
Friday, August 6, 2010

My Favorite Lipstick and A Bit of a Rant

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Happy Friday everyone!!! So I wanted to share with you my all-time favorite lipstick. It's called Cherish by MAC and it's a peachy-beige satin. In the photos above and below I paired it with MAC's lip liner in Spice. Here's a close-up:

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And a swatch:

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I think I've been wearing this color for about ten years! My make-up artist cousin who started off working at MAC but now works for in San Fransisco introduced me to Cherish and I've been buying it ever since! What do you think of the color?

Ok now on to a different topic...

Sorry guys but I just have to get this out! Last night we went to Lit Italian Wine Bar downtown for our friend's birthday. We had a private section blocked off for our party of thirteen upstairs and my friend LL had made a reservation beforehand so the restaurant knew we were coming. It's a pretty small place, with only about 10 tables (2 of them were ours) but they only had one server on staff that night who also had to tend bar for the entire place. Needless to say we waited about 20-30 minutes for our drinks and about an hour to an hour and a half for our food. You would think the manager would come apologize for the wait or bring us some food to snack on in the interim but no. I don't even think the manager was there!

 image by Brian Cormier
We were starving by the time our appetizers came. About 40 minutes later the main dishes arrived. I should note here that some of us ordered a bunch of appetizers for our main meals so half of the table was done eating before the other half even started!! Our waiter was actually a really good server. He was literally sweating up a storm trying to get food and drinks to our table. So much so that D. was about to offer him a napkin so his sweat beads wouldn't drip into our drinks ; ). I mean it wasn't his fault his boss doesn't know how to run or staff the place! Anyways, I was in the service industry as a waitress for about 8 years when I was younger, I worked at many different restaurants and pubs and I know what good service is and what we experienced last night was just awful. I don't even know if they discounted our bill or not at the end for our trouble because D. and I had to leave it was getting so late! By the end of the night the guest of honor, the birthday girl, was apologizing to all her guests for such terrible service. It should have been the restaurant apologizing. BIG TIME.The worst is that this place is brand new, it's only been open for a couple of months! None of us will be coming back and we definitely won't recommend this restaurant to anyone. Who cares if the food is good or not, it doesn't really matter when the service is that bad does it?

Do any of you have any awful service stories??? I'd love to hear them!

Have a great weekend and if you're eating out in the next couple of days choose wisely where you go!!!


  1. We experienced the exact same thing last weekend. It was a restaurant we go to quite often so we were forgiving but it was still awful, having to wait 30 mins for drinks and an hour for food... Anyway that lipstick looks gorgeous on you! And you have nice lips!

  2. Love that color and UGH!!! That is just horrible...I hate restaurants like that....they should pay more attention to whats going on...ESPECIALLY since you had a reservation

  3. Gorgeous lip color! And oh my gosh, how horrible! That has happened to us, and I swear it is because we are young... which just makes me livid!! I am with you, no matter how good the food is, if I have bad service, or a rude manager, I will never go back! And believe me, I will spread the word to everyone I know!

  4. Marie

    Gorgeous go with all color!!

    This is why people don't go back to restaurants. I think management or the owner would want to know about the experience!

    Come and join my Latest Giveaway!

    Art by Karena

  5. love the color - i might have to make it to the MAC counter pronto!

  6. Oh no! That is such bad service, but not at the fault of the server. I hate it when restaurants are like that.

    But on a brighter note, love the M-A-C lipstick. Great colour! Have a fantastic weekend.:)sarahD

  7. I love your hair! and that shade of lippy is awesome!

    xx raez

  8. Oh I have a bunch, but they will only make me angry to retell them. I love your lipstick!

  9. nothing gives me a bigger case of the cranks then when a restaurant ruins your dinner .It's WAY worse when the server is also cranky. And they were expecting you right? Argh. I've been in the restaurant industry for 10 years and there aren't many excuses that get you out of a simple apology

  10. ugh, your poor Birthday girl friend! Sometimes it takes a while for new restaurants to get in the groove...on the bright side, your lipstick is awesome!

  11. that's such a shame and sad how terrible service can ruin a night. i'm empathetic like you as i was a waitress too, and i feel bad for your server!

    on a happier note, i love your lip color!! also, i love passive aggressive notes, too, and think that "we waited 30 minutes" is hilarious.

    xx anna jane

  12. Very nice color! I HATE when you go out to eat and get bad service...I can't think of a time that's ever been that horrible, though. I hate when your party is only about 2-3 people, and you've been waiting to get seated for 20+ minutes, and the larger parties are getting seated as they walk in AND you can see open tables/booths that they could easily seat you at. This happened last year to me and my boyfriend, and it's not like these tables were reserved, because it wasn't a reservations type of place. On top of that, our server was horrible (I love when your meal comes and the server forgets something, like ketchup, and by the time he or she returns with it, you've already eaten your entire meal). I feel bad for the birthday girl, in your case!

  13. First of all, that color is amazing on you. You look beautiful.

    Second-The tale of the "great" restaurant with the bad service.... is all too common. I am sorry that your friend had to deal with that on her b day!!!! I hope that that place changes their act....I also wish that the b day girl and all of her guests had of received a proper apology.....TISK TISK on that restaurant!!!! :(

    Hopefully the owner reads your blog ;)


  14. sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience. that's just life, things we don't like happens. oh on the bright side, I like your lipstick Cherish! I think it is sweet and sexy at the same time! I haven't tried it but I will when I get the chance! Just followed you. Please follow me too! Thanks. see you! :)

  15. sorry about your bad service- it so ruins the experience!

  16. oh, and i'm so glad you told us about the lipstick- seems like a great neutral-ish color i may have to try!

  17. You look so lovely! Amazing color lipstick.

  18. that's awful, I hate restaurants that take forever to serve! considering the restaurant has been opened for a few months already they should have been able to predict how many servers they need working I think

  19. P.S yay for us canadian girls! is it still hot in alberta right now? the following widget isn't loading on your sidebar -_- I'll come back and follow you later!

  20. that lip colour is so gorgeous! its natural but bold at the same time...somehow lol. sorry to hear about your crappy service..especially on someones birthday..ergh!


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