
Friday, March 4, 2011

Crisis Averted

image via weheartit

Sorry I’ve been M.I.A. these past few days. I’ve had an extremely busy and somewhat stressful week with work and a couple of important auditions, one which had me watching numerous episodes of “Intervention” and youtubing/researching “people on drugs” in the little time I had to prepare. Don't do it, it's depressing.

I also had to deal with an itty bitty Fashion Crisis. I had ordered this pink dress from asos a couple of weeks ago to wear to an important fashion event tonight, I was pee-my-pants excited to wear it. My shipment was supposed to be here last Friday but it hasn’t arrived yet and the customer care center at asos tells me it probably won’t arrive for another six days or so due to postal delays. Grrrrr. So I had to go shopping for a new dress on Wednesday because when I looked in my closet of course I had nothing to wear. Doesn’t this always happen to us girls? We have a full closet (sometimes two of them! yup, that's me) yet we have nothing to wear when really we're just tired/bored of our wardrobe and don’t want to wear what we already have! Well, that was the situation I found myself in. After a trip to the mall and five stores later I finally found a lovely and suitable-and bright pink!- dress at Zara that was reasonably priced so I bought it. Then when I got home I realized I didn't have any accessories to wear with it!!! Dang! So I went back to the same damn mall the next day and picked out a necklace and earrings and now I think I'm set. Crisis averted. But I really wanted to wear that pink asos dress! Ah well...

I hope you all enjoy your weekend! I know I’ll enjoy mine : ) I'll be back on Monday with a more substantial post!

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  1. I hate when orders don't ship.

  2. Oyy...why does ASOS take forever to ship!! I got what I ordered from them really fast though, so weird :/
    At least your crisis was averted! :D

  3. UGH I hate that. I'm kind of in the same boat. I ordered a few things from Nasty Gal way back last week thinking they would be here in time for me to pack them to AZ. They STILL aren't here (even though stuff I ordered THIS Sunday from other places came yesterday) and I leave tomorrow. Ugh.

    Glad you got something to work though!

    Good luck on your auditions. I still have to go back and watch the video you posted of you in action. I WISH my home wi-fi didn't suck crazy bad.

  4. can't wait to see the outfit you picked out from the mall! and your ASOS dress when it comes in. Have a great weekend! :)

  5. Awww that really is terrible about the dress, I'm sure you will look fabulous though.

    Happy Friday

  6. Good luck on all your additions. That sucks about the dress, I hate it when I plan on wearing something and then those hopes get dashed...

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  7. ohh I hate it when things dont' arrive on time! I ordered these shoes that is suppose to be here anyday I just hope they come in before next friday for my event!! hope your ASOS dress will be here soon <3

  8. Fingers crossed that your drug addict audition went well! (that couldnt be easy to pull off!) lolz

    Glad you found another cute dress at Zara, I just can`t stand it when something you order online doesn`t arrive in time for your event (has happened to me a few times!!!) arggg

  9. Good luck with the auditions Marie! I hope you post a picture of your pretty new pink dress :)

  10. i get so frustrated with orders sometimes...can't wait to see both dresses, though! :)

  11. that's why i'm not a fan of online shopping. I can't wait to see the pictures with you in the zara dress.


  12. bummer!! At least you found something else...

    Have a fabulous weekend!!


  13. Have a great time tonight!
    Tamera xo

  14. show us this bright pink one. damn that mail system.

  15. oh no, i hate it when important (aka clothes we want to wear) shipments are delayed. :/

    <3, Mimi

  16. oh Marie what a bummer that ASOS dress!!!! I totally know the feeling, but now I am so curious to see your Zara dress! Please take zillion's of pictures to share! enjoy the w-e bella!

  17. Can't wait to see pics of the new outfit! Good luck with the auditions :] have a good weekend

  18. i oddly love watching those documentary of people on drugs.
    so how'd the audition go?

  19. Kerri: One went well, the other not-so-well but that's okay, life goes on!

  20. Stpuid mail!
    Cannot wait to see the bright pink dress!!!! I bet you looked amazing.
    :) J.
    Hope this auditions went great!!!!

  21. Awww such a bummer about the dress. And PS, I 100% understand the feeling of "not having anything to wear" ha ha ha! Been there!

  22. That's a real bummer.. Hate it when you don't get your order!

  23. Oh that's awful. Specially when you're waiting for dress to arrive. I was really happy with ASOS and found the quality of their stuff good.

  24. Kavery: The first time I purchased something from asos I was really impressed with their delivery, my package arrived exactly when they said it would and was hoping that would be the case with this dress but unfortunately it wasn't : (


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