa 1970??? And that gold belt? Saucy!

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I convinced D not to go as "man with mullet" like he usually does so we bought him this hat to spice things up a bit this year ; ).

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If you don't know who Waldo is this picture probably won't make sense to you. Click here for help!

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There was a pumpkin carving contest...

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Here's a close-up of ours. Unfortunately we didn't win. Apparently people weren't into our hungover, snotty-nosed pumpkin!

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And last night we had the cutest, softest little monkey come and visit us. Taysen is my best friend's baby. He fell asleep in my arms, awwwww.

How was your Halloween? Do you celebrate where you live? Did you dress up? I'd love to hear!


  1. YAY Waldo!! Love the costume, hahaha :D :D
    and aww, your pumpkin is cute!! and so is that baby! *dies*

  2. i posted a few pics i grabbed off my friends FB of me and Joe - it takes me forever and a day to get the motivation and upload my pics - u looked so fun!!!!

    oh we also WON the costume contest @ the bar!!!

    PS - PLEASE come one come all and
    *Enter Camille Beckman Luxury Give-Away Here*

    *kiss kiss*

  3. Awww everyone looks great! you make such a cute Waldo!


  4. that wasn't very hard finding Waldo. hahaha! I love your costume!! btw those pumpkin carvings are cool, hope you had a great weekend!

  5. LOVE the costumes, Marie! But where are you? hehe. Lost in the plant!
    Looks like you had a great time .. too funny how your man goes as man with mullet every year.

  6. cool costume, love the blog

    come follow the first ever fashion blog from a Guys POV, let He know what you think

    Fashion by He

  7. Very cute! I love the glasses, and the faces you made to go along with your character! Have a great week!

  8. I love you costumes idea - so wonderful! I hope you had a great Halloween.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  9. even though you didn't win, i'm very impressed with your vomiting pumpkin. i kinda suck at carving, or at least i think i do. maybe it's my lack of patience.

    LOVE your waldo costume. you make a way cuter waldo than the real one.

  10. Amazing pictures!! Love the pumpkins and LOVE your costume!!!:) Where's Waldo is where's wally in Ireland....loved the books so much!! :)SarahD

  11. Love the costumes!! My sis was waldo too, and I thought it was such a great idea... although I don't think she thought to take any pics hiding in a plant :)

    And your pumpkin is too funny!! Sounds like you had a great Halloween!

  12. Love the pictures! Your outfit is amazing, ahah I used to love Waldo's books!
    And the pumpkins are all gorgeous, I really love carving pumpkins for Halloween :D
    And the baby is so adorable!!

  13. Great Pictures Marie.
    You look SO cute in your waldo outfit! :) I think you made a good choice on your costume!
    I love your pumpkin the best-very creative ;) I would have given you guys first prize!
    Taysen looks adorable...the cutest money ever!
    Thanks for sharing.
    :) J.

  14. Sooo cute! the waldo and monkey are def a fave <3

    Miss Neira

  15. What a great costume you had! You look really cute in those glasses too :) And I bet your filming experience was so cool...even though it was fake, I would have been scared lol

  16. Pretty much dying over your costume. Absolutely hilarious!

  17. I think your pumpkin is fantastic! And YOU, you look FAB. I LOVE it! Esp the one of you hiding behind the plant, I just cracked up when I saw that hahahahah!

  18. You are so adorable hiding behind that plant dressed in your where's Waldo!! I love it!! And your facial expressions really are the BEST.

    We stayed in the neighborhood and visited this off the hook haunted house extravaganza a neighbor up the street does. Basically it scared the daylights out of me. And I didn't even go inside.


  19. You are too cute! I love it, the glasses, especially! So clever, and different from the "Oh, it's Halloween so I think I'll slut out" kind of costume. Your pumpkin should have won! XX!

  20. You're the cutest Waldo ever!!
    I think a lot people must've changed their mind about being Gaga - I only saw a handful!

  21. Oh...p.s. I read about Jane Fonda's book in a magazine recently - it does sound interesting! I love biographies too for some reason :)

  22. where is Waldo! such an original costume! and the baby is adorable!

  23. WALDO!! what a great costume, you look so cute.

  24. classic, love the waldo costume<3
    and awww, amazing pumpkins and cute baby, gosh i like your blog :')

  25. Haha I love your costume! Very unexpected, but I like it. Way more original than Lady would be fun to dress up like her, but like you said--it's likely the most popular costume of the year, and who wants to be trendy?

    I think your pumpkin is lovely! I'd vote for it.

  26. your pumpkin should've winn

  27. Where's Waldo??? There she is! or he? or she? hahahaha.. :D Your costume is perfection. We have too many Lady Gaga wannabes out there :p

  28. what a COOL costume you wore!!

  29. We celebrate Halloween, but there is no pumpkin carving here! We think your pumpkin should've won!


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