
Monday, December 20, 2010


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shirt - Joe Fresh    jeggings, scarf and gloves - H & M    coat - Garage    boots - Spring   bag - Winners   hat - LOST

As you can see we got a ton of snow over the past week and I think it's here to stay for awhile.Which is fine by me because it's beautiful and I've never known Christmas without it. This is what I wore running errands on Saturday and visiting with my nephew. I had three parties to go to this past weekend and it was great catching up with friends and family but I wasn't completely present during these get-togethers because my close friend and coworker (who is like a second father to me) whom I share an office with texted me on Friday to let me know that his wife passed away that evening from cancer after a ten month battle. While I attended these parties and put on my "happy face," eating, drinking and trying to be "merry," I couldn't stop thinking about my friend and what he must be going through right now. Especially during what is supposed to be such a peaceful and magical time of year. It just seems so cruel. He didn't expect her to go downhill so fast and leave so soon but that's what happened and my heart breaks for him and his family. I'm sorry this isn't a very happy post but I thought I'd be honest with my readers instead of pretending everything is fantastic right now. Life isn't always perfect. That being said, I am going to try to enjoy my holiday with my family and loved ones, hold them close and thank God for all the blessings in my life. I hope you will, too.


  1. I like your look. Furthermore, I have a similar weather

  2. Love the outfit!
    and wow...that is so sad!!! I'm sorry about your friend, he really must be having a tough time :(

  3. that's so sad :( what a horrible thing to happen around xmas :(

  4. thats so sad :( I am really sorry about your friend.. Thats how life is!!

  5. That's really sad news - my heart really goes out to him. It's probably small comfort but I've always found a little bit of solace in the line from Hamlet that Gertrude speaks "all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity." It just reminds me that as painful as it can be, death and loss are as natural as living. When I delivered the eulogy at my grandmother's funeral I actually quoted that line because it helped me deal with her death at the time and I still find it helpful.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

    P.S. I just have to add that I'm jealous of all the snow you've got - it's cold and sans snow here and it just doesn't feel as Christmas-y.

  6. You look amazing here! Perfect snow attire and I can't believe you got that coat from Garage!!

    So sorry to hear about your friend's loss. That is such sad news any time of year but especially now. I admire your strength to accept that life isn't perfect and be there for your friend at this sad time. All the best to you and to him, Marie.


  7. I love these posts, Marie. They give me ideas and inspire me - since I am not very fashionable! The snow looks pretty, in pictures :] I can't stand the cold!! Brrrr

    Happy Holidays dear :]

  8. Yay for a white Christmas! And your cute outfit.

  9. I am so sorry about your friend's wife.
    Hope your cold is better or gone.
    Enjoy the time with your loved ones
    <3 Kastles

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Marie. Life isn't fair sometimes. But you're a good friend for being there for him. I hope you have a great Christmas. I love you so much.
    Tamera xo
    (I like your outfit ;))

  11. love your outfit :)

    xo Christine

  12. This looks so cozy & warm, I love the hat & scarf!
    Sorry to hear about your friends loss - it does seem very cruel at this time of year :'(

    P.S. Sears Canada is much different than US, not as branded and fashionable. Most people don't consider US Sears a fashion resource so I was happy to find the dress there. It's awesome that yours has Kensie -it's hard for me to find in general!

  13. Re-reading my P.S. sounded weird, my mind was working separate from my hands! In other words, Sears Cananda is MUCH better than Sears US assortment wise! Lucky you :)

  14. Oh Marie you're looking great in the snow. I'm a wuss! Parka = bad word. And I don't own one anymore. Can you say hot mess?

    I might need a few lessons to get back in the saddle!! hehe


  15. LOVE your boots so much! Great bag and coat, also. :)SarahD

  16. Marie, how do you cope with such cold weather during the winter? We have only had one slight snow and we were ready to shut the town down! Haha. I'm just not a winter person, I suppose! You look very cute in your cold weather apparel!

  17. Jessica: It's easy: I have no choice! I've been dealing with extremely cold winters my whole life. It isn't fun but you get used to it I guess : )

  18. Sorry to hear about your friend! I love Christmas, and I hate to hear when anyone is unhappy this time of year. It just shouldn't be allowed, and, furthermore, I don't think anyone should lose a loved one over this season (but of's going to always happen). My dad was telling me how his friend's wife just passed away. She was at a wedding, in the middle of telling a joke, when she just stopped and started staring. I guess she collapsed and they brought her to the hospital. She had suffered a major stroke and was pronounced brain dead. :| Really sad to hear; she was only about 50, too, and took care of herself, diet and exercise-wise. It's really hard not to take things for granted. We do it all the time. I catch myself saying a lot of, "Ugh, I don't want to go to work tomorrow!" but then I stop and think, "Well...I should be thankful that I CAN get up and go to work tomorrow, because some people can't, and won't."

    That being said, I hope you truly enjoy your holidays!

  19. love. love. love. you look like a little winter fairy. i'm sorry to hear of your friends loss. that is heartbreaking... even more so during the holidays. which is why it's so important to enjoy the time spent with the people we love.
    happy drunken christmas...

  20. Hayhay!
    How are you? Your blog is great and I love your style! I'm glad that I've visited yours.

    Please, check mine, & maybe we can follow eachother? + join my giveaway!

    Thanks and love,
    Cindy from

  21. Hayhay!
    How are you? Your blog is great and I love your style! I'm glad that I've visited yours.

    Please, check mine, & maybe we can follow eachother? + join my giveaway!

    Thanks and love,
    Cindy from

  22. You look like a barbie doll Marie..
    Love your style

  23. sorry to hear about your co worker's wife's situation :( that sucks to have to go through that for over the holiday. but on brighter side the bag is really nice that you are carrying!

  24. aw heartfelt thoughts and condolenses go out to your coworker. what horrible news! seriously breaks my heart...

    and now with the holidays...sigh.

    poor thing.

    but you lady look great.

  25. So sad for your co-worker... so tough to lose his wife to cancer right before Christmas. It's nice he has a good friend in you. I'm sure it helps. On a lighter note.. you look adorable as always. You make me wish I were a hat person... they just don't work for me. xo

  26. Do you have a twitter I can follow?

  27. How do you manage to look so good all the time? The boots have got something to do with it, me thinks... I tend to wear flat boots when it's raining or snowing and they don't look half as good as yours with heels! I'm sorry to hear the sad news, esp when it had to happen a week before Christmas (it would have been so nice for them to celebrate one last time together, I'm sure).

  28. i'm sorry about your friend:(

    your outfit is great. and you got so much snow overe there! i can't manage to walk in my heels when it snows a lot!


  29. You are like my style will never be on the worst dressed list...only the best.

  30. FunnyFaceBeauty: Awww, Alicia, your comment made my day! Thank you!

  31. Love that bag!

    Happy New Year!


  32. hi:)
    what is you hair color?

  33. Anonymous: Hi! My natural color is dark blonde, I highlight it light blond.

  34. thank you:) which hair dye do you prefere? ( brand and color)

  35. I'm not sure! My hair stylist does it for me. I go in every 4-5 months.


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