
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Re-decorating & This Only Happens to Me

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This past weekend I started organizing and re-decorating my boyfriend's house I just moved into. (I guess I can call it "our" home now!) He had it decorated nicely when I moved in but it screamed BACHELOR PAD and needed some sprucing up. Enter Moi! I thought I would start with a few accents to update what he already had to mesh our tastes together. And since the one rule he gave me was "No pink!" I worked with neutral colors. The hardest part was staying within my budget but I did it! First I picked up these cute polka dot pillows at Ikea for $25.00 each.

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I brought this wooden vase with me from my place and bought three bundles of white branches from Ikea for $7.99 each.

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I also got this simple floor lamp from - you guessed it - Ikea. The shade was $15.99 and the base $39.99.

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There was no color-scheme in the bathroom. So I chose light blue, light brown and dark brown to go with the light brown tiles and claw-foot bathtub which I LOVE. The shower curtain was $50.00 and the rings $8.00 for a pack of 12 at Bed Bath & Beyond.

So that's all I've done so far.D. hasn't seen any of this because he's out of town until Friday. I hope he likes it!

My next task: Moving this out of our bedroom:
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This is the last thing I see before falling asleep. I often dream of Jacob Black and the rest of the werewolf pack from 'Twilight'. A little creepy don't you think? I also need to transplant these to D.'s Man Cave:

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I'm speechless. This picture was also taken in our bedroom. Yes, ladies. Cute panda bears and a skull all in the same area.

So when I got home late from Ikea yesterday (my second trip in two days), I was so hungry I wanted to make something quick so I turned to Kraft Dinner and cooked up some Mac & Cheese. After eating I went to the drugstore, filled up with gas and picked up some groceries. Unbeknownst to me I did all of that in public with THIS on my nose:
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Yup, Mac & Cheese powder right on my shnozzle. AND NO ONE SAID ANYTHING!!! Not even the pharmacist I discussed Vitamin B12 with for a couple of minutes! If I saw someone that looked like they snorted Kraft Dinner I would tell them so they wouldn't look like a complete idiot like I did. I was so embarrassed! This only happens to me! If you saw a stranger with a bright orange streak on her face would YOU say something? I sure hope so!

Have a good day! And ALWAYS look in the mirror before you leave the house ; )


  1. The house looks so good! And oh no! How embarrassing!!!! :( I would have told you

  2. Closet Fashionista: THANK YOU! I would have SO appreciated someone telling me! lol


    lady that has happened to me! maybe not mac & cheese but something! and yes i agree it's uber embarassing.

    love what you've done with the place...though that wolfpack print has got to go. goo!

  4. Hahahahaa I am laughing out loud! It started with the wolf, then the pandas and skull (?!) and to top it all off... your nose! You poor thing, I cringed with embarrassment at the mere thought, but it is hilarious. I need to catch my breath and get back to some less than funny packing. I like what you got from Ikea, by the way!

  5. Congrats on the move in with the b/'s definitely your place now too! Nix the Jacob Black artwork, skulls and pandas forsure! LOLOL And yay to Ikea..amazing what you can find for cheap! DO you have Urban Barn where you're at (we do in Calgary) and I love it for trendy, affordable pieces.
    Sorry about the KD nose incident...people are just too nice to say anything aren't they!!!

  6. the Mac and Cheese thing is hysterical! - i've had so many miss-haps like that - but i just shrug em' off and laugh back at them :o)

    ps i'm loven' the skull!

  7. great ways to add a touch of femme to a bachelor pad! & about the nose... LOL how embarassing!!!! something similar happened to me before, and i was mortified!

  8. Oh no I'm so sorry! The only thing I can say is that it happens to all of us at one point or another! It's just usually green in the teeth for me!
    xo tash

  9. lol GREAT POST MARIE!!! lol THanks for sharing.
    THe cheese on the nose is priceless! I would have told you that it was there!!!
    LOVE WHAT YOU BOUGHT FOR YOUR NEW PLACE! Great colors!!! I especially love that shower curtain and the pillows! :)
    Yes maybe somethings could be reorganized to the man cave as you mentioned ;)
    :) J.

  10. I love you! You are too funny! I lol'ed at the wolf, you would not believe how difficult it was when we got married, oh my, we had some horrors, too! You did a fab job! XX!

  11. I nominated you for a blog award on my site, if you get a chance, check it out.

  12. Aww about your nose. That's horrible. I don't know why people don't say something in these kinds of situations! If it was minor, I might not, but (no offense now!) that's really bad!

    I have those pillows!!

    House is looking good, but I totally see how you have your work cut out for you. It seems like he's basically given you free reign over decorating though, so that's nice. I'd hate it if he put up a fight over that lovely portrait of McWolf. I'm so not into the animal least not in my house. Thanks for posting pics--I love interior decorating!

  13. Gorgeous new place, Marie!
    Love the couch, cushions, and dried plant hehe.
    I laughed so hard at the Wolf pic and the skull! hehe.

  14. LOL!! the snorting kraft dinner made me laugh hysterically. I can't believe no one said anything hahaha

  15. you did such a great job, the small touches you added make a huge difference.
    oh how I love IKEA, I have to make a trip to one soon, to pick up some stuff as well.

  16. I love your story about the Mac& Cheese!:) Thats something that would happen to me, also!! haha. Your house is looking fab, love those cushions. :)SarahD

  17. I like the pillows and your other new items, but the skull probably needs to go, at least out of the bedroom!

    the Mac and Cheese thing is too funny! I would have told you, I swear!


  18. lol omg that's horrible! no one told you!? maybe they thought it was some sort of medication.... awww :( and btw I love those shower curtains!

  19. Ugh. What is it with men and wolves!! ha ha. I love redecorating. It's my favorite project to keep myself busy during the slow acting season and the rainy months. is my fave ideas blog.

  20. aw thats so embarassing! :( haha but quite entertaining too ;) i love that lamp there.. so chic

  21. I totally just saw those branches at Ikea and wanted to get them. Great choice!

  22. I don't know where to begin...okay, how's your nose? hehe That is TOO hilarious!! You poor thing! But you have to laugh, no?

    And I love what you did to your new place. The shower curtain is especially spectacular, but let me say you hit the jackpot at IKEA too. Love those pillows!!

    I didn't make it to Edmonton this time, hopefully next. I grew up east of the city on the FARM! woot!!

    And thanks for checking in on my blog while I was away. I appreciate it and look forward to getting caught up!


  23. I love what you did with the place! I'm sure he will too. It's very modern and not too girly! So cute. Doesn't everyone snort kraft powdered cheese?? Ha :p

  24. ha ha ha that is hilarious! That would so happen to me too. how did you get it on your nose? we may never know. your boy's home definitely needed a female touch, and i think you did a fab job.


  25. Your place is looking great. I bet your boyfriend will be so happy with your touches. It still has a masculine feel...a little less masculine than a skull but still masculine ;) I love that claw tub too!
    Sorry about your KD disaster. That sort of stuff happens to me all the time.


  26. First, nice work on the re-decorating! You have a real knack for it!
    Second, I would totally tell you (or anyone) that they had cheese on their nose!
    Third, I gave you a blog award; you can pick it up from my blog!

  27. LOL!! Oh Marie that KD story is sooo funny but sooo embarrassing! lol not to make you feel worse or anything! haha. I would probably tell a stranger if they had something on their face....those mean people!!
    p.s. the house looks great- you have a great eye! Especially love the bathtub!! And ya, that wolf picture has to go...i might have nightmares now too!! ;)


  28. Love those cushions, great buys! you have to get rid of those pictures and that skull? oh dear! How embarrasing, can't believe no-one said anything, I would! x


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