
Monday, January 3, 2011

NYE: Better Late Than Never

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dress - Banana Republic Outlet   necklace and ring - F21   shoes - Aldo   tights - Walmart

Happy New Year! Like my last post, I'm a little late in posting these pics but better late than never right? This outfit was not what I planned on wearing for our friends' house party but I changed my mind at the last minute and slipped into this dress ten minutes before we had to leave. I got it at a Banana Republic outlet for about $30 during Boxing Week. It was regularly $80.00 so I did good! D. and I spent our New Year's Eve with friends, food, drinks and Michael Jackson's "The Experience" on the Wii which is SO much fun by the way! (I may or may not have won a  little dance-off to "Smooth Criminal.")

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Cheers! With my friends Kristin and Danna

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 Kristin always decorates her house beautifully

This is how the Canadians throw down!

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Getting the champagne ready

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Ringing in 2011 with a delicious melon ball cocktail my friend Jared made me

I usually don't make any New Year's resolutions, I stopped a long time ago when I vowed to stop biting my nails and failed miserably but the sweet Sisi tagged me and I thought, "why not?" It's good to have goals. So here they are:

1. Learn how to cook. I mean really cook. Not just spaghetti, salads and quesadilla's, I'm talking full-on RECIPES! My friends, my aunts, have all given me cook books in the past few months (hint hint?) and they've been collecting dust on my book shelf. I want to put them to use this year!

2. Become a better Vegetarian. I'm the worst. I hate tofu and fake meat (besides the veggie ground round) and I don't eat fish. Not knowing how to cook doesn't help either although D. makes some delicious meals for me if he doesn't get home from work too late during the week. I also find it difficult to fit all the proper nutrients into my diet every day. But I'm going to try to eat better and make more of an effort to be a healthy non meat-eater.

3. Get outside more (when it's warmer than minus 20 degrees celsius.) I work inside, I work-out inside, I'm always inside. I need to enjoy the fresh air more often, not just when I'm walking to and from my car.

4. Take my blog to the next level.

5. Learn how to use my Nikon D3000 DSLR camera, beyond the automatic setting.

6. Stop spending so much money on clothes and makeup. Enough said.

7. Live life to the fullest each day. After attending two funerals in two weeks over the holidays, one of them being that of a ten year old child's, really made me take a look at myself and my life and the people in it. And how it could all end in a flash. I don't want to have any regrets and I want my family and friends to know how much they mean to me so I'm not going to be afraid or hesitant to tell them often. And instead of daydreaming or thinking about all I have to do that day while in the middle of a random conversation I'm having with someone (we all do it!) I'm going to actually listen instead of pretending to. Because I can certainly take time out of my busy day to do just that.

8. I'll stop at 7 because that's my lucky number.

I tag all of you to make a post about your 2011 goals. Even if it's just one thing you want to accomplish this year, write it down or post about it and make it happen!

I also want to thank you for all your support and comments on my blog these past few months. I appreciate it more than you know!


  1. Love your NYE outfit, Marie! It looks like you had a great night with great friends!

    Great resolutions as well! I think they're all attainable and inspiring! Best of luck with them! ;)


  2. Love that dress and great goals/resolutions!! Some are the same as mine :)

  3. sound like you all have fun on that day . hope not to late wish you Happy new Year . All the best and sweet for this year .

    Danna's nicelace looks nice on her neck and suit her dress .

  4. Oh your dress is so pretty, you look gorgeous! Looks like a fun NYE! I also like your goals. I may have to make some this year even though I usually don't.

  5. Aw, you look so pretty! Looks like you guys had a ball! And those are some good resolutions! As for meat substitutions, try incorporating black beans & chickpeas... they easily go in almost anything!! Plus add bulk & protein!

  6. Great resolutions - especially about living life to the fullest, that's wonderful advice for anyone really. And if you're ever looking for good vegetarian recipes I've got a ton to share!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

    P.S. I love your party photos, that necklace is gorgeous!

  7. Great post! You look stunning as usual and I love that dress. Great choice for New Years
    I also like your resolutions especially to live life to the fullest (I can't even imagine how upsetting those funerals must have been).
    I have been a vegetarian for 16 years but am probably not the best vegetarian either. I tend to be really picky but I do love that veggie ground round. I like to cook it in a pan with basil, oregano, carrots, onions, and tomato sauce and then it stew for about an hour. Then I add it on top of pasta. It tastes amazing!


  8. Wow--your hair looks really good in these pictures! I mean, it always does...but it looks REALLY good here. Mewow.

    Good luck with your resolutions. I enjoyed reading them. I need to get outside more, too...that's why I can't wait for spring! And I can't wait to see how you accomplish #4 this year--I'll be with you the whole way. :)

  9. MArie you look absolutely amazing! I think you have great resolutions! Love you :) I especially like the get outside one :)
    Tamera FMAH

  10. Your outfit is super cute & I love the decorations at Kristen's house! I love anything blingy or shiney ;]]

    Awesome resolutions =]] Thanks for sharing.


  11. These are some great goals! I too plan on being financially more responsible, which means not spending money on clothes and shoes. I am also a vegetarian but I love it - I love tofu and experimenting in the kitchen. Try it .. you will enjoy cooking!

  12. great photos!love you dress!!!happy new year!

  13. lovely outfit for nye! haha I've been playing MJ the experience too, sometimes I find that I am doing the moves but Im only getting "ok"! haha but it's still fun

  14. Glad to see you had a fabulous New Year celebration.
    I love your pattern dress

  15. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011


    Your blog is smily, i like your universe.


    Gentleman W.

  16. good luck learning with the dsrl ! im sure you'll have lots of fun with it :)
    and i have the elephant necklace too :)

    glisters and blisters

  17. This looks like such a fun NYE! You had me at cocktails! That's an excellent list of resolutions. I wish you the absolute best for 2011, dear! xo

  18. great photos! and i love your dress...and such a bargain too. loved reading your resolutions, stop spending so much money on clothes is one of mine too...but i think i'll steal your 7th one, living life to the fullest is something we could all do more of. hope you have a fantastic 2011 :)

  19. Funny Face Beauty: Thanks for the idea! I'm going to try it, it sounds yummy : )

  20. hahahA! love your resolutions! Mine is to stop buying so much and invest in good stuff!
    you look gorgeous!
    Happy NEw YEar!!

  21. Live life to the fullest...I am also going by this one for 2011. Your dress is so pretty, love the elephant necklace. Melon the sound of that! :)SArahD

  22. That tree is so gorgeous!
    And love that dress =)
    You look smashing as always.

  23. You look gorgeous as usual, love the dress! I need to get more active and get out too! x

  24. So gorgeous, love! Your necklace is beautiful and that dress is just perfect! xoxo, Annemarie

  25. Indeed, we Canadians do know how to throw down! (the enormous bottle of CC made me chuckle!)

    Lovely dress for New Years,,,looks like you kids had a great time!
    I also liked your list of goals. The one I always struggle with is spending less money on clothes and makeup (since my blog seems to be focus around it!!)

  26. So lovely! I have almost the exact same vintage elephant necklace, I about freaked when I had seen it at Forever.

    Im your newest follower! Hope youll like to follow me too : )


  27. You look fabulous! You're so gorgeous. These are great goals, I wish you the best of luck :)

  28. great resolutions! you looked fantastic on NYE and here's to 2011 being a great year and living life to the fullest.


  29. 1. Thank you for the thoughtful comment you left on my blog, for taking the time out to even read what I wrote. It's really appreciated.

    2. Yes! Go for a post without makeup. I wish more people would be okay with showing themselves at least once instead of the facades we all paint on.

    3. My condolences that the past two weeks were colored by loss. I think the message you took from it all is really positive.

    4. Ditto on eating healthy and learning to cook. I'm terrible at both.

    5. Happy new year, Marie!

  30. WHAT is a melon ball cocktail?! looks and sounds DEVINE. must look it up STAT.

    happy new year to and yours!

  31. A. You looked amazing on NYE...I loved the Club pic, too. We should have met up for one of those. hehe

    B. Yes to spend less. Yes, yes, yes.

    C. Getting outside is a must. Think layers. I'm sorry that's all I've got!!


  32. That looks like so much fun! I love your elephant necklace!

  33. you're ROCK lady! xx

  34. Gorgeous photos and resolutions, darling!

    Happy 2011!


  35. You look fantastic!!

    I am so on board with your 'better vegetarian' goal, I am in the same boat. It's hard to get all the right nutrients & I don't have much interest in cooking either. I hate all the fake meats too, they feel too meaty!! Hubby gave me a cookbook called the Vegetarian Bible which has inspired me more than any before. The dishes aren't all black beans based (I run into this too often!) and the pictures are pretty too :)
    I started meal planning on Sunday & getting what I needed for the week. (I guess that's what normal people do??) This is the first week, so far so good!
    Good luck, keep us posted!

  36. Looks like New Years was a blast! You looked lovely!!! Love the dress.
    Great post :)

  37. What a fun looking party! You looked beautiful of course!

  38. Yay! I'm glad you decided to do it, it's a good self motivation when you post it out there, me thinks :]

    I love that you still have your Christmas tree up!

    I used to bite my nails all the time.. until I started blogging and saw pictures of cute nail polished nails... It's been 2 months since I quit! Putting on nail polish and keeping my nails groomed definitely help. I can't let them grow out long because I will bite them >.<

  39. Happy New Year Marie! I guess I had JUST missed Dustin and Darren I think when I arrived at Rob's place. :(

    Great resolutions! Some of mine are to be more patient, improve my nutrition & exercise all while continually improving myself. :)

  40. Meredith: Oh, that's too bad! I wish i would have stopped by with them...and seen you!

  41. The elephant is adorable!

  42. you look all so stylish, looks you have a fun party ! x


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