source: People
According to her rep, Lindsay Lohan's little sister Ali (above), a model, looks different due to a "teenage growth spurt" and has never had any plastic surgery and has never considered it. "Her success as a model lies with her natural looks and she has no interest in changing that." Oh my God, are you serious?? No plastic surgery?? She has a complete NEW FACE! And she's only seventeen! Where is her mother? Trying to keep her other daughter out of jail? Dear Lord, what is our society coming to when teenage girls feel the need to perfectly carve out their faces because they're not happy with who they are on the outside and more importantly, the inside? Is this the age of "Design -a-Face?" Her bones probably haven't even finished developing yet! This is just BONKERS to me!
If Ali Lohan hasn't had any plastic surgery than Osama Bin Laden is still alive and Kate Gosselin's a virgin.

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Just looks like she's lost weight to me.
She looks frightening. Not natural at all. Her mom is definitely not winning any mom of the year trophies any time soon.
OMG!!!!! that can't be her!!!!! the bottom half of her face is someone else's!!! I hope that's just a pic of a look-a-like and people mag just got it wrong!
i am creeped out beyond belief.
She looks absolutely disgusting here, she was so much prettier before! I hate seeing mess with natural beauty
OH MY GOD. she honestly looks horrendous. I can't believe how different she looks!!
haha...she's totally had something done...the first thing I noticed were her cheekbones...but now I see that her lips are WAY bigger too...and lips don't get bigger due to weightloss/growing up!
Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired
Ugh she looks DISGUSTING!! Wow that's shameful
No kidding! I would have NEVER recognized her! It's a pity, she was so pretty when she was growing up, it's a shame she didn't recognize that.
woow she was so much better before, seriously what is the mom doing! poor both her daughters...
I saw this on Dlisted the other day and could not believe my eyes. She looks bizarre - like a completely different person. What did she do to her all-American good looks?
And then to lie about - please.
The Lohan's define dysfunctional family. Sad.
Is it me or is her face...stretched?
Such a shame, she looked so gorgeous before.
Lohans nowadays, eh?
Charlotte xx
my thoughts exactly! she looks awful!
Judging by some other pics I saw of her on another gossip site I'd say that most defo she's had her nose done, but I also think she's had lip injections and even an eyelift? It's hard to put your finger on it exactly but she's changed so much int he last 3 months that it's completely redic!
she looks awful, but i wanna see more photos!
Thats so sad! I completely agree..
WTF!?!? What the hell happened to her?!??! That's so wrong on so many levels! X
Wow! People grow up so fast! I don't know - I never seem to be able to tell who has had plastic surgery or not!
Amazing blog!!!!
I can't believe this girl is only 17, she looks way older. I'd say work was definitely done.
hmmm so your lips gets bigger as you get older...i wish! i definitely think shes had some kind of lip filler and lost a stack of weight. the lohans certainly won the gene pool lottery for good looks..and i think thats about it.
GAH...yikes! something fishy going on here!
Blogaversary Giveaway
Gross. Seriously, that's plastic surgery, who the hell do they think they're fooling?
xoxo ~ Courtney
AMEN. Obviously I don't have a problem with a little nip/tuck here and there (what with my own tummy tuck), but on a 17 year old? Nope. And then to lie about it? Whatevs. She doesn't even look like the same person. Sad sad sad.
OMG I'm so there with you!! I saw her and screamed out SKELETOR!!! (no that's marc anthony, but she most def looks like his sister...)
Dina Lohan should be in the clanker!! Next thing you know her son will undergo surgery to become a woman just so Deena can make yet another buck off her kids.
This frickin Ali looks like hell in a handbasket. That's plastic surgery for days and the girl needs a sandwich!!
eww she looks plastic! her new face is awful, I feel so bad for the Lohan clan, they have so many issues.
I think she looked much better in the before pic!
Wow, she barely looks like the same girl :-/
when i saw this on the news i wanted to cry for her. 17 year olds certainly arent competent enough to make decisions like this that impact them permanently!!! disgusting!!!
and honestly, she was a cute girl she looks like a monster.
that is a scary face.. i prefer her old one lol.
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