
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer, I'm Ready

Here is my list of must-have skin products that I use in the summertime. What kinds of products do you use when the sun is shining and the weather is hot?

#1 St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Gentle Skin Exfoliator for sensitive skin- I think this cost me around $4.50. It's for the face but I use it on my body, too, especially before applying a self-tanner. It works very well as an exfoliator, sloughing away dead skin cells and gently cleansing the skin. The apricot scent is very yummy, too (bonus!) And at less than $5, how can you lose?

#2 Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite Anti-Cellulite Gel $13.99 - It's not "Good-bye Cellulite" it's more like, "Cellulite? Is that you? I can't tell, I can't really see you very well!" It's doesn't get rid of it completely but I will tell you ladies, it firms up the cottage cheesiness to reduce the appearance of cell-EW-lite. The gel has L-Carnatine in it which is said to help convert fat into energy. After using this for a few weeks my legs and butt look firmer and the cellulite is reduced. Even while naked in a really poorly lit dressing room in a store. (Nightmare in a box.)

#3 Kiehl's Sun-Free Self-Tanning Formula for Face and Body -It's a bit expensive, I think I bought it for around $30.00 last year? But I love it because it contains vitamin E, coco shea butter, and apricot kernel oils that help moisturize the skin. It's non-greasy, has a pleasant smell and most importantly doesn't make you look orange, a la Stephanie Pratt from "The Hills." You will see color within 3 hours of applying it and it lasts about 3-4 days. Just make sure you apply evenly starting from your feet up and wash your hands afterwards. Oh, and EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE, EXFOLIATE beforehand!

#4 Ultra-Sheer Dry Touch Sunscreen SPF 100 w/ Helioplex (I bought this at Wal-mart for $10 on special) - The first thing I thought when I saw this on the shelf was, "SPF 100?! WTF?" I didn't know SPF went up that high! I usually use 45 or 55 but I'm going to Las Vegas next week and after burning my neck and shoulders in Mexico in February even though I slathered on the sunblock and reapplied every half hour I'm not taking any chances. I am in my late, late twenties and do not care about getting a natural tan when the sun can do major damage to my skin, making it age faster. Not only does this sunscreen protect against harmful UVA/UVB rays, it contains helioplex which protects against a broader spectrum of the sun's rays and "provides stabilization to the sunscreen ingredients in order to prevent the sun from breaking down their effectiveness." It's also non-greasy and very light. I swear I'm not a paid spokesperson for Neutrogena. I just really trust in their products! Which leads me to #5.

#5  Neutrogena Age Shield Face Sunscreen SPF 85 - I searched for SPF 100 for the face but couldn't find any : ( Again, this has helioplex in it which is mucho mucho importante! I use this when I know I'll be in the sun for a long period of time. This retails for around $12.00.

#6  Neutrogena Healthy Defense Daily Moisturizer SPF 45 $10.99. This is an every day moisturizer that I use under my make-up, even if the only time I'm outside is when I'm walking to and from my car. This is also very light and not greasy at all. No matter what the season, you should always wear a moisturizer with at least an SPF of 15 to protect you from harmful UVA/UVB rays. If you're in your late teens/early twenties start NOW. You'll thank me later ; )

*all prices are in Canadian dollars


  1. i use the same St Ives for cleansing my skin - then it's all about the Aloe after i come off the boat!

    *kiss kiss*

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. Ahhhh, I can't wait for summer, this post is really inspring me to get my skin all ready for it... Whenever it comes, for us, that is!! I'll have to try some of these.

  3. SPF 100???!! no way! i think the highest ive ever seen is 50 haha. i never wear sunscreen apart from the SPF15 thats in my mac foundation haha...i really should look after my skin more, else il regret it! i might look for this one because you've said its non-greasy which is a major plus! great post and thanx for inspiring me to not want to look like an old lady when i reach 30 lol!

  4. That Nivea goodness is now on my must buy list!

  5. I love St Ives! I'm all about the daily sunscreen.

  6. haha i love your pre summer plan!!
    great blog, a lot of good photos!

    will be back for more :)

    margaux from BORO

  7. I have never used St. Ives before, but my friend does and she likes it. I must go out and buy some. I am always really paranoid about having loads of suncream on my face, especially during the summer.

    Thanks so much for all your lovely comments on my blog!:)SarahD

  8. I think I should try St. Ives too :D.
    For me most important thing is high SPF for face. Brrrr, when I've got sun burn on my face, I start think about wrinkles, haha.

  9. just cause you said so, i'm buying that cellulite cream as soon as i get off tomorrow. it better not let me down! ;)

    ps. i just saw 100+ SPF the other day and thought uh whaaaattt!!! never knew.

  10. Thanks for the summer prep suggestions! It is always great to hear what works for other people! I am all about that sunscreen for the face, I am going to try yours.....
    Thanks Marie!
    A very helpful post!
    :) J.

  11. Great post!!! Thanks for sharing dear!


  12. I bought the Goodbye Cellulite last night... I'm keeping my fingers crossed to see a bit of a difference! Thanks for the tips!

  13. I take skin protection very seriously - I'm early 20's, fair-skinned... and worst of all, located in Australia! UV rating extreme all through Summer. So, I use an SPF70 sunscreen at all times, even when just walking to the local store. Accompanied of course with wide hat and sunglasses. Admittedly, I look pretty dorky most of the time - but, it's worth it.

    So yes, great post, I couldn't agree more about your stance on sun protection. :)


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