
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jar of Hearts (I Friggin' LOVE this song!) & BABY LOVE

If you're a devout fan of So You Think You Can Dance like I am you would have heard this song during Billy and Kathryn's Contemporary performance last week. It's called "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri and I LOVE it. This chick didn't even have a record deal when the song aired on national television and it made it to the top 10 singles chart on itunes basically overnight. Her star is rising fast! I love stories like these! It's a good example of how if you work hard and diligently at your craft, believe in yourself and never give up, the Universe will align exactly how it's supposed to and good things will start to happen. Check out her song below.

And I'd like you to meet my new "nephew," Taysen James. My best friend gave birth to him July 2nd. Isn't he just perfect? I can't wait to spoil him!


  1. What an adorable baby!
    Love the name too, I've yet to hear it!
    Congrats to your friend, and to you for having a new bundle of joy in your life.

  2. Great header! Lovely song, precious baby boy (they are SO fun to spoil and hang out with) and very nice blog :)

  3. that's a cute baby.

    and this song is ah-mazing. good work sytycd!!!! congrats to her.
    don't feed the models. part 2.

  4. the song is so lovely! and your nephew is just absolutely adorable :)

    thanks so much for commenting btw! <33

  5. I'm a big fan of SYTYCD (though I miss the old stage and setting, but oh well..) I know exactly what you meant about that particular song. It caught my attention, too!

  6. Kristy: I miss the old stage and setting too! Glad I'm not the only one : )

  7. Great song! I love her voice-it is so different.
    The picture you took of Taysen is amazing. He is so perfect and cute! Look at his little nose!!!
    :) J.

  8. Oh what a peanut! Ah! Adorable. How could you NOT spoil that precious face.

    And thanks so much for entering my giveaway, honey!

  9. :O oh i just awwwwwwed at the screen.
    SO CUTE!
    loving the blog
    great posts!
    stop by some time

  10. awww i love his expression in that photo, gorgeous little face! congrats to your friend :)



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