
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

David Gandy: The Dude's Got Style

When I work with my male wardrobe styling clients, I always ask them if there are any celebrities or public figures whose style they admire and I usually get a lot of "Ben Affleck's," Mathew McConaughey's" or "Brad Pitt's" which are great answers! They are all well-dressed men. David Gandy is another guy who is always impeccably dressed and well-groomed. This British model (the most famous male model in the world by the way!) is known around the globe as a style icon for men who want to create a a polished, sharp and classic look. He's definitely one I look to for inspiration when working with clients. He knows how to accessorize, he's not afraid of taking risks, loves to layer and can rock any type of suit. He's definitely my #1!


  1. u have no idea - i LOVE a man who can dress!

  2. This guy has style for days!!!
    Fun post Marie!
    :) J.

  3. Handsome and oh so stylish! When men dress well it's sooo attractive

  4. i dont think i've heard of him, but I can tell you i'm a fan :) definitely a big fan !
    {love jenny xoxo}

  5. Oh. My. God.

    That's all I can say! ;)

  6. he is a BABE! and I love a man that can dress well! slowly buy surely I have made my guy embrace style ;)

  7. Ahhh...the gorgeous Mr. Gandy! Not only is he an amazing model with great personal style, he is also very intelligent and a wickedly witty writer. Your readers might want to follow David's official page for the latest pictures, links to his blogs and updates:

  8. Mr. Gandy is a truly talented gentleman.. I truly enjoy reading his witty articles and blogs.. But there is nothing more sexy than watching Mr. Gandy interact with animals...the man has brains and looks to boot...

  9. The clothes are great but I want to mention the sheer beauty of the man. He is mesmerizing even with his slightly deviated nose. David has the most beautiful head of hair I've ever seen on a man. I love it long because it curls in the back. Valentine's Day and David's birthday is 2/19 could you show us all your David romantic shots with beautiful ladies?

  10. he definitely has great style! :)

    <3, Mimi

  11. David is one of the most impeccably dressed men I have ever seen.Whether he is in jeans and a cowboy hat for Lucky Brand or a suit for M&S he looks stunning. But what makes Mr.Gandy my choice for the Sexiest man Alive,he is humble, genuine, sweet, funny and an all around great Guy!

  12. How is it that this is the first time I'm hearing of David Gandy? My interest in mens fashion was pretty much nil before ready this post... but I firmly believe that the man makes the suit, and this is a man who clearly knows how to wear his clothes!

  13. Mr. Gandy age has made you nothing but more attractive since your early D&G days. Your a style icon for men and every womens fantasy. I hear you have a sence of humor too.Blue Steel. Purfect. Ahhh to be a few years younger....

  14. Nom nom :) What a gorgeous eyes!

  15. Yes! He has great style!! So do the other three guys ;)

  16. Wow I've never heard of this guy, but he is GORGEOUS!!


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