
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Life, Lately

I'm sorry I haven't been posting on a regular basis lately, life has been crazy busy for me. In a good way, though. I promise to return to regular scheduled programming soon! ; ) For now, here are some photos and little blurbs on what I've been up to recently!

Clockwise starting from top left: I recently hosted a fashion show at French Connection's re-location party at West Edmonton Mall. It was so much fun! I love, love, LOVE their clothes. Jaclyn and Suzy from Girls Club DJ's provided the music for the event.

In October I had the pleasure of styling the gorgeous Up99.3 radio host Kari Skelton for Glow Juicery and Barre Body Edmonton's Grand Opening. Her outfit, which I found at Bamboo Ballroom, was auctioned off for charity and ours went for the highest bid!

This month I've also been wedding dress shopping, I went to four places and I finally found The One! It's nothing like what I thought I wanted! Funny how that happens once you actually start to try dresses on ; ). We have also set the date for our wedding. I don't want to give away too much because we haven't told all of our family members yet but the actual ceremony will not be held in Canada, we'll be going away but we'll come back home and have a big party afterwards. I'm very excited, we are getting married in less than a year! So I've been planning, planning, planning.

Just some pictures of my cat. You know, cause she's my baby and I think she's the cutest thing ever.

Last month I filmed a short film at the Hotel MacDonald called 'Voila.' We shot in the middle of the night in the same hotel room that the Queen, The Rolling Stones and Sting stayed at when they came to Edmonton so that was very cool. The story takes place in 1969 and the wardrobe was so fun! I had a great time on set, the director, the cast, the crew, were wonderful. I think it's going to be a really cute film and can't wait to see it once it's edited. (That's the talented and dapper Ryan Parker in the photo with me.)

We got a HUGE dump of snow a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't happy. This is why you haven't seen any outfit posts on my blog in awhile, the weather was the sh*ts but now it's nicer out thank goodness.

My nephews! Total farm boys, they are. Cowboys, too.

I am training to be a Barre Body Instructor, I did my training this past weekend in Calgary. I love the method so much (and have seen great results) so I wanted to be able to teach it, along with teaching Pilates. I love sharing my passion for fitness with others so I'm really excited for this new journey! P.S. My butt's never been so sore but has never looked so good. HA!

Our first fire of the season at home! A fire place comes in real handy, especially when it's -30 degrees outside which is ridiculously cold yet normal for Edmonton winter weather. 

I hope you're all having a great week!


  1. Wow! You certainly have been a busy bee! And it all sounds so fun! Definitely living the life :)

  2. You've def been busy! That's so exciting with all your wedding planning! I've always wanted to have a destination wedding so yay! So excited to hear more!! xxx

  3. Sounds like a busy but fun month! I loved that outfit you styled for Kari. If I wasn't poor I totally would have bid on it! The wedding planning sounds so exciting - hopefully you've picked a warm venue!

  4. Wow, you've had a lot on the go but it all sounds really fun - and congrats on finding your dress!!!

    Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

  5. How exciting!! I am sure you must be exhausted but it must be so much fun to plan your wedding! So happy you found a dress, can't wait to see it!! :)

    Sincerely Miss Ash

  6. YAY for hosting a fashion show. That must have been so fun!

    xo Mel
    turquoise blonde

  7. lovely pictures! that fireplace looks so cozy, perfect to cuddle up and watch a Christmas movie!

    -ariel* xoxo

  8. So many exciting things in your life! So happy for you. Great pics of the boys and of kitty and I love the one of you stretching at the barre.
    Fun post
    :) j.


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