
Monday, January 28, 2013

Winter Wear

jacket - Noize from Simons, sweater - Joe Fresh, jeans - Joe's, boots - Sorel, toque - LOST

The temperature in Edmonton is supposed to drop to -41 with the windchill this week and when it gets this cold, I don't want to wear anything but my warm parka and Sorel snow boots! I have to admit I get so jealous when I look at other blogger's sites, I'm talking about bloggers who live somewhere warm like California or Florida (or even Vancouver!) where it's so much easier for them to take outfit photos outside because there's no ice or snow on the ground they have to plow through and they don't have to worry about getting frostbite on their faces while getting their pictures snapped. (Or falling on their ass from slipping on black ice.) That being said, I believe warmth doesn't have to trump style when dressing for deepfreeze temps, you just have to be willing to get creative with your outfits. There are plenty of cute snow boots out there and cute (and warm) jackets to choose from, like this one I purchased at Simons in West Edmonton Mall. I also picked up some cozy sweaters from Joe Fresh that are on sale right now because they're bringing in their spring stock, but our "spring" doesn't arrive until April so I take full advantage of all the "end-of-winter" sales ; ). Add a toque, perhaps a scarf and some mitts and you're ready to go! 


  1. I am sort of dreading this week and the cold. But you look super cute in all your winter wear (I usually wind up looking like a hobo with an obscene amount of layers on).

    Courtney ~

  2. At least by friday it's supposed to be at zero again! Think warm thoughts!!!
    You look awesome and oh so cozy and toasty warm. That joe fresh sweater is adorable and your parka is perfect for the cold!

  3. -38!!!!!!!!! r u kidding me - how are you not FROZEN?! - it went to a windchill of 2 here and i thought i was gonna DIE! - no joke - my limbs were gonna fall off - PROPS to you!

  4. Wow -38 is super cold, even to a minnesota girl :) But you look hot as ever ;)

    {love jenny xoxo}

  5. You look so lovely, cute and warm in the snow! Great coat! I love the cold in E town, as it often still SUNNY outside!
    :) J.

  6. I always feel so bad complaining about our weather when you guys have it so much worse, cold is so annoying! :p

  7. You probably wont want to look at my blog since its summer here! Supposed to be 33 degrees tomorrow eeek! Keep warm xx

  8. fantastic winter outfit!!! i mean.. nothing can make you more comfy in -38 weather than this outfit! :D

    keep warm dear!! :D

    Click me for my NEW BLOG

  9. I love that Joe Fresh sweater. You definitely rock the cold temps in terms of style!

  10. i think your outfit is really cute, so warmth definitely didn't trump your style! :D

    <3, Mimi

  11. You make freezing temperatures and numb limbs look good, girl! And that's saying something... xx

  12. Oh dear -38, that's horrible. We had temperatures like that last week and it was horrible. I'm so ready for summer! Although, if you have to endure winter at least you get to wear cute pieces like that sweater. The colour is awesome!

    Kate xo

  13. Love that coat, so big and warm. x

  14. This outfit looks so cozy!!! I could use that jacket about now - Toronto it having a crazy snow storm! ;)

  15. You do cold weather style really well and those boots are gorgeous, very warm and stylish. You are right cold weather doesn't necessarily mean you have to sacrifice style which you have clearly shown here with your outfit, fab!

    I found your blog through the feature on Petite Adventures and am loving it, I am now following you. I especially like that we are the same age, makes it easier to relate to you and your style.

    Have a fab weekend :)

    Janine xx
    Bake, Glue and Trend!


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