
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 Newbies I Love

Whenever I try a new makeup product that I love I always want to share it with you guys. Kind of like an awesome song that you think no one else has heard but you think it's soooo good that you have to tell everyone and their dog about it. (By the way that song for me this summer was this tune.) What I'm saying is that most of you have probably heard about these cosmetics, especially if you're a MUA (Make Up Addict, that is) but if you haven't, I'm here to tell you about them ; ).

MAC Fix + - A makeup artist sprayed this on me a couple of weeks ago on a photo shoot I was helping with. She used it on the models before and after she applied their makeup. Fix + is an aqua-spritz of vitamins, minerals, green tea, chamomile and cucumber that the skin literally drinks up. I've been spraying my face with it after I put on my foundation and blush and my makeup literally does not move for 8+ hours. It also prevents my foundation from caking and seeping into my pores, giving me a nice glow instead. It's reasonably priced at $24.00 CDN and I'm guessing it will last me at least 4 or 5 months. Love it.

Joe Cream Blush in Apricot - A different makeup artist recommended this to me! It's a gorgeous color, easy to apply, long-lasting and leaves a nice dewy glow on my cheeks. I got it from Superstore, which is a Canadian grocery store that also sells the popular clothing line Joe Fresh. (Yes, clothing and produce all in the same spot. It's your one-stop shop!) It was $8.00 which I think is a fair price.

Avon Glimmersticks Eye Liner in Blackest Black G01 - This liner glides on so smoothly and doesn't smudge on me. Great staying power, too. It doesn't go on as thick as it is in the picture, I pressed hard on the pencil for the photo, that's all. Comes in a wide array of colors. I got it on sale for $1.99. This was a no-brainer. 

Have you tried any of these products? 

Oh, I finally have a facebook page for Marie a la Mode, if you like me you can "LIKE" me here! ; )

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  1. I'm intrigued by this mist, I'm also going to have to try the Joe Fresh make up because I keep hearing great things about it!

  2. I love the joe fresh make up also! The lip gloss is amazing too. That is a great colour of blush! Will try it out. I have heard about the fix plus, so cool! That product is also on my wish list!
    Great post!
    :) J.

  3. I love the Avon liners (I'm usually pretty impressed with their stuff) and I desperately want to try the MAC stuff now - it looks incredible!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  4. ohhhh I LOOOVE those mist things, especially mist toners. I'm out of both, so let me go pick up some, lol.

    Thanks for sharing those products, love it when people share their favorites:]

  5. i will be hitting up the MAC counter ASAP for the Fix+ -- thanks girl!

    *kiss kiss*
    Erika~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  6. I've been a HUGE fix+ fan for about 2 years now...i swear by it in the summer when it's hot and I don't want my makeup to "run". Urban Decay's "all nighter" spray is a decent alternative too -same sort of idea!

    Pumped up kicks was "my" song too this summer, even had it on my blog for a month or so... LOVE that song!

  7. Yup I'm heading to MAC asap!
    Thanks for sharing Marie!

  8. Awesome post Marie! My friend Donna who's a make-up artist told me about Fix awhile back and I still haven't tried it, looks GREAT (especially for summer makeup meltdowns).

    I've been curious about the Joe products and that colour looks fab! :)

  9. hmm you tempted me towards that flash fixer!

  10. I have fix + but pretty much never use it (not sure why). I need to give it a try to help keep my makeup on. I love the Joe Fresh cream blush I own. They remind me a lot of MAC's blushcremes but at less than 1/2 the price.
    Just joined your new facebook page and love the dress you are wearing in the main picture.

  11. you know MAC fix plus is something I want to invest my money in - and I am just venturing into the mac world! I own 2 things and love them so much. Thanks for the recommendations!

    xo Nav

  12. Nice, love MAC makeup!

  13. i have ben using fix for years...I sometime spray it on before applying any make-up for a dewy look :)

    Lilac and Grey

  14. the apricot blush is just gorgeous!! I remember the fix+ being really good too :D

  15. Last year was the first time I bought Fix+ and I haven't turned back since. I don't know how I lived without it, I absolutely love it...mine has lasted about 6 months so very affordable! Love the look of that blush, going to seek that one out :)

  16. I've always wanted to try fix+, sounds great! Avon have some amazing eye liners, love how black this one is! x


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