
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Shades of Grey

photos by Vickie  

You may notice my blog is looking a little different ; ). One of my goals for 2015 was to refresh my website with a new template and I'm so glad I did. Change is good ; ) Thank you to my friend Vickie for helping with the redesign! What do you all think? I hope you like it!

I've been wearing a lot of monochromatic outfits lately, I especially love wearing grey in different shades - it's one of my favorite colors that dominates my closet. This is what I wore for a coffee date last weekend. The weather has been amazing this January, I'm really confused by it but I'm not complaining. Usually at this time of year I'm wearing a parka and Sorels and it's -30. It was +8 the other day! What is going on???

I'm wearing: sweater - REPEAT c/o Blu's, jeans - Rachel Rachel Roy via The Bay,
 scarf - Chandi via Bamboo Ballroom, purse - Rebecca Minkoff via Shopbop
booties - Vince Camuto, watch - Michael Kors via Shopbop,  ring - H & M 

Stylist's Tip: Wearing a monochromatic ensemble is a simpler, cleaner approach to putting together an outfit. Sometimes wearing the same shade can be just as striking as wearing a bold color, for example wearing all white. Just make sure you choose different textures and hues.


  1. nice look, your sweater looks so comfy

  2. I love the new layout! Also, I've been super into grey lately so this is just all kinds of awesome to me.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  3. I agree, great new layout. I love the grey denim! xx/Madison
    Insta-Living Vol. 05

  4. I love this new layout. You look superb. Loved your grey sweater honey! Kisses <3

  5. Really really like this look. Great pictures Marie! I love how you add the stylist tips!
    :) J.

  6. Love the new look! I need to give my blog a little refresh too! Also love love love this outfit! Were both wearing shades of grey ;)

  7. Loves this monochromatic look! I too need to pay more attention to my blog...sigh.


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