
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Birthday Loot

First of all I want to thank you for all your birthday wishes on Monday! You guys really made my day with all your sweet (and supportive) comments so thank you! I really had the best birthday ever and was spoiled with too many gifts. One I want to show you is this 2-in-1 Miche handbag my sister-in-law got me:

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Here's the first cover. There are flaps on the inside that are magnetized and you can flip them up and slip the cover off so you have this:

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Here's the shell.

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And here's the other cover. The same purse but two different ways to wear it! Isn't that neat? It's the perfect size, too.

Before I forget I should mention that I'm typing this post on my *brand new laptop* D. got me! I haven't had my own computer for about 4 years because my cat pushed a Buddha statue off of my window sill which landed on my then-laptop and broke it. (Thanks Kitty.) I never got around to replacing it, I actually lived without the internet in my home for almost 3 years can you believe that??? How did I FUNCTION??? Lord only knows! So now I have my very own thanks to my generous boyfriend : ) who is also happy because now I won't have to upload gazillion pictures on his computer.

Something else I "received" on my birthday was this surprise at work:
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Two of my male coworkers who are also close friends of mine thought it would be "funny" to decorate my office and plastic-wrap my chair. I swear they wrapped it 50 times because I couldn't even cut into it with scissors, I needed an exacto knife. The post-its and balloons say either "30" or "29A" which I prefer ; ). My snickering friends were pretty pleased with themselves and all their hard work and I have to admit I was impressed! They took me out for lunch, too and after work D. and I met my family for dinner at a Thai restaurant. The food was soooo good! It was a perfect day.

I hope you're having a great week. We're halfway to the weekend, woot! woot!


  1. ok LOVE what ur co-workers did!!!!

  2. hehe looks like a great birthday Marie!!


  3. Aww I love your office decor! haha I'm so glad to hear you had a great birthday. I think once I turn 29 I won't have anymore birthdays:) xo

    P.S. LOVE the bag!

  4. That bag is so clever! No, I have NO idea how you managed to live without the internet for three years. I had to for about... what, 3 weeks? and I was tearing my hair out!

  5. whoaaaa that office chair is something!they must have spent a lot of effort doing that! hahaha :D and yes for versatile purse! always comes in handy ;)

  6. I love that bag -- and it's great that you can put a different cover on it, what a neat idea!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  7. Happy birthday! I'm digging your chair! Very lovely birthday goodies. I'm glad you have a laptop of your own now...I couldn't imagine living without mine!

  8. awe i'm glad jersey treated ur bf nice!!!! - it's a great place to live if i may say so myself - but i'm also born and breed here so i'm a lil bias :o)

  9. omg, Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you had an awesome one! :) I love the purse! That is pretty sweet. And congrats on the new laptop! Your co-workers must be fun to work with. All the best for the up coming year and many more to come! :)

  10. THat's awesome!!! Your co workers seem so fun, you are lucky!
    And that bag is NEAT, I've never seen one like it!!!
    Congrats on the new laptop!

  11. Congrats on the bag! Very cool!!

    And your office chair? Holy moley - that's hilarious!


    How long did it take you to get to unwrap your chair?
    I also really really like the purse! I love the pink cover:)
    So glad you had the perfect day.

  13. That is so awesome, what your co-workers did! They must love you, Marie! Happy belated! XX!

  14. My fav is the pink one, great color!

    Hope you enjoyed your birthday!

  15. teheee =( i want to see the bags
    i dunno whats wrong ,,
    but the pics wont fully load in the page =s
    will have to come back again ,,

  16. Oh that purse is cool, and I love both covers. And a new laptop! That is awesome.

    Also, your co-workers rock!


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