
Monday, August 16, 2010

The Zit Remedy

So I thought I would share with you a little "secret" on how to get rid of a zit fast. I came across this little concoction on google last Thursday when a massive pimple- and I mean HUGE, think BIG and then think BIGGER, and then think bigger that that- decided to nest itself in my chin. This boil (ew) was so huge my coworkers were dodging it while walking past me in the hallway. My own mother told me it looked like a nose (thanks mom) and at a BBQ, when my family was sitting down to eat, my brother told me I'd need two chairs - one for me and one for "that thing on your face." So you can't blame me for being desperate to get rid of this thing, which was developing a mind of its own. I was in a panic because this weekend was my Grandma's 88th birthday celebration and we'd be taking family photos. So thanks to google I found an article that said if you put calamine lotion on the affected area at night, it would zap the liquid out and dry it out. Then, in the morning, put honey on it to sanitize the area, decrease inflammation and remove the bacteria that caused the pimple in the first place. I couldn't get  to the drugstore fast enough. I'm happy to tell you it worked like a charm. It didn't get rid of the pimple completely but it definitely no longer looked like a nose and I was able to show my face at work the next day. For family pictures I put a bit of concealer on it and -ta da - you could hardly tell a volcano was about to erupt on my face only 3 days ago. And today it's practically gone. Thanks to this combo I am as happy as that girl on the bottle of the honey above and I only need to use one chair at the next BBQ I attend ; ).

On another note, I saw 'Eat, Pray, Love' this weekend and I was a bit disappointed. I thought the book was way better than the film. I still enjoyed the movie but everything that happened in the movie didn't have as much weight to it as it did in the book, I was more invested in the characters I met in the pages rather than on screen. And in the book Julia Roberts' character does a TON of Yoga when she's in India and she didn't do ANY in the film! What's up with that? Yoga was such a huge part of her self-discovery! Oh sorry, she does roll out a Yoga mat when she's in Italy but the scene ends before she even sets foot on it. Anyways, despite all my grumblings I did enjoy it but it didn't meet my expectations.

I hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Lol i have to say, the first half of this post was quite amusing!

    Not gonna lie, i'm kind of exited to see the movie, but fortunately i didn't read the book. I find that the movie is always disappointing if you red the book first.. This is sure to be the epitome of chick flick though, every time my boyfriend sees the previews he cringes! lol

  2. Good tops! I really want to see that film.:)SarahD

  3. Who would think honey would help a zit? Thanks for the tip!

    And sad to hear Eat Pray Love wasn't as good as it looks in the previews... I can't believe they cut out the yoga!

  4. Marie-thanks for the remedy. I am going to put that on in my back pocket! The description of that "thing" on your face was quite funny! Sad to hear the movie did not live up to expectations....I am pumped to read the book-I just started!
    :) J.

  5. Thanks for the tip!

    I want to see that movie, Hopefully next weekend. I havent read the book but I might just buy it... I feel that this movie is going to be a favorite one of mine!


  6. I will have to remember this for the next big pimple i get. Thanks!
    If you get a chance, please check out my dare you to wear challenge. I am challenging my subscribers to recreate a look from the derek lam fashion show (pics on my blog). I will be doing an updated post showing what everyone came up with.
    I am also currently having my August giveaway.

  7. such a fabulous tip for getting rid of zits! i was also very disappointed in the movie. it just felt empty and like there was no real plot. i love julia roberts in any movie she is in, it was just quite boring to me.

  8. OH MY GOSH! I totally needed this on Friday. Saturday I had a wedding of all things to attend and I had gotten a huge planet of a zit right on my chin! Uuuggg! Its about half the size it was now (which is still HUGE) so I will be mixing this little concoction up later. Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. Oh man, my face breaks out all summer long! I will definitely have to try this, I love homemade remedies! XX!

  10. Bahaha, this post made me laugh! Thanks for sharing this tip though!! Will definitely give it a try next time my face explodes! ;)

  11. thanks for sharing that tip! and i saw eat pray love too, and while i haven't finished reading the book, i did find that it wasn't as great as i expected it to be. but still a good movie to watch. :)

    <3, Mimi

  12. This zit concoction of yours is rather fascinating...hmmmmm

    Glad to hear a spare chair is no longer in order. Brothers. oy vey

    And re: JR in EPL...I heard it was a snoozer. She's too OLD for that role.

    Please don't hate me for outing it!


  13. Hate zits :( this is a good idea! i'm goin to try honey. Aloe vera is good for zits too! dries it up completely :)

    Monica xx

  14. whenever someone says the word "boil" in the context you did, i literally dry heave and vomit in my mouth. bahaha! good thing there's a rememdy for boils now ;)

  15. Thanks for your secret concoction! It's been bookmarked ;)

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  16. Hahha funny! brothers are great, huh. Thanks for sharing the secret - something similar happened to me recently and it was horrible because I actually never get spots, I usually have clear skin. Haha again, you just had to get the huge 250ml bottle when all you needed was a drop! Too cute. Totally understand. How long did you have to leave the honey on for?

  17. Cafe Bellini: I left the honey on for about half an hour in the morning, right before I tried to cover it up with massive amounts of concealer ; )Although by then it had greatly decreased in size but still, you could still see the spot.

    Oh, and I usually have clear skin too! But the past few months I've had two of these on my chin for some reason! ? And they hurt like hell!

  18. Always great when the pimple no longer looks like a nose =)
    What a great find though, thanks for sharing this with us!

  19. See this is why I love beauty bloggin, you get the best info!
    Tried this last night and it WORKED!!!

  20. Make Up Nonsense: YAY!!!! I'm so glad to hear it worked for you! Thank God for Google, hey?

  21. OMG!! I'm happy this work!!!
    I will take notes , but I hope never have to use it... ;)
    You look so beautiful in your las post!!


  22. May take you up on that zit concoction! too funny...also, thinking I may have to wait for the movie to hit cable...just not that compelling! thanks!

  23. Thanks for the tip! So happy it worked!


  24. Great tip and I feel exactly the same about Eat Pray Love. The book was way way better, but the movie was still okay.

  25. I can't believe this remedy really works!! I can't wait to try it- thanks so much for sharing:)

  26. That's why I've decided to see the movie before I read the book!

  27. Hehe I bought calamine lotion after reading your post. Just in case. And it STINKS! but never mind, as long as it works, that's fine!

  28. Thanks for the tips Marie, I'll keep my eyes open for that calamine lotion when I go to the drug store :]


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