
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Health Fix: What I'm (Kinda) Loving Right Now

After reading an article in US Magazine a couple of months ago about a new exercise method Madonna was doing called Barre 3, I decided to purchase this:

Madonna is the body bomb dot com (have you seen her arms???) so I thought I'd try it and shake up my normal fitness routine. Barre 3 combines three exercises I am familiar with: Yoga (I do it once a week), Pilates (I'm a certified Mat Instructor) and Ballet (I did it for 12+ years) using a barre to develop the "length of a dancer and strength of an athlete." However this DVD was made for home use or while you're on the road so you don't need a barre, all you need is a chair, some small weights (or soup cans like I used last week, true story) and a fitball which is provided with the disc. Even though I consider myself a pretty fit person at first I couldn't get through the work-out without angrily cursing and grunting at my television and the instructor. This work-out isn't easy folks, and there are soooo many reps but after doing it once a week for a couple of months I am almost getting through it without having to use the F Word or other nasty expletives. Can I get a "yay?"
 My love/hate relationship is slowly turning into love because I'm noticing this "method" is making me stronger and toning my entire body. Another thing I like about this DVD is that the encouraging and super-fit Instructor, Sadie Lincoln makes me stay focused on each exercise and muscle groups I'm using which helps the time go by so much faster, instead of thinking about what I'm going to have for dinner that night (which happens to me all the time in Yoga. I'm currently working on that.) You can learn more about Barre 3 or purchase the DVD here for $19.99 USD which I think is very reasonable. What's your fitness routine? Do you have one?

Something else I'm kinda loving:

Zevia All-Natural Diet Soda. When I mentioned in this post that I was a Diet Pepsi Addict, B. from City Cinders recommended I replace my bad habit with this zero-calorie drink. Although it's not as good as "real" diet pop, these soda's totally quench my thirst and I feel great that I'm no longer damaging my stomach drinking aspartame.They come in 6 different flavors; Black Cherry's my fave ; ) The downside is that they're way more expensive than other brands at $1.67 a can but I get a small discount when I buy a flat at the organic foods store near my home. To read more about Zevia and where you can purchase it, click here.

Have a great Hump Day! We're halfway through the week ladies!


  1. thanks for sharing these great tips!!!


  2. Wow, I had no idea you were so experienced with pilates, ballet and yoga!
    This seems like a great workout - just don't get arms like Madonna, I think they're a bit too he-manish!
    I workout at a gym doing cardio about three times a week, and for the rest of the week do weight training with videos at home. It's ok, but gets boring sometime so I should try something new like this!

  3. hahaha fun! I watch carmen electra's "fit to strip". It's actually a hefty workout! I'm sure it's like your madonna one too :D

  4. Her arms are too much, I think! But she's really fit, yeah, and I would give this a go! I do yoga twice a week but that's definitely not for losing weight or anything, I have noticed ZERO difference in body shape!

  5. I agree with the comment from Cafe Bellini. Her arms are a little much but she is in CRAZY shape and this looks like a really fun workout.

  6. I just love Madonna's shape!!

    Just saw your blog and noticed we almost shares names LOL ; )

  7. Yummm Zevia.
    I have heard of this method. I love that you're trying it out. I'm sucj an old school run or gym kinda girl but I signed up for a bootcamp next month. So that should be fun!

  8. oooh, wow, how interesting! i think i should try that out. :D

    <3, Mimi

  9. okay i totally feel the same way about jillian michaels no more trouble zones.

    except i need to switch it up. anytime you can't get through it without dropping an eff bomb you know it's working, right? that's what i tell myself as i'm gasping on the floor anyway. argh


  10. Wowza, hah....thats a lot of stuffs XD I really need to start working out but 1. I have no time and 2. I'm too lazy XDXD I've had a workout routine pinned on my closet for months and haven't done it, hah

  11. we're doing a nutrition and helth unit in gym class and i'm loving it. this post rocks--so motivating :)

    xx raez

  12. I think this would be too difficult for me lol! I can only just manage pilates, shameful i know! Glad you stuck with it!

  13. Wow! This workout sounds great! I'm going to have to check it out.

  14. I do hatha, too, but only once a week. I really don't see a difference :-( I find it more relaxing and certainly easier than the kundalini yoga that I also do.

  15. That's it, I'm off to find some Zevia...I checked the link to see where I could purchase it, and apparently the organic market around the corner from my home sells it!
    Thanks for the info on it,,,Mama's GOT to get off the diet pepsi, rootbeer, dr. pepper etc...

  16. I have never heard of Barre3, but for $20 I am going to try it {if I ever complete the Insanity program I am doing}.

    And I love that you said bomb dot com.. haha one of my favorite slogans! :)

  17. woow Marie it is so cool you share this with us, by your looks you do seem like a VERY in shape girl but I had no clue you did all 3: ballet, yoga and pilates! I will start yoga next week and I have done pilates but never ballet however I am very interested in this program! I will look it up when I am back home in december ;)

  18. That work out definitely doesn't sound easy, but it sounds more fun than running on a treadmil (to nowhere!!). Thanks for posting. :)SarahD

  19. I am totally going to look into that DVD. Thanks for sharing-I want to hear more about it....:)
    Happy to hear that you are still off DP
    Great post.
    :) J.

  20. Oh, wow! Marie, I love ballet, I think we talked about that awhile back, the pointe shoes? So totally curious about this workout! Ballerinas (and Madonna) do have gorgeous bodies! XX!

  21. I tried to follow this exercise barre 3 for few months, and I must say that this exercise gave me some unexpected positive results.


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