
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yesterday Was My Lucky Day


So I've been kicking myself for not getting tickets to one of Lady Gaga's two concerts she's performing in my hometown tonight and tomorrow night. When my friend told me the other day she was going to see her in Vancouver a pang of jealousy swept through my body. How could I have not purchased tickets??? Dummy. At the time they went on sale, $100-$200 tickets were not in my budget. I tried winning them on the radio the past few weeks but no luck. I even put it out in the Universe, saying in my head, "Universe. Pretty, pretty Universe. Please. Somehow let me get a hold of some tickets to see The Fame Monster. I think I've been a really good person lately and deserve it. Amen." But when nothing happened and as the concert was nearing I came to terms with the fact that I'd be missing the biggest concert of the year, if not the decade. I guess I'd have to replay the 'Alejandro' video over and over on Youtube and try to re-create the choreography in the 'Love Game' video in super-high heels and fishnets in my living room to get one tenth of my Gaga fix. To help cheer myself up I bought this on the weekend:

If I couldn't see her live on stage at least I could read about and connect with her through the pages of one of my favorite magazines, right? WELL, I am pleased to tell you that I must have sat on a friggin' horse shoe yesterday because when I arrived at work early at 7:15 a.m. I called into my favorite radio station to win tickets and Oh my Lord I got through! They were looking for caller #25, #26 and #27 and this bee-yatch (yes, moi) just so happened to get through as caller #26! They had the three of us guess how many seconds one of the DJ's could keep rotten eggs, soya sauce, mustard and horse radish in his mouth for without gagging. The contest was called "Gagging for Gaga." I guessed 45 seconds and he gagged at 45.2! I won two tickets on the floor to tonight's concert! I ran down the hallway in my office yelping and told anyone who would listen I had won TWO TICKETS TO LADY GAGA!!! They were all happy for me except for a few older coworkers who responded with, "Lady Who???" I'm taking my cousin who is as big a fan as I am and we cannot wait to see the woman who runs the Haus of Gaga live in concert! THANK YOU Universe! Also, I found out I won a beautiful bracelet from Closet Fashionista's giveaway on her blog. Yesterday must have been my lucky day : )

Do you have tickets to Gaga's concert? Have you been already? What should I expect? And more importantly what should I wear???


  1. OMG!! That is the coolest story ever!! Wow you definitely must have sat on some horseshoes because that is some incredible luck!! Congrats!! Have a friggin blast and report back!! :)


  2. your blog is great!
    can we exchange links?

  3. Marie Congrats on winning tickets! I loved her show-her singing was amazing and she was amazing! The concert attire-Well is seemed as though "anything goes" and I mean ANYTHING lol
    Have a great time!
    :) J.

  4. That is sooo awesome! Congrats!!!!!
    I'm not a fan of her, but it would be a very cool concert

  5. OMG!!!!!
    I effing Love Gaga!!! My cast mate is taxiing there right after the show to go to her 'box seats'!

  6. I saw her a few weeks ago at Chicago's Lollapalooza and she was AMAZING! Absolutely mind blowing! Her outfits where off the wall, her vocal skills are unreal and her stage performance was nuts! I paid $90. for a ticket but it was part of an all day music festival so it was more than worth the price. I'm really glad I saw her perform, it's def something I will always remember!! GO IF YOU GET THE CHANCE!!!

  7. You lucky lady!!! You must have put some excellent karma out into the world, but of course, you are always so sweet so the universe was just thanking you!
    Have fun!

  8. wow it's your lucky day! I've won things from radio but always small things never something as big as floor seat concert tickets! hope you have a great time!

  9. oh my gosh, you're so lucky! it's meant to be! :)

    <3, Mimi

  10. That is amazing!!! Lucky, lucky you. :)SarahD

  11. Wow, you're so lucky to get tickets, I went to her concert back in May and it was amazing, best concert I've been to ever! You can wear anything, it's Lady gaga!

  12. Ahh, that's amazing!! Congrats lady! Such a cute little story, I'm so happy the universe pulled through for you on this one! Have so much fun, and of course, we want to see what you end up wearing!! ;)

  13. That is the grossest combination. Ever. Congrats to you for winning! I think she's already been in my would have been cool, but I don't know anyone who's into Lady Gaga (some boys I know, but they'd never admit it!) and I didn't want to go alone, so poop. You either went today or will be going tomorrow, so have a great time!

  14. WOW that is SO exciting! Yippeee I'm happy for you! I would LOVE to go one of her concerts, her music always puts me in a good mood and gets me dancing.

  15. love the cover! my friend actually went the other day and he gave her flowers!

    xx raez

  16. whaaaaatt!!! you are the luckiest girl EVER! i am beyond jealous right now. i never try for those radio wins. i'm always so pessimistic before i even call.

    congrats to you though! i'm sure we'll hear all about it soon.

  17. AH your s lucky ! well don! i never win any of those kind of thing.... i think you sould deffinatly dress full on gaga i think you look a bit like lady gaga so go for it! xx

  18. My friend went to her concert here in Seattle and LOVED it:-) I was kinda jealous . . .

  19. you know 26 is the only number between a square and a cube... very lucky!

    omg I went this year and it was AWESOMMMMMME! And if I were you, I would do a crazy tribute outfit... if it's anything like the one I went to you won't be at all out of place! false eyelashes and much glitter at the least!

  20. I went to Gaga's concert at the start of this year... and she is worth every cent! She really does put on a great performance and really interacts with the crowd (well as much interaction you can give in a full stadium!) x

  21. Marie, that is amazing! Oh my gosh! I totally believe in that kind of thing, just put it out into the (pretty, pretty) universe, and you shall receive! Have a ball! XX!

  22. You are so lucky! I'd love to see Gaga in flesh!

  23. Hey sweety <3
    I loove your Blog. Its very nice. I follow you now. Its nice too see you on my Blog and when you follow me back, omg, that was so fucking good :D

    Love, Ayse


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