
Friday, October 8, 2010


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You've probably guessed from the title of my post that this long weekend us Canucks will be celebrating Thanksgiving. It's one of my favorite holidays of the year because all of my family gets together at my Aunt's cottage near a lake outside the city and we go for long walks near the water, play games like Cranium and Taboo, laugh 'til we cry and stuff our faces with delicious food like candied yams and pumpkin pie until we pass out from all the energy it took to eat said food. It's a beautiful time of year and a perfect time to reflect on how grateful I am for all the wonderful blessings in my life including my family, D., my friends, my sweet nephew, my crazy but lovable cat, my health, the freedom I have in the country I live in, a bed to sleep in, the money I have to be able to buy the clothes and make-up I blog about on here when some people don't have enough money to even eat.... I sometimes take this all for granted when I should thank my lucky stars every single day.
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I also want to thank my readers for supporting this blog. I know every blogger says this but I really do appreciate every single comment and visit and am so inspired by all of you. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart : ). I wish you all a wonderful weekend! Happy Thanksgiving to my Canadian girls!


  1. Happy Early Thanksgiving!! (I still have to wait a whole month and a half :( )
    This post is so true, I always have to remind myself to be thankful of what I have, because sometimes I take things for granted.

  2. Oh, so early? Now I am confused, I thought Thanksgiving was AFTER Halloween! Well anyway, we don't usually celebrate Thanksgiving but I think I'd like to make it a family tradition because what you've described is really so, so nice... And you are right, I need to be grateful more often, I just forget and that is terrible! Have a lovely weekend and family celebration.

  3. you are SO RIGHT! - every night when i pray -i thank god for EVERYTHING - even the little things - seriously - like having enough coffee in the morning, kisses from Kayleigh - all that adds up to a HAPPY life!

    PS --> ~Join In on the Necklace Give-Away Here~

    *kiss kiss*
    Erika @ ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  4. Thank you everyone!

    Cafe Bellini: American Thanksgiving is after Halloween. Canada is different, it's always celebrated the second week of October.

  5. have a great thanksgiving marie! Hope you are doped up in turkey this long weekend!

  6. Amen to all that! Enjoy your holiday!

  7. yes love - i saw it on Oprah! - i had Kayleigh right next to me too! - Kayleigh came from a breeder - but all my next animlas WILL BE from shelters - i ALWAYS tell people NOT to even go into a pet store that sells animals!!! - i am SUCH an animal person! - i should of really been a vet or something! ..

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! Great post! It`s true that it`s so important to be thankful for all we have. We really do live in an amazing country!!

    I myself will be eating mountains of turkey this weekend, spending time with friends and fam!
    Have a great long weekend!!!!

  9. awww lovely post! it really made me think how lucky i actually am! have a great time celebrating with your family :)

  10. Happy Happy Thanksgiving Marie!! This is such a wonderful post. Hope you have a wonderful weekend - I'll be thinking of you and hopefully doing a little something special here as well. Feeling a little homesick for sure.


  11. Lovely post! We should all appreciate what we have as we have so much, but its never enough! and so many have people out there have nothing! x

  12. Although i live in a country where we don't celebrate this holiday, i wish you Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  13. Aww such lovely words!! :) And a happy thanksgiving to you my dear :) xxx

  14. Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family! I hope it is wonderful.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving right back to you.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Your post was thoughtful and enlightening.
    You are right, there are so many things to be thankful for.
    :) J.

  16. Happy Thanksgiving!!
    I love that you play Taboo - my family does the same thing at holidays and laughter always ensues :)

  17. Happy Thanksgiving right back atcha lady!!
    I think we all often forget what how lucky we all are, especially as Canadians!

    Hope you had a great weekend! :)



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