
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kate Upton - Fat???

A couple of days ago on Twitter I was lead to a link to a "skinny" blog that basically promotes anorexia and frowns upon any woman weighing more than 110 lbs. I'm not going to mention the website because it's rubbish and I don't want to send any traffic their way but if you want to google it I'm sure you can find it. The post I clicked on was about Kate Upton (above), an American model and actress whose career is heating up fast. She was this year's covergirl for Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Edition and has modeled for Victoria's Secret, Guess and Dooney & Burke, just to name a few. Most recently, a Youtube video photographer Terry Richardson posted of Kate doing the 'Cat Daddy' dance back in May went viral and pitched tents in every straight man's pants while they watched it over and over (and over) again.

The author of the post compared Kate to a cow and called her thick, vulgar, lazy, lardy, "with huge thighs, no waist, big fat floppy boobs and terrible body definition." She then goes on to say that "Fashion is supposed to be aspirational - and the kind of people who aspire to look like [Kate] shop for clothes at Wal-mart." 

This post angered me. First of all, this "skinny girl's" blog is what's called a "thinspiration" blog, a "pro-skinny" site that up until this week offered "Starving Tips of the Day!" like this one:

"Pay close attention to other girl's bodies. Pick them apart — try to find faults even with the best bodies. Then apply these high standards to yourself."

And another: "Think of your stomach pains in a whole new light. Your stomach doesn't hurt because you are hungry, that burning feeling is fat melting off of you."

Say what?! Really? Really? What a bad example to set for impressionable young (and sick) girls who probably visit this site daily, wanting to maintain an unrealistic and dangerous body weight. This blogger should be ashamed of herself. Sites like these need to be shut down.

Second of all, Kate is gorgeous. She's not fat. She's healthy, beautiful, and oozes confidence. More importantly, she is comfortable in her own body. But I get it, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I just wish this blogger's opinion of themselves (and others) could be full of a little more love and a lot less hate.


  1. Agreed with this post! We really need to stop hating ourselves and each other. SIGH.

  2. This is most upsetting. I don't even want to google the blog because I'm sure it will send me off into an irate tizzy all day. Kate Upton is a babe.

    x The Pretty Secrets

  3. I cannot believe websites like this exist!!! It's disgusting and sad that they have a following and a popularity. Don't get me wrong, I have issues with my body as I believe most girls do but frowning upon a woman who weighs more than 110? pathetic.

    I think Kate Upton is gorgeous and oozes confidence. I'm so glad that the magazine world has noticed her. A woman is 100% more beautiful when she is comfortable in her own skin and is confident!! I loved that dance too haha it was jokes!

    Love this post!!

  4. haha, you are awesome! i too am disgusted by these "thinspiration" blogs. disgusting.

    with that said, i will say this, i don't understand what the big deal is about kate upton... i'm not really a fan. but she is clearly very far from "thick, vulgar, lazy, & lardy" geez, what's wrong with people!?!?!?


  5. I saw that the other day too...there is something totally wrong with the girl who runs that site...I mean she's obviously sick, but what had to happen for her to become that way...I don't get it....
    (and yes, Kate is GORGEOUS....)

  6. Those pro-ana websites and blogs creep me out big time. And piss me off. It`s hard to tell which reaction is more prominent. Also, if she`s fat then I`m morbidly obese. Which I am not. Total garbage.

    Courtney -

  7. I was reading about this on jezebel the other day and it's ridiculous!! Pro ana, or pro skinny sites really freak me out. Their skinny types are the WORST advice for women ever. Kate Upton has an amazing body

  8. I heard about that and was all wha tha f*ck?? did you happen to see that lunatic on Dr. Oz not that long ago who has a website promoting bulimia/anorexia? THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK IN THE HEAD!!

  9. ps-internet/ll/cable restored. power outage lead to depleting some verizon battery of all juice leading me to be IN THE DARK FOR TWO DAYS. it was good for me.

  10. I've never been to the site, but I had heard about it via Shape Mag's facebook page.

    I feel sorry for the "skinny" blogger, she obviously has some deep issues with her own body and could use some positivity in her life.

    There is a body positive revolution going on, woman of all shapes and sizes are starting to stand up for themselves and say "It doesn't mattered what you think, I am beautful", I guess to those that aren't ready to enbrace this it's kind of scary so that feel the need to lash out.

    OK, sorry, rant over. :) BTW, love the blog.

  11. Holy shit there are some seriously sick girls out there!!! Kate is freaking gorgeous, I'd love to have a figure and boobs!) like her!

  12. Personally, I think she looks fabulous and healthy. Her face is gorgeous to boot! What a gal!

  13. wow, that's really messed up! Kate Upton is hot, not understanding where she is "fat." The people that write that site clearly need attention

  14. I also came across this tweet the other day and it made me sick to think that there is a blog out there like that. Kate Uptown is gorgeous and certainly not fat, not in the slightest.

  15. That girl needs help ASAP!!!! I cannot believe that there are blogs like that out there!

    And Kate is gorgeous HEALTHY girl.

  16. That is disgusting!!
    I see it all the time on instagram.
    'thinspiration' 'thinspo' and what not and it's just not healthy.

    Kate is beautiful and shouldn't be mocked for it!

  17. AMAZING POST SUCH AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE. Very well written Marie-Thank you for being so positive and for spreading self love. You are amazing.
    Thank you for sharing.
    :) J.

  18. oh gosh, that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard! i'm not even going to google that blog, it's probably just gonna piss me off more. i think kate upton has a fantastic body. i personally think that "thinspiration" is a big joke.

    <3, Mimi

  19. Ugh!! The thought of people having such messed up mind sets make me sick. I think she's absolutely beautiful!!
    It's sad when a person thinks like that, but it's even worse when they take it to a public level and try to poison other peoples minds.

  20. I've never heard of this girl before but she is stunning, i'd kill for a figure like that.

    I haven't been to any of these sites - how they are allowed i'm not sure - so dangerous and how anyone can be happy reading them / taking part is beyond me.

    Doll on fashion

  21. Kate Upton is beautiful. No need to analyse every inch of her body...
    Great post and thx for trashing the online thinspo/unhealthy vortex! Xo

  22. Very unfortunate that places like this exist... I realize too that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I have been friends with far too many girls that have put themselves through too much to be an "ideal" skinny. I am glad to see a gorgeous, sexy person out there who is confident like Kate Upton. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that people feel the need to share these types of opinions online.

  23. Bella , como todas las modelos , k vaya bien , perfecta en todo como las modelos

  24. Her breasts, two hills o'erspread with purest snow,
    Sweet, smooth and supple, soft and gently swelling,
    Between them lies a milken dale below,
    Where love, youth, gladness, whiteness make their dwelling,
    Her breasts half hid, and half were laid to show,
    Her envious vesture greedy sight repelling;
    So was the wanton clad, as if this much
    Should please the eye, the rest unseen, the touch.


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