
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Other Half!

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I just wanted to wish  D. a very Happy Birthday! I love you : ) We celebrated this past weekend by going out for dinner with friends and then coming back to our place to play "Apples to Apples" and "Partini."  A couple of his (male) friends got him an ice cream cake complete with candles:

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(And a side of sour worms.) They said it was either this or the Jonas' Brother cake ; ) so I think D. was relieved to receive this one instead of having to eat Kevin Jonas's eyebrows, even though the "Old as Dirt" cake was a little mean! He was a good sport about it though and he knows he's still a Spring Chicken so his ego wasn't hurt too badly ; ). Anyways, about five minutes after this picture was taken I was carrying it in the kitchen and in what seemed like extremely slow motion my grip on the cake seemed to lessen and it slipped from my hands and fell upside down on the floor. Oops. A couple of my friends quickly came to the rescue and we flipped the cake over, right side up and cleaned up the blue gooey mess that was splattered everywhere, including the wall. I carved off about two inches of the top and we were good to go! (It's the 5 second rule, right???) I'm such a klutz.The kind that needs to go through life wearing a helmet and a butt pad. Are you a klutz? Any stories like mine to tell?

I hope you're having a good week!


  1. awe Happy birthday to the beau! .. no i'm not really that clumsy - only when i'm drunk - then well it's NOT my fault ! haha

    PS: i'm hosting my FIRST give-away - come on by and enter!!! - $45 worth of goodness!

    *kiss kiss*

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. Heheh aww that sucks about the cake! At least you were able to salvage some of it! I'm quite the klutz but my man Ryan takes the cake. (npi). Last week we were at BPs and he somehow managed to out of the blue knock his red wine glass over, try to catch it, and dumping it all over his face, body, and the table (and floor). They had to come mop it up and set a yellow wet floor sign up by our table.

  3. Kim: lol oh no! I hope the stains came out of his clothes! That's so something I would do!

  4. what a hilarious cake! that reminds me of the "over the hill" bday party i threw for my sister- it was a graveyard theme :)

    thanks for your kind words!

  5. You're too funny and cute! You know that men get better with age, right? At least I've always thought so and my husband's way older than I am :-)

  6. Haha what a funny cake XD And AHHH, at least it wasn't totally crushed, the 5 second rule rules ;)
    and love Apples to Apples, haha

  7. I am a klutz too.
    cute story...glad you saved the cake/

  8. Aww. I'm not really a klutz, amazingly, but I feel for you. At least you were able to save it (kind of)! And as long as you shaved the part off the top that touched the floor, Imma say it's okay. :)

    Somehow I missed your last post and I just gotta say I love your jacket!

  9. Older than dirt is hilarious! Need to steal this for my hubs bday! Also, love those games you mentioned, so fun! Happy Belated Bday!

  10. Good story! lol
    I have broken both my big toes falling up stairs!!!!

  11. omg what an awful story about the cake!! oh no!! haha I'm a klutz too, especially when I drink, the next day I wake up I usually see multiple bruises on my arm and leg like my bf beat me the night before, hahaa soo clumsy!! or... maybe he does beat me and i'm just drunk to remember?!?

  12. Happy Birthday to him!

  13. Awesome! This SO would happen to me! D. is adorable, which is not surprising since you are so beautiful. Glad you guys had fun! XX!

  14. haha loved the cake =D
    happy birthday to him =)


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