
Thursday, October 21, 2010


Here's 17 year-old Taylor Momsen of Gossip Girl and the lead singer of The Pretty Reckless posing for the cover of Revolver Magazine in next-to-nothing wearing stripper heels. And a gun. She should be arrested. Or her parents should. I'm no prude, but this is a bit overboard for a teenager don't you think? Discuss!


  1. i don't watch the show - so i have no idea who she is - other then on gossip mags and stuff they show her - i find her look 'ick' .. she's trying TOO hard .. she's like a Miley Cyrus i think - just slow ur roll!

  2. I didn't know Taylor Momsen was only 17?!
    It's quite scary how younger and younger "sex appeal" is becoming.
    What about in another 20 years, will 12 year olds be doing this? I sincerely hope not!

  3. Wow...that is just gross... *rolls eyes*
    She needs to act her age.

  4. I just threw up in my mouth. She looks disgusting, even more so that Lindsay Lohan and Miley Cyrus! :(

  5. Ugh, I feel like a I need a shower.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  6. She actually has a great voice for rock...and her character on Gossip girl is passable. But her personal style is ridiculous!! This get up is completely inappropriate for her age. IF Miley cyrus came out in this "outfit" people would call it the end of the world! (although Taylor Momsen was never Hannah Montanta...)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. what do I think? I think she need MORE eyelinner. Just kidding. Really? really. like shes not hard or bad ass or whatever shes trying to go for, she just looks like a trashy mess. And I cant believer her parents signed a consent form for that cover!

  9. I couldn't agree more. She's a little brat that will eventually have her a** handed to her by life. She's not the adult she thinks she is. Did you seen this moronic quote of hers out this week:

    I see myself as totally insane,” “I’m totally moody. Of course. And I’m totally out of my mind. And I’m always myself.”

    So now she's, like, to-tally insane. Whatever kid. Lose the cancer stick and go chase a boy.

    I swear I'm not bitter today. I just get so infuriated by her ridiculous behavior. Where are the parents?? She's prolly Dina and Michael Lohan's long lost kid.


  10. I hate this cover, to be honest. I wish she would just start acting her age. I mean she is only 17..... SarahD:)

  11. Carrie: I thoroughly enjoyed your rant ; )

  12. I agree...I'm all about being confident in self expression but this is clear cut "sex sells" advertising with no artistic vision to it...


  13. she's nasty!

    she might as well have sperm all over her face, she's that dirty.

    whatever happened to the little girl from the grinch?

  14. bananas: I almost spit out my tea when I read your comment. You ladies crack me up!

  15. I'm not really familiar with her. But I was just reading a lovely blog, in which the author was complaining about the Paris Museum of Modern Art banning those under 18 from an art exhibit which featured (much more tasteful) completely nude figures. The juxaposition of your rant to HER rant is really interesting.
    And just curious: are you upset by her tackiness ('cause that IS tacky) or her lack of clothing?

  16. She was such a sweet little (well ok she was already tall back then) girl in GG and then... what the hell happened? Doesn't anybody tell her that the raccoon eye makeup is ugly and NOT cool? And she is ruining herself and her career for doing crap things like this... what are all these people (who encourage her) thinking?!

  17. seriously inappropriate! Everything about her is a joke...she is not a badass and her music sucks sucks SUCKS! i actually used to think she was pretty cool but every time she opens her mouth i want to tear my own arm off and ram it down her throat :)

  18. she's a kid!! and she gets under my skin like not many people can... she really should just keep her mouth shut. artist my ass. wow. this is not okay. this IS exploiting a child. it's pretty gross. on top of just being icky and inappropriate for a 17 year old, her style sucks.
    those crazy gleeksters...

  19. It's tacky AND slutty. I was 17 not so long ago, and I know what it's like to want to be seen as grown up, but doing something like this cover isn't a step in the right direction. AT ALL. She's ALMOST 18, and while I realize being half naked at that age isn't really appropriate in general...if you're going to do it, at least do it tastefully.

  20. Wow really gross. It's girl like her that's reinforces derogatory images of young girls. she looks out her control. Where is her parent?! Haha

  21. Where are a parents? I think this girl is in way too much need for attention and she thinks she's much more important than she really is.

  22. ;S OMG WTF :X
    Does she even live with her parents? Making money with gossip + pretty reckless I don't thing so o_O


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