Today's an exciting day! I'm going to one of my favorite places in the world -LAS FREAKIN' VEGAS!- to celebrate my birthday for a few days but I'll be back with more posts next week. I'm really looking forward to a mini-break plus I heard it's going to be about 30 degrees while we're there. It snowed last week in Edmonton so I am very much looking forward to the warmer weather and getting some sun by the pool. (My vampire skin will thank me.) I'm also looking forward to the outlet shopping. OUTLET SHOPPING - two of my favorite words. Have a great week! I'll be posting photos during my trip on instagram @mariealamode and tweeting if you want to follow along. What happens in shared through social media ; ).

Ohhh have fun!! This sounds exciting, I have never been to Vegas but it looks so awesome. Especially with the outlet shopping ;)
Happy early Birthday!
Woohoo! I hope you have a wonderful trip :)
yay Vegas!!! I hope you have a great time and a fabulous birthday!!
Have an awesome trip - that sounds really fun!
Courtney ~
:) J.
Have an amazing time!! I've never been to Vegas! but I think I should go eventually since it's so close! Have an amazing birthday and shop till you drop!!
HOW COOL!!! I've only been once and I really really liked it, so much to do, to see and to shop! Enjoy it very much and happy bday again!
Outlet shopping!!!! Lucky. Let me know what you find.
goo! Enjoy your trip, I'm jealous right now already. A Vegas break sounds like heaven right now....
Shop till your feet fall off and have fun! (that's a given, right???)
AND happy birthday too!
oh, that's really exciting! have fun in vegas!!! :D
<3, Mimi
LensVillage Giveaway
oh, have such a lovely trip dear! i'm so jealous of your travels!
lindsey louise
Hi :) I just found your amazing blog. I really like your posts and of course your style is pretty amazing. I'm your new Follower.
xo, Petra
If you have time please take a look on my blog and my new Outfit post
hope you have a great time. so jealous! always wanted to go to vegas!
have fun at Las Vegas!
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