
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015

I don't know about you but I have never been so excited to enter a new year. 2015 was horrible and beautiful all in one.

At the beginning of the year I lost my brother-in-law Curtis in a tragic accident which devastated my sister-in-law and the whole family. It's been tough ever since and I still ask myself, "Why did this have to happen? He was way too young. And why did this have to happen to my sister-in-law??" So many unanswered questions. We miss him dearly and life will never be the same without him. A few months later I lost both of my beloved Grandmothers within three months of each other. I think about them every day and also miss them like crazy. Just a few weeks before my paternal Grandma passed away I found out I was pregnant. I didn't tell her about the baby before she died because I was still in the early stages of pregnancy and we hadn't told anyone. I was hoping she would hold on a bit longer and maybe she'd be able to meet him but it wasn't meant to be, she was too sick. As I watched her slowly deteriorate, there was a baby developing in my belly and I can't help but think she (and maybe my maternal Grandma and even Curtis) had something to do with it: She knew she was leaving this earth soon and wanted new life to arrive. It's funny because at the time my cousin (her other granddaughter) found out she was pregnant, too! Our due dates are only 6 weeks apart! It's weird how the Universe works, isn't it? The Circle of Life. I believe both my Grandmothers are now my guardian angels, watching over me and their great grandson. Becoming pregnant was the one bright light during a very dark year and I am so grateful for that, and for family and friends and all the blessings in my life. We must always look for the good in every situation and hold onto it. And I can't wait to meet our son in just two and a half months!

My beautiful Grandmothers at my wedding, September 2014

This all being said, I am ready to say goodbye to 2015 and hello to 2016!

I also wanted to thank all of you for reading this little blog I've had here for almost 6 years on the world wide web, and for all of your comments and support. I love my online community and it means the world to me that you even visit this site! Thank you!! And thank you for letting me feel comfortable enough to share some very personal feelings on here, instead of posting only about fashion and makeup, etc.

Happy New Year! I wish you all the best in 2016. Peace out, 2015!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's amazing how much can happen in a year. So much sadness mixed with so much joy! It's always hard to lose loved ones but we will always have our memories of them (and great photos like the one you shared)
    I know all three of them are watching over you always :)

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