
Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Sorry for my lack of blogging. It's been a crazy couple of weeks! Crazy as in I don't think I've ever been this busy in my life! With a wedding coming up right around the corner, a new system being implemented at work, new styling clients and teaching barre classes, I definitely have my plate full but I'm not complaining, I'm grateful. It's better to be busy than bored right?? I can sleep when I'm dead! Last weekend I finally had some time to get some outfit photos taken wearing my new Anne B. heels from Le Chateau. I thought they went great with my printed fancy pants and white blazer. I'll definitely be getting a lot of wear out of them this summer ; ).

I hope you're all having a great week!

pants - Rachel Rachel Roy from The Bay, blazer - Zara, tank - c/o French Connection, 
heels - c/o Anne B. for Le Chateau, purse - Rebecca Minkoff


  1. Wow, you are really busy lately! I hope you're at least getting some time to enjoy the summer in those awesome pants.

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  2. LOVE the fun printed pants. I am all about the prints lately. Looking lovely as usual :)
    :) J.

  3. Love those fancy pants! Great styling with the ankle strap heels.


  4. Yep, I'd rather be super busy than bored. But I am usually bored and I don't mind it too much ;)
    Those pants are awesome! I love a subtle

  5. I love your fancy pants. You are one busy girl. But preparations for a wedding must be a lot of fun.

    Fabulous 30s

  6. Awesome look Marie! And LOVE that bag! XO, D

  7. How cool that you are teaching barre! I love barre, but unfortunately can't do it anymore because they only offer HOT barre (at our hot yoga studio) and my rosaia-prone skin can't handle it. I miss it! I love these pants on you, they are so fun! Looking good, lady!


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