
Monday, August 23, 2010

I Live in a Frat House

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top - Zara
leggings - Smart Set
shoes - Spring
bracelet - H & M
silver chain necklace - H & M
pedant - Aldo Accessories

Happy Monday everyone! As happy as a Monday can be I guess. ; ) I hope you all had a great weekend! I don't really live in a frat house but since I moved on Saturday and D.'s roommate is still living there for a couple of more weeks I feel like a bit like I do, hence the title of this post. He loves loud music, late nights, pizza, beer, girls, untidiness - reminds me of college. The move itself went pretty well. We still have tons of unpacking and organizing to do but that will get done slowly. The highlight of my weekend was going to Ikea to pick up a mattress pad! I'm wondering where these mattress pads have been all my life and why I didn't buy one sooner? It definitely makes a HUGE difference in comfort! We then went to The Bay and picked up 600 thread count sheets. I didn't know much about "thread counts" but I am well-versed now. Oh Lord I just realized I'm totally turning into one of Those People who go to Home Depot and Bed Bath & Beyond every weekend like Will Ferrell in 'Old School'. Next I'll be picking out paint chips and a new lawn mower ; )

On to The Outfit: I wore this Friday night to my friend's surprise birthday party. The top I got at Zara for $30 on sale. It's casual yet somewhat dressy because of the sequin detailing at the top, which I love.

K I better get back to unpacking! I promise to catch up on your blogs within the next couple of days! With moving and work I've been quite the busy bee so I hope you understand.  : )


  1. Love your ootd, really classy and glamourous :)
    You are beautifull :)

  2. Glad the move went decent! Good luck to you, I couldn't stand living with anyone even slightly similar to a frat boy, even for a couple of weeks.

    Your top is great. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I wish I had a Zara closer to me!

  3. it's great to hear the move went well! you look very pretty, btw! :D

    <3, Mimi

  4. Oooh love the outfit!!! And boys *rolls eyes* hahaha :)
    Good luck with the rest of your unpacking! :D)

  5. You are just so adorable!! I bet you look gorgeous in everything you put on!

    So glad I stopped by today. Great blog! :-)

  6. You look so fabulous. Love your outfit!


  7. You look stunning! That color really suits you! Ha ha, as soon as I saw the title of your post I knew you had moved in with him! XX!

  8. You look fab! Love your hair cut! :) Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  9. New to your lovely blog! Love that top.. very pretty!

  10. i'm one of those people who hit up home depot and LOVE it! also love bed, bath and well as STREAKING! k maybe not the last part but wouldn't that be a riot. or a scary nightmare. lol.

    ANYWAY, you look darling darling!

  11. Marie,

    You look gorgeous. I love the outfit, but I also love the makeup. Maybe a FOTD soon?

  12. Great outfit!Love the shoes:))
    follow if u like

  13. Marie-I LOVE LOVE your top. You look beautiful in it and in that color!
    Wow :)

  14. heyyyyy now - what's wrong with going to Home Depot picking out lawn mowers?!?! - haha

    have fun - and live it up for the next few weeks - good to feel like ur back in college - even if it's a lil annoying - go with it - sooner or later it'll all be gone and quite ..

  15. Erika: There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to Home Depot to pick up lawnmowers lol! Actually it's a lot of fun shopping for "house" things, I have to admit!

  16. Oh I love your sparkly top. That's too cute! Good luck with finishing up moving! I know that can be very stressful.

  17. Great outfit, gorgeous shoes! The Old School reference is hilarious.

  18. You look gorgeous in that ourfit, love the top! I love shopping for interiors, I'm always buying stuff!

  19. You're looking pretty, as usual! So so sorry I'm behind on my blogging / commenting. Thank you for your support, your comments mean a lot of me! My son's still at home this week so we're busy doing stuff every day. The plan is to tire HIM out but we the adults end up more exhausted!

  20. Gorgeous!! Love those shoes, Marie!
    Everything is pieced together perfectly.

  21. gorg! i love your top, the colour really complements you!

    xx raez

  22. hehe, Marie you are so cute!!
    Way to score that top on sale1 I love the detailing on the top as well. And great shoes- I have the same pair ;)


  23. I love that beautiful necklace! It's perfect against that gold top!

  24. ooooh I love those heels! awesome colour :)

  25. You look so pretty lady! And I love those shoes :)

  26. you look beautiful in that outfit-

    that's funny that you feel like your in a frat house, and that you are actually becoming will ferrell!

  27. Really nice outfit, the shoes are gorgeous! HUGS from...

  28. You look really cute in that dress!

    Take a peek! Our first blog.


  29. Thanks for following my blog! You are GORGEOUS, and I love your style :) I'm a new follower.


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