Monday, June 13, 2016

Win a Free House Cleaning With Mad Maids!

After bringing baby home from the hospital, cooking, doing laundry and cleaning my house were at the bottom of my priority list. The last thing I wanted to do was scrub my bathroom in between feeding my son, changing dirty diapers and trying to get any little bit of sleep I could. So when Mad Maids offered to come over a few weeks ago to give our home a much-needed deep cleanse, it was SO appreciated and a complete luxury! I was so happy! They did an amazing job - cleaning our home top to bottom, even wiping down our microwave inside and oiut (I HATE cleaning the grime out of the microwave so this was AWESOME,) dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing - they did it all and made our house shine. And it was so easy to book with them, it literally took 60 seconds. You can book and pay online once you enter all of your information about your home (# of rooms, bathrooms, etc.), it's super easy and really fast with flat-rate pricing.
Now Mad Maids is offering one lucky Marie a la Mode reader a complete home cleaning in the Edmonton or Calgary (and surrounding areas). Enter to win below! Also, you can use promo code MALM20 for $20.00 off any of their services : ) Good luck! Winner will be announced via Facebook and Twitter June 18th!


spoonman said...

Oh boy, do we need a good house cleaning...ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Here is a great cleaning company that I recommend to hire. Check it sometimes.

Unknown said...

Nice post! Also check this - it's about cleaning.

Candace J. Moore said...

Good to you. It is really so hard to clean the whole house, especially after childbirth. In my case, I order online the cleaning tools at in order to help me clean and organize my home.

Claire Hope said...

Thanks greatt blog post

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