Here's Jessica Simpson in Beverly Hills last weekend without her mom jeans pants on after a photo shoot. Well, maybe she's wearing reeeeeally short shorts and we can't see them. Or maybe she isn't. Let's just hope she didn't pull a Paris Hilton under there! Question of the day: not wearing bottoms with a top in public: is it tacky or (soon to be) trendy? In my opinion, it's Tacky with a capital "T". Unless your last name is Gaga ; ).

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Omgosh I can't believe this! Where are her pants?!?! This is TACKY.
Oh HAIL no. I saw this last night and just have to shake my head. She is such a gorgeous girl - I wish she dressed better. Sigh.
reallllllly hope she has shorts on under that!
lol not my favorite look on her!!
XOXO, pants are pretty much a "must" I think. Seriously, yikes.
xoxo ~ Courtney
Despite the no pants on her, she look great! and I really really love her shoes!
Miss Neira
HAHAHA ohh Jessica... I would believe it if she actually forgot to put her pants on lol
That is SO awful... eeek! What was Jessica thinking. xx veronika
Not only does that look tacky, but it is not flattering at ALL!
Actually she was preparing for a photoshoot. Iread this in an article somewhere :)
Oh God, when would she ever learn? NEVER!!!! Even if she wore shorts underneath that chunky sweater, it wouldn't make a difference. I feel bad for her, she looks so ditsy :(
Wow that's a little awkward o.O haha....not good at all
i'm so glad you posted this. i saw the picture yesterday and thought WTH is wrong with her?? apart from the dany platform i'm not sure she's done much right the past few years. i don't know if this chick can even think straight. WHAT ON EARTH?
Apparently she doesn't care! :P
Oh no! My first thought, (after I gasped), was "Jessica, honey, you forgot your pants!" I like her and feel bad she got so much slack after her weight gain... seriously, your average American is not a size 2...leave the girl alone but in this case... she's asking to be made fun of. xo
Yikes...She looks a little flustered too. Maybe she really did forget to put on pants! lol
:) J.
i saw a similar outfit on someone the other day at the mall and had to really look to figure out they did, in fact, have shorts on. not a great look...
hmmm, lets hope she is wearing shorts!! :)SarahD
PS I am loving your Anne Klein blazer in the post below. :)
depends on the length of the top i suppose. jessica's top is way too short to be without pants so i'm gonna go with tacky here.
but hey...look at that! we have the same short stubby legs. awesome!
omg what is wrong with her? she looks awful! have never been a fan on this girl's. she really just doesnt know how to dress herself.
LOL what was she thinking?
bananas: I've seen your legs! You have nice legs!
haha if you have a sumexy legs why not? But if it's fat I don't really like to see it XD
uh! oh my god
someone needs some paaants! that sweater is so icky too.
Oh no!
Poor Jess!
At least her hair looks good!
I don't think it's a look I would recreate. Haha!
capital TACKY!
Apparently she was wearing denim shorts, unflattering!
Lela London - (I'm currently running a shoe competition at my fashion blog!)
heels and no pants, not good... well at least in public!
haha poor jess. i do really like her shoes and bag though!
TACKY! With skanky and just plain wrong mixed in there as well. If this becomes a trend, I refuse to go out in public. Imagine older ladies trying to rock rock this look.. yikes! ha
Her hair looks really cute though! For every negative there's a positive right? :)
Absolutely horrendous, there is nothing about this that looks good!!
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