
Friday, June 25, 2010

Plastic Surgery 30 and Under

Megan Fox. She was so damn pretty before!!!

Stephanie Pratt. It looks like she's had some work done to her nose and maybe her cheeks?

Holly Madison. I actually think she looks really cute now...

Audrina Patridge. Justin Bobby loves her either way.

Jessica Simpson. Ummmm.....???

Ali Lohan. Lindsay's sister is 16.

And how could I forget Heidi Montag?

 updated 05/05/11   Bristol Palin. 20 years old. A whole new face/chin.

I'm not going to write on essay on whether or not young celebrities should be getting plastic surgery because I'm sure they all have their reasons and/or body dysmorphic disorder (ahem, HEIDI) which in that case I truly do feel sorry for them. I'm certainly not opposed to getting some botox here and there if needed in a few years down the road or maybe even an eye or face lift when I become droopy at an older age. (Hey, I do some acting on television and film so can you blame me if I want to look a few years younger when I'm 45?). But when I came across the pic of twenty four year-old, beautiful as-is Megan Fox the other day when I was scrolling through my favorite, guilty-pleasure tabloid website TMZ, it made me think: If these young celebrities are getting plastic surgery now, what are they going to look like in 10, 20, 30 years from now? Here's a preview below.

Priscilla Presley. I think it's safe to say Elvis would roll over in his grave if he knew how much plastic surgery his baby momma has had.

Actress Nikki Cox. Why, Nikki, why???

Rose McGowan. I can see a bit of Michael Jackson forming on her face...

Janice Dickinson. Taking the "trout pout" to a whole new level.

Meg Ryan

Lisa Rinna. Plastic over-kill.


The "Cat Woman."

How young is too young for plastic surgery? And do any of the "older" celebrities above look good to you?  Discuss. I'd love to hear what you think ; )

Have a great weekend!
*all photos via TMZ, people and Google


  1. Wow, this post was actually refreshing!! We really enjoyed it!

    Megan Fox and Heidi Montag..whyy!!??!! Why would they ruin their faces?!

    Holly and Audrina actually look better we think..

    xx .sabo skirt.

  2. i think the worst chose to have a plastic surgery was Heidi's, i mean she was so pretty before and so young, and now she looks like a piece of plastic, i'm sorry for her.
    also about Holly M. I think she didn't had so many surgeries but she just didn't had too much make-up on before and Lindsay's sis is so young at this age you change your features anyway


  3. Wow! When you put the before and after pics side by side...some of these are more disturbing than I realized. And the Cat Woman?...I just don't get it. Great post!
    XO Piper

  4. i don't get it all - they ALL look SO much better natural - i mean SURE i'd like a lil help here and there - but JEEZE not a different face! -- BUT to each their own - who am i to judge?!

    i'm haven' a party - stop by!!!
    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  5. Plastic surgery just creeps me out ... Especially when it goes to this length. It's creepy how more and more of humanity just wants to alter the way they look .. pretty soon I wonder if everyone will just be plastic .. Not me!

  6. Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy looool

  7. This post is quite disturbing yet entertaining (and educating!) at the same time. You forgot to include Lindsay Lohan btw :p

  8. I cant believe how crazy Megan fox looks now! Its so sad... I think if you enhance what you have that's fine. like Audrina definitely needed some help w/ her lips. But someone as beautiful as Heidi who completely morphed her body is just so unnecessary. And sad!

  9. Oh my God! That last photo is terrifying. But those lips - Janice and Nikki - are almost just as bad. Why did Megan Fox...? she looked better in 2007...

  10. oh god.. why!?!?! everyone looked so good in their before shots.. maybe except for a couple of girls.. bue seriously.. the last picture scared me, hahaha! it's just so freaky!

    Animated Confessions

  11. good question, if now, what later?

    btw, botox can lead to muscle atrophy [results- sagging], or leaks into the brain.

  12. I still can't believe what Heidi Montag did to herself. Could she not see, that she was so pretty before all that plastic surgery. And she is so young too. Makes me kinda sick.

    Great post.:)SarahD

  13. i have no idea who nikki cox is..but WHAT was she thinking. she was soooo beautiful before. i think with her and miss fox its just plain vanity...but i do feel sorry for heidi..she clearly sees something different when she looks in the mirror to what we see. theres a couple of girls who i think look better like stephanie pratt and that playboy bunny..but the rest need their heads tested. beautiful doesnt always mean having to have a ridiculously tiny nose and a huge trout pout. be happy with what you got, flaws and all!!

    great post marie! :)

  14. This is fascinating! I don't think anyone below 40 should have it, unless it's something like a slight nose job as I don't think thats a big deal! Botos is ok when you're older but not too much like these pics. Heidi looks older, oh dear! The last picture just made me burst out laughing, speechless! x

  15. wow!! what a great post! i was so surprised by megan fox (i'd pretty much already seen the others). i didnt know she'd had so much work done. she looked way better before!

  16. I'm sorry for the ones that really look good BEFORE. Why do they put the knife (literally) on natural beauty?

  17. OMG...Nikki and Megan. Why???? Noooooooo. I had no idea that they had had so much work done.

  18. Oh my god is that what meghan fox has done!? I'm so shocked! she really was an absolute natural stunner and needed no work what so ever.
    As for heidi she has gone into a strange place in her head and totally has lost the plot!
    Rianna xxx

  19. WOW! Great post dear!
    and thanks for your comment!


  20. I cannot believe the picture of Megan Fox!! I think it is very sad. To each their own, but some of these celebrities are taking things to far!!!
    Great post Marie!!!

  21. i always love the real face before they did that surgery..

    great post!!

    visit my site :

    hug and kiss^^

  22. I saw that photo of Megan Fox a while ago and was shocked... she looks so different... within the span of a year! What on earth!?

  23. all i have to say is good lord! what happened to megan fox xxxx

  24. Stephanie Pratt looks gorgeous with her new nose, as before it looked a bit.. big. I think the rest, with Audrina being an exception, look disgusting. Why pay to look plastic? They look like melted barbie dolls.

  25. Holly looks beautiful - I can't tell what she had done exactly but sign me up (?) maybe. However, the others make me want to hit the brakes HARD before going to the plastics office! Nikki Cox was such a knock-out - such a shame! And Meg Ryan... please undo what you've done - I'll always picture her the way she was - not the way she has changed herself...

  26. pros and cons..i guess..

  27. I saw pix of Megan Fox from the Golden Globes & was floored by how awful she looks! She was stunningly gorgeous, but now she looks several decades older with freakish cheeks and lips! UGH Big mistake - HUGE!

  28. I agree with the above commentor - Megan Fox - blech! Can't believe she would change herself to look like that... she looks like she's had plastic surgery and therefore looks like an old woman trying to be young... but she was already young and beautiful! I believe the "before" picture you have is also after plastic surgery. Some earlier photos of Megan Fox are completely different...

  29. ooo I think I know most of these surgeries except Megan Fox. I mean i heard she got surgeries but I didn’t really think about it... although I did feel like she looks more weird lately.. lol... so yeah the b4 n after pix of her made me sad.. like.. WTH? she was so much prettier b4... = =‘’’’ n even if as above mention that she actually had surgery b4 the “ b4 picture” than she really didn’t know when to stop!!

    Click here to help!
    Cute Stuff!
    xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo

  30. Oh no megan fox!! this is soo sad. I couldnt even look at the last picture..

    Good post. Its important that us gals in this beauty community to embrace natural beauty.

  31. Wow I had no idea Megan Fox did that to herself! So sad. In fact, a lot of them look horrible (although some look alright). Thanks for this post!
    Mary @

  32. Megan Fox used to be much prettier before the plastic surgery. I think she still hadn't gotten anything done in Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen \{2004}. Holly Madison looks awesome thanks to her surgeries. I wish I didn't have to say this, but if it hadn't been for her surgeries she probably wouldn't be where she is today. All the older celebs definitely went over board.

  33. I think Rose McGowen has in a wreck and smashed her face and has had reconstructive surgery to make her look as normal as possible so I think it's mean to include her here and make fun of her with the michael comment.... I cant believe Megan fox!

  34. Rose McGowan didnt have a "smashed up face". She was a car accident and the sunglasses she was wearing cut her under the eye. She went for plastic surgery to correct it but what happened to the rest of her frankenstein face was of her own making. She has made no secret of her fondness for plastic surgery. Why she chose to have all that botox/lip injections/facelift? is beyond me. She was so pretty before. When I saw her on SVU with her pulled face and her lips that wouldnt move, I was like "Who the F is this crackhead? Looks like Rose McGowans drunk grandmother...." then I found out it WAS her... plastic surgery FAIL!

  35. I can give my sympathies with a woman who was born with just a HUGE nose, I'm not talking about women with average ones like Ali Lohan who just want to look a certain way... and with older woman (and men) after you hit about 40ish, later if you are lucky your eyelids start to droop. Getting part of your eyelid taken out so you can still see your eyes isn't really a big face changer -- it just makes you look a bit more youthful but still you. My great grandma had it done for medical reasons on her left eye, and cosmetic reasons on her right! She didn't want one drooping eyelid and the other looking wide awake! She was like 80 when they did that though. But to completely change who you are... ew

  36. That's why it is important that you only deal with expert and licensed surgeon.

  37. ~~oh, I loved this. Fab :) Priscilla used to be Stunning WTF

  38. I think Bristol Palin just lost a lot of post-baby weight (her dancing workouts with Mark Ballas probably didn't hurt either). I read a rumor that she had her lips injected with Juviderm or something, but my [untrained] eye can't see much of a significant difference.

  39. Megan Fox was really beautiful and I can't believe she wasn't contented with it. Now she looks old. Her forehead also look different. I'm starting to believe she wants to be Angelina Jolie.

  40. Just found your blog and you're so right about how women getting such major surgeries this young are going to be doomed if they stick with it. OMG, I hadn't seen the Nicki Cox pic, her lips are out of control. Great post, And hopefully Megan Fox stops with the surgeries.

    Following you now


  41. Ick. They all look terrible.


  42. Are you surprised? No you should not be. This is what Plastic Surgey do and thats why people are now crazy to have it but you should be careful of getting the service.You should select the Plastic Surgey carefully otherwise it may spoil your desire.

  43. The post is giving information about plastic surgery under 30.good post

  44. OMG!! Plastic surgeries are not for everyone. They look quite different and unnatural... awful in my opinion.
    Personally, I've also underwent a breast augmentation Toronto procedure, but it's not that visible... my breasts look quite natural... in fact, this was my main goal!

  45. Thanks for sharing the details for 30 and under dos and don;ts of plastic surgery

  46. " Specially for women, breast size and shape are an important thing for their image and self-confidence. If you’re unhappy or unpleased with the size and shape, color of your breasts, you may not feel confident, but there is a solution. It is important to get breast implants Dallas ,Texas to make their breasts bigger and fuller. That can be done for reconstructive purposes, such as after mastectomy for breast cancer or for cosmetic reasons And we strongly recommend the patients receive quality services to Dallas plastic surgeons for breast implants Dallas,Texas .

    Some of the points are noted below:

    • Improve body contour due to small breasts

    • Restore loss of breast volume after pregnancy

    • Improve symmetry for women with different sized breasts In 2015, nearly 280,000 women and teenagers underwent surgery to have their breasts enlarged with silicone or saline implants and about 106,000 breast cancer patients had reconstruction after mastectomy, often with implants "


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