
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Woman Crush Wednesday: Joyce Carpati

So I finally got to watch the Advanced Style documentary on Netflix a couple of weeks ago and it was so good! If you don't know about street style photographer Ari Seth Cohen's blog, which the film is based upon, you need to check it out! One of the stylish subjects featured in the film, Joyce Carpati, is 82 and probably the most elegant woman in the world. I mean, just look at her! Not only is she gorgeous and glamorous with a highly coveted wardrobe, she has a wonderful attitude about aging, which she says is "a privilege." Joyce, a former marketing director for Cosmopolitan magazine who splits her time between New York and Paris is also a very sweet, gentle, lovely woman, which you can see when you watch the movie. Beautiful inside and out, Joyce makes aging gracefully look like a piece of cake ; )


  1. So cool - I really need to watch that film!
    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. She is sooo stylish! I had heard of his blog, but not the movie! I'll have to check it out at some point

  3. I need to see this documentary ASAP. Also, she is gorgeous and so classy!! woman crush for sure!

  4. Her style is amazing!!


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