
Monday, June 28, 2010

A Must -Read!

This post is not about clothes, shoes or accessories but something just as vital to my "life's wardrobe": books! I'm a nerd. Yup. I love to read and I still go to the library with my boyfriend and take out books. I don't know a lot of people who still do this (besides my BF and cousin who has her Masters in Library Science) and I'm not sure why. It's free entertainment! Maybe it's because most people buy books and/or can read one easily online or using a Kindle but I still like the ritual of going into a library, taking in that old, musty-book smell, physically searching for a great story to read, conversing with the librarian about the latest bestseller and escaping into another place, another time with a large hardcover novel in my hands for a mere $12.00 a year for a library membership.

The last book I read was the one above, "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I finished it last night. This powerful story had me up early before work just so I could read a chapter before starting my day! I am so glad it's being made into a movie because it's such a heart-warming, compelling story. You can read more about the novel here

Other books I have read over the past couple of years that I highly recommend are: 

Ok so a couple of years ago I was really into reading books about adult entertainers for some reason LOL, which is why I picked up the above "Candy Girl" by Diablo Cody (she wrote the movie "Juno") and "How to Make Love Like a P*rn Star" by Jenna Jameson. Both are memoirs and were utterly fascinating and entertaining to read!

What are your favorite books? I'm looking for the next great novel to immerse myself in so what do you recommend? And does anyone still go to the library besides me??


  1. i love Pema Chodron - i like a book that i can read - look at myself fully - and change - and become a better person b/c i read the book ..

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. You sound just like Carrie Bradshaw in the begining there.=) I love reading too, it's one of my fave passtimes. I love buying books though.
    I read Jenna's memoir and loved it too. It was so entertaining, sad, happy and everything.
    Btw, thanks for describing your love story in my comments, I enjoyed learning how you met your man!

  3. i dont think ive read a book since i left school haha! does vogue count?? the confessions of a groupie sounds like an interesting read! il have to look out for that in my nearest library..wherever that is lol..thanx googlemaps!

    great post! :)

  4. I love reading too! But, I have never read any of these, must pick them up, cause they look really interesting!SarahD:)

  5. I almost was going to read "I'm With The Band" but decided on something else instead. I never go to the library...I always buy my books brand new from the bookstore. There's just something about it with me...I like the smell, I think. Of course, it's wayyy more expensive...but it's worth it for me!

    One of my favorites is "Cold Mountain" (it's way better than the movie), and "The Great Gatsby," but I imagine most people have already read that one.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Darling I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one who still goes to the library! I love spending hours in my library when I have the free time, surrounded by endless books. And there is nothing as wonderful as the smell of an old book. Something so nostalgic about it!


  8. thanks for your recommendations!


  9. I just read "Serena" and it is phenomenal. I loved "The Reader" as a film. I might need to read that!

  10. amei seu blog!!!

  11. ill be sure to check some of these out! xxxx

  12. I love going to the Library and going to book stores...I could spend hours in either!
    I finished Bright and Shiny Mornings a couple of months ago-really liked it also!
    I recommend Kafka on the Shore by Murakami and The Curious Incident of the dog in the night-time by Mark Haddon-These are two of my most Fav books!
    Thanks for sharing your fav's Marie. Great post!

  13. loved Eat Pray Love and cant wait to see the movie!!!


  14. I love this post! I have about 30 pages left in The Help and loved it! It took me a few chapters to really get hooked but now I don't want it to end. I have been dying to read Jenna Jameson's memoir and recently forgot to pick it up - thanks for the reminder!
    PS - love your header!

  15. Oh, and I still go to the library and love every second of it!

  16. i'm reading "the help" now and i love it!!!

  17. I just stumbled on this post and I so excited to start reading The Help! I bought it a few weeks ago at a used book store after my mom raved about it. I had no idea they were making it a movie - exciting!


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