Tuesday, March 19, 2013

This Is March

 coat, hat and gloves - H & M, jeans - Hudson, purse - Forever 21, boots - c/o Vince Camuto

You may think I took these photos in January, with all the snow and all but no, my friends, these pics were actually taken over the weekend. It started snowing last week and HASN'T STOPPED! And although the snow is really beautiful, I've frankly had enough. It can go now. In other parts of the world, beautiful flowers are blooming and the grass is green and where I live you can't even see the damn grass! Anyways, to cheer myself up I pulled out this warm coat I bought off of the costume designer of a commercial shoot I did when I had to drive a Vespa. Remember that one? I love the shape of it and how the belt really accentuates the waist. I feel like I'm channeling Blair Waldorf in this outfit! Except Blair Waldorf never had to deal with long, Canadian winters ; ).


Kate said...

Well, the good news is you look absolutely darling! I love your coat! But girl, I feel your pain! Almost all of our snow is actually gone, so we've had a teaser of spring, but we're supposed to get a bunch of snow dumped on us this week and I don't know if my heart can handle it! I just want spring!!

Unknown said...

u look great - but man i CAN NOT wait for no more coats - that's just TOO much snow for me in March - we usually get 1 last big hurrah in March

Unknown said...

Love the jacket and bag! You look great as always dear xx

Adam said...

looks lovely

Nuha said...

i'm actually kind of jealous of your snow! you look so pretty bundled up!

I'm new to your blog and love that your a buyer. I'd love to hear more about it! It's something that I would really like to do professionally.

livlovelaugh said...

girlie.... you are so pretty.... if i was blonde, i would want to look like you


R.ChamberofBeauty said...

This is such a perfect coat <3 <3 You look great!!


JennaStevie said...

This jacket is ammmmazing, I am in love with it!! And I am so over snow too, I just want to wear cute summer pieces! UGH!

Natalie said...

Well, at least you look lovely! As I type it is snowing a storm outside. All of my classes have been cancelled today (woop!) but I'm with you - I am so ready for no snow.

Marie a la Mode said...

livelovelaugh: You are so sweet and very kind. Thank you for your nice comment! xo

Melanie Liliana said...

you look amazing in these photos marie! and I know what you mean.. it's so depressing seeing the snow continue! It's the middle of March! Spring needs to hurry up! xo

Ariel said...

really pretty outfit! i feel ya about the snow - spring is no where close to me either.. a ton of snow!

-ariel* xoxo


I can totally relate to you! I live in the freaking North Pole, and while I see all these bloggers don floral dresses, I'm still wearing my winter coats! But hey, at least you look fabulous. Your hair is so pretty, you almost look angelic. That trench is absolutely stunning.

BTW, would you like to follow each other via bloglovin?


Catita said...

oh my Canada in moment like these I really do not miss you!!!! But you seem to not mind plus you pull off that beanie so well, I think you are a real Canadian unlike me....

love jenny xoxo said...

Totally Blair Waldorf ! I just finished season 6 of GG so i'm pretty much an expert! Love it!
{love jenny xoxo}

Closet Fashionista said...

Stupid March! It's been snowing here too, though it just dusts and then goes away in a day, haha...
Such a cute snowy-day outfit

Olga Zgonnik said...

Love your outfit, you look so cute, cannot belive there is so much snow!



The coat is beautiful. I remember one year my Uncle going ice-fishing in April, but near Toronto. Hope you stay warm dear. Great outfit.:)

{The Perfect Palette} said...

You look adorable. Happy first day of Spring! I can't believe it snowed for you this weekend. Here's to hoping that warmer weather reaches you soon!

J. said...

Love this look! Great coat! You look beautiful!
:) J.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! Love your outfit posts and your sweet smile. xo


girl!!! You look fantastic! <3

LOve this look!

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