
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I Heart Nicole Richie and the Versatile Blogger Award

 photo via

First of all I had to post this pic of Nicole Richie at the Carerra Sunglasses event in West Hollywood over the weekend.. I love this chick's style. She always looks so effortlessly chic. THIS is why I want to raid this girl's closet!  I love how she paired a girly eyelet dress with a studded rocker motorcycle jacket for a bit of an edge.

Secondly, I want to thank Cafe Bellini for awarding me the"Versatile Blogger" award!

THANK YOU! I am honored and flattered : ) To accept this award I'm supposed to list some random things about myself and pass on the award to a couple of other fabulous "versatile" bloggers so here goes:

1. I am terrified of large bodies of water, especially flying over them. I am also freaked out by fish. Even minnows. I can't stand them circling around me when I'm in the ocean or a lake. And Sharks and Whales? Don't even go there. "Free Willy" gave me nightmares.

2. I cannot swallow pills. I chew them, even Tylenol. (Yes, it's as bad as it sounds. I get shivers just thinking about it.) I've tried EVERYTHING so if anyone has any other non-typical suggestions on how to accomplish this please let me know! Thanks!

3. I'm a pretty good tap dancer. If I do say so myself ; )

4. I am a huge fan of Britney Spears and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

5. I used to have a huge crush on Billy Bob Thornton. Oh yes I did. In his Angelina days. I'm not afraid to admit that either! Well, kinda. The Jian Gomeshi interview really killed it for me though.

6. My gallbladder was removed 3 years ago after suffering from gallstones (without knowing it!) for about 7 years. I know, OUCH. "Those are not female cramps, Marie."

7. I was in a movie that starred Tom Green. It was about aliens taking over a small town. It went straight to DVD ; )

I'll end with #7 because that's my lucky number : ).

I pass on this award to:

City Cinders and Lena at Quality Rivets  : )


  1. Congrats! And you're so welcome. Interesting random info! Have you tried dissolving pills in water? I'm scared of swimming out in the ocean where the water is dark and I can't see what's below me... I don't really know WHAT I'm scared of but I find it too creepy!

  2. Nicole <3

    xox from France.
    Olivia & Mariam

  3. Ooooh, what movie was it?! Did you have a speaking role? Thats super cool!

  4. Cafe Bellini: Me, too! I think it has to do with the "unknown."

    Miss Kimmy: It was called "Freezerburn" and yes I had a few lines : )

  5. Have you tried using a pill crusher and then either putting it in a drink or stirring it in yogurt? You can buy pill crushers at most drug stores.

  6. Snappy-Q: Yup, I've tried pill crushing and putting it in a drink but you can taste it even more doing either of those. But thanks so much any way!!! : )

  7. oh you! you cute cute thing you!!
    I thank you officially here:

    City Cinderella

  8. Congrats on the award!
    One time I had no liquids to swallow pills with and was quite desperate...I had been eating chocolate I got the brilliant idea to eat the pill with the chocolate...oh it was soooo has ruined chocolate eggs for me...

  9. Congrats on the award Marie!! Very deserving!

  10. Congrats Marie-You totally deserved that award!!! I love that your blog has a little bit of everything, that is why I love following it!!!
    I feel you on the large bodies of water thing.....

  11. i love this look of hers! i nearly bought those glasses last week...
    and congrats! i'm a fellow fan of britney spears :)

  12. i LOVE nicole richie!!!! - i lover her sense of style and just everything about her!!!!! - congrats on award sweetie!!!!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  13. i would love to raid nicole richie's closet...if she wasn't a size 000. gah! she's so skinny!!!

    congrats on the award! i too am afraid of large bodies of water. oceans scare the bejeezus out of me sometimes.

  14. Love your blog!
    Congrats on your award. I love Nicole Richie too.


  15. Nicole Richie looks gorgeous here! Congrats on the award.SarahD:)

  16. she does indeed always look fabulous xxx

  17. I love her style! congrats on your award!

  18. Her style is better now than several years ago!! I liked the info. Congratulations for the blog!!

  19. im sure ive told you this before but i cant swallow pills either! i had to take HUGE antibiotics a few weeks ago for a tooth took a lot of tears and gagging lol, but i did it! it really helped when my friend told me to think that if i don't swallow it this instance then everyone i loved will die...shes a lovely person haha! also terrified of flying over water...crossing the atlantic at night to get to new york was the worst experience of my life! and omg about your must have a high pain threshold to think you just had menstrual cramps lol!
    ok well i think ive rambled on for long enough, great facts...and im sooo going to look out for that movie! :)

  20. Naomi: Yes, you told me this before! I'm so jealous you were able to swallow pills! I'm going to try what your friend suggested : ) It's do or die!


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