
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Heritage Days

Sorry I've been M.I.A. the past few days! Monday was a civic holiday so I had a 3-day weekend (woot woot) and after I did some packing and cleaning for my upcoming move I took time to enjoy the beautiful weather. Yesterday D. and I went to one of my favorite summer festivals at Hawrelak Park called Heritage Days. It's a three-day event that showcases over 85 different cultures from all over the world with sixty three pavilions where you can sample food, watch performances, shop for arts, crafts and clothing and just hang out. I was actually a part of this festival for three summers when I was a little girl, dancing at the Spanish Pavilion. (No I'm not Spanish, I'm Polish however my mom put me into Spanish Dancing classes. Go figure.) I had white-blond hair and pale, pale skin and all the other dancers who were actually Spanish had dark hair and olive or tanned skin so I definitely stuck out like a sore thumb. But it was a lot of fun. And I still know how to play the castanets! ***

Below are some pics from our little outing yesterday.

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I was soooo tempted. But my W.P. (that's Will Power) did not let me down. My wallet was grateful.

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D. had Mexican Bunuelos which is a fried tortilla sprinkled with sugar, cinnamon and syrup. (With a side of grass.) Ok I'm not gonna lie, I ate three quarters of it. But only after he said he couldn't eat any more ; )

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Thai sweetened sticky rice with ripe mango slices and a dollop of coconut milk. Better than chocolate. Seriously!

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No outfit post from this day because I ended up spilling salsa all the way down my shirt and shorts : ( I'm afraid to admit this happens more often than not.

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Sri Lankan Dancers

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*** These are castanets

I hope you all had a great weekend! 


  1. my parents lived in Europe for a couple years - when my dad was in the army - and i now have authentic clogs from then :o)

    looks like fun times!!!

  2. I love 'international' festivals like that! Those clogs are so cute but they must be uncomfortable to walk in...? I adore mango with sticky rice, too!

  3. Looks like so much fun! I love that first pic of the colorful wooden clogs. Wish Calgary had this ..

  4. Looks like you and D. had a great time! I miss heritage days! You got some great pics!
    :) Thanks for sharing J.

  5. Oh I sooooo used to go to this when I lived in Edmonton!! Miss it!! Looks like it's really grown...those Pysanka dancers look especially presh. Homesick.

    ps-i thought the money fairies mighta been at your place. bugger.

  6. Huh, I have never been to Heritage days, but now I think I may have to check it out sometime.
    And I feel ya about the salsa, I am a total spilly-eater.

  7. Hey

    Just wanted to let you know tomorrow (Wednesday August 4th) is the last day to enter my giveaway for 6 MAC products.

  8. Fantastic pictures. Those hats look amazing!SarahD:)

  9. I definitely ate my weight at Heritage Days. What an awesome festival it is!

    Salsa down your front - how annoying! But it makes me think of that line in Sex and the City... Carries says something like, "I'll never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it." I think many of us are in that boat!

    Awesome photos!!



  10. YAY for real clogs! Now THAT would make a fashion statement ;)

    Sticky rice and Mango?? Oh my God, you're killing me. I WANT!!! >.<

  11. Looks like the best time and that rice dish looks like heaven on a plate!

  12. gorgeous photos and that tortilla thing looks beyond delicious! i'm also someone who spills a lot of drinks/sauces/melting ice-cream down my clothes! :(

  13. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I am now following you, too. You are so pretty and have gorgeous skin!

  14. nice,..i luv it, thanks for sharing


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