
Friday, September 21, 2012

And The Weekend Is Here

photo via fashion roadkill

Happy weekend! Thank God it's here! It's been a loooong week with work during the day and attending fashion week the past 3 nights! It was good but exhausting, especially when you have to get up at 6 a.m. every day and you don't drink coffee. I'm really looking forward to going out to my family's cabin tomorrow for a little R & R. Sometimes you just need to get away, take in some fresh air, un-plug and do nothing and that's exactly what I plan on doing ; ). Along with catching up on my sleep! The weather is supposed to be beautiful and warm, too, which is actually very uncommon during this time of year where I live so I'm going to take advantage of it before the temps drop and it starts to snow. (It can start snowing in October. Oh Canada!)

Have a wonderful weekend! I'll be back with some fashion week posts next week!


  1. I hope you have a well-earned and relaxing weekend. I seriously need to unwind a bit this weekend's been a long hard week.

    Courtney ~

  2. have fun lady! Is your cabin in the middle of nowhere (aka: where I live? haha) I'm def taking advantage of the warm weather this weekend! :)

    p.s I live on coffee.. so bad.

  3. snow in October? Oh wow Edmonton is full of fun surprises...or not! We usually get it the earliest in November but your w-e sounds just like what I need, so enjoy!

  4. Wait wait wait, You don't drink coffee?! Lady, you are craazzy!
    Haha, Have an absolutely wonderful weekend!

  5. i hope you have a fantastic weekend, marie!!! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Too Much Soul Giveaway


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