
Friday, August 20, 2010

The Week in Review & My First Feature!

Happy Friday! This post is a cluster of things I wanted to talk about that don't really have anything in common with the other so I hope you don't mind me jumping from one topic to the next. I'm moving tomorrow and will be away from the blog world for a few days so I wanted to stuff in as much as possible into one post! Speaking of moving --which is a big pain in the arse but luckily I have lots of help-- above is a pic of my cat Prints Whiskerson Sultenfuss The First (but we call her "Kitty") hanging out in a box full of coffee cups I had started packing up. She looks SO impressed ; )

1. So first I want to thank Janis from Dress Me Dearly who featured me on her lovely blog yesterday. You can read my interview here. It's my very first feature so I'm stoked!

2. Surfing the net this week I fell in love with these shoes from Chloe. I can't afford them but a girl can dream can't she? These Sam Edelman Falken boots below are a little bit closer to my price range.

Like I said, I'm in love. With the shoes. Not the guy below.

3. Can you guess who this is? Don't scroll down yet! Try and guess! He's one of my favorite comedic actors on the set of his new movie 'My Idiot Brother.' Hint: I've mentioned before on this blog that he loves "slappin' da base!" I came across this photo on and couldn't believe it was......are you ready?........

Paul Rudd from 'Dinner With Schmucks' and 'I love You, Man!' I will watch anything he's in so I can't wait for his latest film to come out. The quirky Zooey Deschanel is co-starring ; )

4. I finally tried Covergirl's Lashblast mascara and I think Drew Barrymore is on to something because I love it. It's the best one I've come across and I've tried MAC, Lancome, Maybelline, L'Oreal, Josie Maran, and other Covergirl mascaras but this one is the best by far. It really lengthens and volumizes my lashes. And it's only about $8.00!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! Enjoy these last weeks of summer! Ugh I don't want to think about summer ending but I have to face reality : (  I'll be back next week with an outfit post. As long as I can find my clothes in the hundreds of boxes I've packed!  ; )


  1. the covergirl mascara does give great volume I find! and Paul Rudd is a cutie :D

  2. Love the Chloe shoes!! And omg, can't believe that's Paul Rudd!!

    Also... I love lash blast too :)

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I love the Chloe shoes as well but will hopefully be purchasing the Sam Edelman's! They're on my must have list for sure. I LOVED when Paul Rudd said "slappa da bass!" My boyfriend and I quote that line to this day haha.

  4. I hated packing when I moved, luckily alot of it was done by removal people! Good luck with the move! Those Chloe boots are gorgeous, want them! x

  5. YAOW! Paul looks WACKO! hahaha :D
    Love both those shoes, but I think I prefer the cheaper ones anyway, haha :)

  6. love the brown shoes and the cute cat xxx


  7. Your Welcome! Good luck with the move!

  8. I hope the move goes well, and that Kitty isn't to perturbed by it all!
    Also those boots are awesome, and who doesn't love Paul Rudd?

  9. a. i love your cat!! she is so "we are not going anywhere lady!" hahaha

    b. paul rudd?? that's crazy, huh?


  10. I LOVE PAUL RUDD!!! he's my favorite!!! i totally knew who that was before i scrolled down :)

    and get the sam edelman shoes! i friggen love 'em! not sure i could pull them off but YOU, you would look great!

    good luck moving this weekend!

  11. i like that finger picture. haha. and paul rudd is a revelation! he's sooo funny!

    <3, Mimi

  12. First off, that cat in the box is so cute! Totally in photo mode. :)

    Fabulous post!

    I was trying to guess who that actor is . . . until I was tempted to scroll down. Whoa! :)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  13. cute post! definitely agree with those same edel man boots and the lash blast mascara--hot!

    xx raez

  14. your kitty is sooooooo cute!
    I can't believe that is Paul Rudd, I think he's so cute I would totally marry him! glad that look is for a movie...

  15. Hi!
    Great blog, I really enjoyed.

    Just passing by to invite you and your readers to take part on my newest GIVEAWAY.
    A Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter Necklace by Tom Binns for Disney Couture!

    Hope to see you soon.

  16. Can't believe that is paul Rudd!! good luck with the moving.:) Love those Sam Edelman boots.:)SarahD

  17. cool blog! i love so much the boots!

  18. Good luck with the move! Cats are so hilarious, mine like to lay on everything - especially the things I'm working on/in :)

    The boots...super cute!!!

  19. Love those shoes, good luck with the move. I've moved around a lot and so hate moving now x

  20. THOSE BOOTS. I want! I need! Congrats on your first feature! And...I could barely recognize Paul-y Paul Rudd, but I got it before I scrolled down. As long as he's just looking like this for a movie, I'm fine with it. But I'll cry if this look becomes permanent for him.

  21. Would have never have guessed that was Paul Rudd...adore him!!!

  22. That Paul Rudd photo made me CRY! SO DAMN funny!

  23. congrats on the feature! and omg, I can't believe it's Paul Rudd, whatever happened to his charming appearance?

  24. Great links! Congrats on the feature, Marie, I will have to check out that mascara! XX!

  25. Marie- So much to say I will keep it brief-Congrats on your FEATURE-Love the shot of kitty in the box lol -Congrats on moving ;) - will have to try that mascara!!!!
    :) J.

  26. i have this's FAB!
    thank you for you sweet comment! cu soon on my blog! :D

  27. yeaah. that first guy is so cool with the crocks =))

    (new post: Red Heels & follow me)

  28. I love Chole' boots, they are amazing. And out of my price range!

    Lol I thought that was Justin Bobby from the Hills!

    Covergirl lashblast is what I live by!!

  29. YAY! I guess Paul Rudd and was right! hehe. But it looks nothing like him at all.
    Your kitty is sooo cute and chubby, looks a lot like my older girl.


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