
Friday, February 11, 2011

Keltie Winner Announced!

Thank you to all of you who entered my Keltie Colleen Giveaway and for all your sweet comments on my interview with her! And a big thanks and hug to Keltie for sponsoring the giveaway, you're the bee's knees and way too good for Brad Womack. (Just sayin'!) So....I'm excited to announce that wide_eyed_dreamer is the winner of Keltie's Plie Tee and an autographed copy of her book "Rockettes, Rockstars and Rockbottom!" Congratulations! I will be emailing you for your address shortly.

Have a relaxing weekend everyone. I have two birthdays to celebrate this weekend, one of them being my best friend's so I'm pumped like Arnold Schwarzenegger circa 'Terminator.' I'll be back next week with an outfit post, it seems like I haven't done one of those in forever, I know!

Oh, and check out Funny Face Beauty's Red Carpet Make-up Contest - there are some amazing prizes to be won : ).


  1. Congrats to the winner, enjoy your weekend Marie!

  2. Congrats to the winner!
    Have fun at your birthday celebrations :D I wish I had plans...hah

  3. Congrats to the winner - and have an awesome weekend!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  4. congrats to the winner! and yeah first time I heard the Gaga song I was like hmmm catchy, I think I've heard something like this before? ohhh EXPRESS YOURSELF! ha. have a great weekend!

  5. That's fabulous, and congrats to the winner! Have a good weekend love...definitely sounds like a more upbeat one than mine lol, I'm headed off to a little secluded island with my friends and I'm pretty sure we're going to just eat and sit on couches all weekend. A bit more low-key haha.

    Alexandra xo

  6. Your comment just made me bust out laughing so hard!!! I can't believe you gave up aspartame!! That's crazy! Good for you! It may be me in a can but I still hate the concept. Anyways, love you and FMAH
    Tam xo

  7. Ah too bad I just barely discovered your blog! Congrats to the winner :)

  8. congrats to the lucky winner! have a fantastic weekend! :D

    <3, Mimi

  9. I'm making inaudiable squealing noises! Ah! Expect a fangirling email in response! <3

  10. Congrats to the winner. Have a fantastic weekend, plenty of fun times! :)SarahD

    PS Loving Lady Gaga on Vogue. :)


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