images via Little Plastic Horses, The Zhush, Cotton Candy, we heart it, Boho Vanity, fashion over reason, tumblr
Happy Wednesday! I just wanted to share some cozy winter images with you that I've been crushing on lately. I've been wearing a ton of knits lately paired with warm coats, thick scarves and toque's or beanies so I don't freeze my patooties off! What is your winter like? I live in a very cold climate and the winter season can last anywhere from 6 to 8 months, even sometimes getting a snowfall in June! I'm not kidding! The days are really short, meaning I go to work in the dark and head home when the sun is about to set, hardly getting any time outside in between unless it's the weekend. (Hence the lack of outfit post on this blog lately!) It's kind of depressing and I feel my mood is definitely affected during the long winter months, even though I exercise, get enough sleep and eat fairly well. So I bought myself a Happy Light to help with the winter blues, or S.A.D. which stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's a lamp that gives off full spectrum light the body needs and activates the body's natural mood enhancers. It should be arriving on my doorstep any day now! I can't wait to try it!

I love all of these images! Especially that first one with the super cozy scarf! Even though I no longer live in Edmonton I still get S.A.D. Especially in January.
OH my, I love that first one and the one with the GORGEOUS purple coat! *dies*
You've got me craving big chunky scarves and more berry tones! Gosh, those scarves look aaaaaaawesome! x
I can't wait to hear how that gizmo works for you! I'm weirdly pretty content this winter. I think missing Canadian winters for so many years and now finally experiencing one again is oddly fulfilling for me right now...I am sure next year I will be thoroughly over it though.
Courtney ~
I have been feeling the effect of winter lately, although it's been pretty nice I am so cranky not being able to get out in the sun most days
I love all these cozy images, big thick scarves are my saviour for this time of year
I totally understand where you're coming from! The winter definitely makes me sad and the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere with just my boyfriend and dog is really tough! I live so far from anything :( ahhh let me know how that light works out.. I'm curious to see if it works!! I'll get one if it does :)
thankfully this winter hasn't been bad in Jersey - i couldn't do snow ALL the time - i would defiantly fall into SAD - we had a bad winter a few years back - it was like a slow death - waking up early to snow blow to get to work on time - and really if it snows here - we just don't go to work - we work from home - were kinda' wimps i guess
Love the first one! that scarf and coat <3 xx
ooo i've never heard of such a light- i think i'd be needing one of those too! let me know if it works :) and these images really are oh-so cozy. i wish i looked this chic during winter and not like a grumpy homeless person haha. i especially LOVE that thick knit scarf in the first picture. all the ones i've ever seen are like 70 bucks! ugh i'll just have to keep dreaming
wow, great outfits! the first one is my favorite!
Sometimes I feel that I'm affected by SAD, too, but I'm not always sure. I've never been diagnosed, but there's always something a little depressing about the dreary cloudy days of winter.
Anyway, I hope your Happy Light helps you a lot. :) It sounds lovely! And these pictures are so awesome--love that green sweater in the first one. Such a nice pop of happy color!
i love the first look and also the purple/burgundy coat = so beautiful! :D
<3, Mimi
Oh I love winter so much! I'm not crazy, I just live in Israel. I could write your post "upside down" - I live in a very hot climate and the summer lasts at least 8 months, and most of the time IT'S HOT!!!
Actually, we're having a cold spell now (that you would laugh at). And I don't want it to end :(
Great pictures! That scarf in the first one...ah-mazing.
The first three images are my favourite, such perfect knits and style. Beautiful. Hoe you have a lovely wkd. dear./Madison
I love these pictures! Especially the one of the girl in the burgundy coat and the couple hiding in the sweater
xo Sootjeelina
Awesome photos! What you describe is how I get dressed everyday, sweaters, warm coats and scarves!
Hope you are good!
I love the last pic. Sweet and wintry!
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