
Friday, October 29, 2010


I'm okay! It's just make-up ; ) I've mentioned before on this blog that I do a little bit of acting here and there - well, whenever I'm lucky enough to book a gig - and I thought I'd share some "scary" pics (since it's Halloween and all) of me on the set of NBC's "Fear Itself" which I had the pleasure of working on in 2008. The star of this episode was Elisabeth Moss who plays Peggy on "Mad Men." I actually wanted to show you guys my scenes from the show but I'm having trouble uploading my demo reel to a site like Youtube without it being blocked by Lionsgate Entertainment and taken down due to copyright issues. Grrrrrr...D.'s still working on it and hopefully I'll have something to show you soon! And if any of you know how to get around this "issue" without me being sued please let me know ; ). I hope Lionsgate doesn't read this and if they do c'mon, I was a part of the show! Let me SHOW it! Pleeeease.

I played the role of a serial killer's victim he tortures. Here's a pic in between takes getting my makeup retouched.

You can't see it in this photo but I was handcuffed and tied to the chair I'm sitting on for a very long time while we filmed. In my underwear.

The makeup was amazing! The "blood" is actually corn syrup.

I know, ewwwww, right?! Here I am with talented director Stuart Gordon and actor Stephen R. Hart who played the serial killer. Stephen is 6'11 and has the deepest voice I've ever heard. Although he looks freaky in the photos he's a real sweetheart off screen, I swear! Filming this episode was so much fun, it was my greatest acting experience to date.

I hope you all have a great Halloween weekend!


  1. Here's where you can pick out the people who actually READ your blog and those who just glance and comment. I imagine a, "Wow, you look great!" or, "Awesome outfit!" are quite out of place.

    I actually didn't know you did acting and stuff. Very cool! I'd like to see the clip of you in action, but these pictures suffice. ;) The make-up is really good...I didn't know the big timers used corn syrup; I thought that was just what my groups of friends did for Halloween once!

  2. wow thats so cool you act. i hope you find a way to put your clips up cause id really wanna see! the blood looks so real, especially on your hands. great halloween inspiration haha :)

  3. I didn't know you acted. That's a really sweet side thing to have; I've always wanted to do it. The makeup looks really realistic. Your picture popped up in my dashboard and I couldn't even recognize you. Did you get to meet Elizabeth Moss?

    Also, Ashley, I'm right with you there. I get so ticked off when people comment and write some junk like "sweet pictures, come follow?"

  4. Alyse: Yes, I got to meet Elisabeth Moss at the table read. She was really sweet!

  5. How cool is this! You looked like such a real "victim"...and the tall serial killer guy is super creepy!!!!! blah!

  6. Wow, that is so cool that you act! That makeup is super scary! It must be so much fun. I also love Elisabeth moss!

    have a great halloween Marie!


  7. Awesome photos - and it sounds like an amazing experience! I watched that show when it was on.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  8. This is so cool!!! The make-up is great. I wish we can see your acting :(

    Lena xoxo

  9. oh woow! I had no clue you did a bit of acting and got to be on tv! So cool and that make up is so well done!

  10. How cool! I was a little freaked out when I just opened the page and saw this, until I read it of course :) The makeup is crazy awesome. I have the weakest stomach ever and the blood had a very realistic effect on me just now! Sounds like an amazing experience!

  11. omg! you look like you just made it out of the house of Saw 3D!! haha it's fab cuz it looks so realistic

  12. Whoa! That is cool make-up. I didn't know you acted - what a crazy fun episode to be involved in. You go girl!!

    ps-Happy Halloween weekend!

  13. These pictures are fantastic! LOVE the make-up. Its really cool that you act on the sideline. :):)SArahD

    Have an amazing weekend!

  14. It's crazy all the stuff a person can do with makeup. And to be able to have fun on camera is also cool!

  15. That is SOOO cool!! haha :D
    (and yea, he felt sooo bad, he really isn't a mean guy, haha....and WAHOO for the guy who was mean to you being fired :) )

  16. That is sooo cool! Are you still acting here and there? The makeup looks so real its freaky. Good for you! Hope you can find a way to put up that video. :)

  17. This is so cool, Marie! I would love to see the demo, I hope you can figure out a way around it! I am so curious if it freaked you out to be handcuffed and have to sit there for a long time, I feel like I would get a little claustrophobic! This is so awesome, I am so happy and proud for you, do keep me posted on any upcoming roles I need to be on the lookout for! XX!

  18. Great pics Marie. WOW. You like amazing and scary all at the same time-only you could pull that off :)
    I really hope that we can see you in action soon!
    PERFECT blog for Halloween :)

    Happy Halloween!!!!
    Great post Marie.

  19. wow thats awesome <3
    bravo for the makeup artist ,, and girl ! work it
    i didnt know ur an actor/model =D
    thats super cool .

  20. wow!

    great post and blog!

    come visit and join!

    kiss dear

  21. Creepy but looks like fun!
    Visit me:

  22. The blood looks very realistic! The serial killer looks pretty scary, too... what a fun hobby to have, shame we can't watch it!

  23. eeek! Had NO idea that you were an actress! This is fabulous, and frankly very scary in its realism! wow!

  24. wonderfully creepy. this is cobra-snake worthy ;)

  25. woah, what a cool post! I did not know you are an actress, that's so awesome! the whole process of filming seems like a lot of fun. thanks for sharingg:)

    xx raez

  26. Mrs. Julius: Yes, I still do some acting, mostly commercials. It's quite slow right now though : (

    Shari: It kind of freaked me out at first, yes, but the crew on set told me whenever I felt uncomfortable between takes they would un-shackle me. They made sure I was comfortable : )

  27. Thats so cool Marie. Did you film close to where you live or did you have to go to the US? The serial killer looks really creepy. Have you done much acting recently? Love to see more posts like this one.

  28. Funny Face Beauty: The whole "Fear Itself" series was actually filmed in Edmonton so I worked as a local actor : ) The last thing I did was a commercial in the summertime, hopefully it will get busier!

  29. whoa. that is good makeup, b/c my first reaction was, "oh no!!! is she ok?" so glad you are! :)

  30. so cool! I never knew you were so gnarly! would really love to see you acting chops in the clip, I imagine it was really intense getting into character...

  31. Omg your makeup is incredible! I had no idea you were into acting. That is so cool!

  32. that's so cool that you got to be in a tv show :D the makeup is very real and disturbing, especially when I found out you're being tortured by a serial killer! eeepppssss... it's not safe to be a woman out there >.<

    great job, Marie! :D

  33. Omg! I didn't know you were an actress,since I've just discovered you.

    What episode? I want to watch it! :)


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