Here's Brit Brit with Nicki Minaj at Nicki's official concert after party at The Factory in West Hollywood Friday night. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw these photos was, "I guess Britney couldn't be bothered to put a little makeup on." In the past she couldn't be bothered to wear shoes in public restrooms at gas stations so should I be surprised? What do you think? Should Britney have made the effort to look a bit more presentable, especially if she knew she'd be photographed by tons of paparazzi? Or is bare-faced Britney your preference? OR who the hell cares, she can do whatever she wants??? Let me know in the comment section below!
I hope you're all having a relaxing Easter Weekend and eating lots of chocolate ; )
I hope you're all having a relaxing Easter Weekend and eating lots of chocolate ; )

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Haha, I don't really care what she does anymore...she's just gone coocoo...but she is getting better
Marire would you believe I am trying to make do with less makeup! I love the ritual so always do my creams, yeyes lips and blush!
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I feel like what happened was maybe she had her makeup done (I mean it looks like she's wearing eye makeup) and then she didn't have a touch up before these photos were taken -- if that's what happened then I kind of love it. I mean, it's more normal than continually checking/touching up your makeup every 20 minutes right? Makeup wears off...and not caring if you look totally airbrushed is probably a healthy attitude. Plus I think she looks pretty cute here, she looks happy and like she's having a good time and not all C Love crazy train nuts (which I think we can all agree she's looked like on more than one occasion over the last years). Yeah, I'm gonna say I approve!
xoxo ~ Courtney
It looks as though she did it herself and didn't employ the use of a make up artist, nothing wrong with that!
I honestly don't know what to think about Britney anymore. Maybe she is comfortable i her own skin? Who knows.
But then again lookig cloesly at the phot, looks like she has a slight bit of make up o her eyes that might have worn off? xo
considering how she's appeared in public before, i don't think there is anything wrong with this picture. she looks great (see: much healthier) and i think it's fine for her to go out with just a "normal" amount of makeup on.
i think she should've put a little makeup on. but then again, there are days when you just don't feel like wearing makeup, but she's a celebrity... aaah, whatever. ;)
<3, Mimi
I don't personally like Britney or should I say I just didn't care for her so much... I liked a few of her songs but I was never crazy about her... I felt sorry for her when she was in a rut... but when she pulled herself out of that big mess she was in, I looked at her as an inspiration... I actually felt happy for her that she is actually getting her life back... as a mother like her, I felt her pain when she couldn't care for her own kids & I felt for her kids who didn't have a normal mommy for them to have... so I actually don't have any negative things to say about Britney!! makeup or no makeup I have respect for her...
but to answer your question, I think as a celebrity, who's seen in public most of the time, she should always look presentable especially for someone who gets hit by criticism left & right... but for someone who already went thru a lot, she probably didn't care what people would think or say about her... she knows whatever she does she can't please anybody...
but to be honest, she looks great without makeup on, I've seen worse on other celebrities... she actually does not look bad at all... but that's just my personal opinion.. =)
sorry for the blah blah's... hahaha.. I got too carried away! great post Marie! you got people to voice out their opinions...
She's naturally beautiful! Britney will always be Britney. Her new songs are really catchy.
Annette: Thank you! I love hearing all of my reader's opinions. I'm glad Britney has gotten her life back on track and can be a good mom to her two boys, too. I felt so sorry for her when she was going through such a tough time a couple of years ago : ( Thank you for your comment!
I think that Britbrit is just super laid-back.
Not the celeb-type to always have her entourage of makeup/hair people fluffing and primping her. She's just a down-home girl from the south that's probably so OVER the hollywood scene but still has a career that demands she be in the public eye.
I think she's talented but was so over-produced and manufactured...but now a days we're seeing the true, laid-back britney...
I'm ok with her either way!
hope you're having an awesome easter weekend!!!
I don't really care. ;) But all the more power to her. I don't think women should be expected to wear make-up anywhere...even if they're Britney Spears!
I think that it's nice that she had the confidence to not appear overly made-up. Although I couldn't live without foundation, I think it's sad that women are often made to feel that they aren't beautiful without piling on the makeup.
She's still pretty without any makeup on :))
I think she still looks great!
Happy Easter, darling!
I actually think she looks really radiant in those pics. Nice to see her smiling and happy. :)SArahD
well maybe some concealer for those pimples but a part that, she can pull off the no make up look!
haha well... i personally dont care. i know there are times when i go out w/o makeup BUT i am not my own personal brand. :) soo she should probs put a little effort in... but to each their own :)
i think she doesn't gives a rat's arse anymore. good for her.. but i agree, she should make "some" effort lol, after all it is her job!
it looks like she has make-up on to me, but maybe she got a work-out in or something that made her sweat most of it off?! IDK but she does look a bit of a mess...
hahaha well I guess being in the public eye for 10 years after enough bad pics of you you just don't care? today I got no make up on and got my glasses but ugggh it's long weekend and I'm at work hahaha ahh well I work with a bunch of tech dudes they don't know the diff!
oh dear god why????? she needs to start putting more effort into her look, she's Britney Spears!!!
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