
Monday, July 26, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

photos from filmofilia and imdb

So in 18 days, on Friday, August 13th the movie I've been looking forward to seeing the most this summer, "Eat, Pray, Love" will open in theaters nationwide. I absolutely loved the book by Elizabeth Gilbert and am so excited to see the film version! So to celebrate the upcoming opening of the movie I thought I'd post some pictures from the set and ask you this: In the movie Julia Roberts travels to Italy, Indonesia and India for self-discovery and Eats, Prays, and Loves. I want to know what you would do if you traveled to those countries. You must use verbs. For example, I'd want to Explore, Shop and Drink ; )~  Just kidding on the last part. Well, kinda.You get my drift! Can't wait to read your answers ; ) I hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Hi Marie,
    I too am so excited to see this movie. We read the book a couple of years ago in my Book Club Group!

    Art by Karena

  2. I haven't read this book yet, but I still want to before I see the movie. Julia is such a great actress.
    I would want to learn, eat, and shop!!

  3. Just came across your blog and I cannot wait to see the movie! In the process of reading the book now..hmmm, I would meander, photograph and imbibe :)

  4. i like your post!

    xx charmediem*

  5. No kidding around, drinking would be on my list of things to do!! I can't wait to see this movie either, and I haven't even read the book! Definitely on my list though. I've quit retail life (WEEEEE) and have a month off before heading to Van, to hopefully I'll get some liesurely reading in there!! Great post!



    P.S. Eat, shop, dance, sunbathe, hike, explore, nap, laugh.

  6. this film looks interesting..and i do like a bit of James Franco..yummy!

    drink, play, explore

  7. Looks like a good film!
    I would: explore, shop, eat and reflect.

  8. I have to buy this book asap before the film comes out! I think I might get a copy for my friend as well!

  9. i never finished the book... lost it somewhere towards the end, bt i look forward to seeing the movie!!

    p.s. check out my designer dress giveaway

  10. I'm also really looking forward to the movie! The preview looks so good and I had to download the song "dog days are over.." after hearing it so many times. It's my current fav!


  11. i can't wait to see the movie

  12. This movie is going to be great! (or so I hope!) The cast is perfect so I'm crossing my fingers that this movie will deliver :)

    Lets see... I would shop in Italy, I would eat in Indonesia (which happens to be my home country!), and I would explore India :)

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