
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Life, Lately

Hi! It's Marie, remember me? I used to blog ; ) I realize it's been quite awhile since my last post, (like a looooong time) and I've missed writing and sharing and connecting with you guys here. So I thought I'd post about what I've been up to lately. My son Miles is now 10 months old! I can't believe it. He's such a happy little dude. These are some photos taken by Ashley Champagne when he was 6 1/2 months old.

I'm so happy how they turned out! Ashley really brought out Miles' personality : ). He's getting so big. He has 8 teeth now, and is walking with a walker (he looks like a little old man when he takes his little steps lol). He's sleeping much better, getting up 1-2 times during the night instead of 8-9 times during his first 3 months of life. Thank God THAT phase is over! We actually ended up hiring a sleep consultant who was amazing to work with, because I was so sleep-deprived and Miles would get up every 45 minutes to an hour throughout the night. I have to say it was the best parenting decision my husband and I have made thus far. Sleep deprivation is not fun and I honestly don't know how I got through those first 3 months of Miles' life. I'm sure some of you Mamas can relate! Now that he is older and we're both more rested,  I've been enjoying spending time with him way more while I've been on maternity leave - going to Gymboree, Sign & Learn at the library, getting together with the other mom's from my mom's group, going for walks when the weather allows it.... I've also been working part time with my styling clients and a new website is in the works, along with a complete re-branding of my business. Stay tuned for the big reveal soon!

That's about all I've been up to. This year is going by so fast that I'm really trying hard to enjoy every minute with Miles because soon he won't be a baby anymore! : (  Someone recently said to me, "Enjoy every moment because the days are long but the years are short" and boy are they right.

I'll be back soon! Thanks for reading! I'd like to start blogging again more regularly so if there's anything specific you want to see on my blog please let me know, I would appreciate the feedback : ). Thanks!



  1. He is just the cutest!!! And wowwww, glad he started to sleep better for you, that's crazy! But totally worth it for all the smiles and love :)

  2. Miles is just the most adorable little guy ever! Great pictures.
    Love the update post. Looking forward to more posts!
    :) J.


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