
Monday, June 24, 2013


 jacket - c/o Zara, t-shirt - Soprano via Nordstrom Rack, jeans - J Brand via Nordstrom Rack, 
bag - Marc by Marc Jacobs, shoes - bought from Ordinary People at our Blogger Sale, necklace - H & M

Happy Monday! I wore this to dinner for mine and D,'s 7 year anniversary. Obviously we did not go to a fancy restaurant ; ). We are not "fancy restaurant" kind of people! Later we stayed at a hotel downtown, we had a little "staycation" which was nice. I hope you all had a nice weekend, too!


  1. Loving this look! And I'm not a fancy restaurant person either, haha. So cool that you were in the same hotel as them!
    At one of the Harry Potter premieres I was in the same hotel as all of them and we ran into Tom Felton and chatted, haha.
    Happy Anniversary!

  2. I love that jacket, its rad. I saw that John Malkovich was at The Antique Mall,which is pretty cool for the people who work there

  3. You look lovely, Marie!

    Happy anniversary. :)



  4. That's a pretty awesome celebrity sighting - I love John Malkovich! And congrats on your anniversary. On an unrelated note, that's a perfect jacket.

    Courtney ~

  5. Marie! I had no idea you were an actress! Just noticed you have a demo reel on your sidebar - will watch asap!

    I do a bit of local acting in NB (mostly short films) but I love it and would love to move out west to give acting a shot. Alas, the pull of the "real" job and the reality of student loans really hits you when you start calculating your stuff up! But wow, so cool that you're into film!

    Loving your look! And congrats on 7 years! We're not the fancy type either and I could see my boy and I having the same type of anniversary. Actually, we had one lately and ended up BBQing and playing tennis. It was fun!

    Okay, this is like a novel length comment. Sorry!

    Bold Subtlety

  6. Happy anniversary to you two! 7 years, that's fantastic!!
    I love this jacket, it's gorgeous, and looks great with the sweater underneath. That's so cool that you saw John Malkovich!

  7. Happy Anniversary!! 7 years is fantastic! In November, David and I will be going on 5 years! crazy! thats so cute you had a nice little staycation! and I'M SO JEALOUS you saw John Malkovich!!

  8. Happy Anniversary! How exciting to see celebs, doesnt really happen in NZ haha xx

  9. Now that I've seen the whole outfit (after Instagram) I love it even more. It's perfect for going out (we're not fancy restaurant people either).
    We don't see any celebs where we live, but some 10 years ago we saw both Sting and Dustin Hoffman at Dalaman airport in Turkey. It was so cool!
    Hey, my non-robot-proof words for this message are "preptop street". Funny.

  10. Gorgeous!! Loving that necklace and jacket...

    Sincerely Miss Ash

  11. great outfit! I have the same necklace!

  12. You look hot!!! :)
    Happy Anniversary. Hope your night was great.
    :) J.


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