
Sunday, December 4, 2011

One of the Most Powerful Videos I've Seen

When I saw this video on my good friend Tam's blog, I had to share it with you. I'm the kind of person that gets shivers when something takes my breath away because it's so powerful, whether it be a brilliant song, a well-acted scene in a movie, an impressive dance performance, etc. and this video shook me to the core and brought tears to my eyes. I'm posting it in hopes to shed some light and raise awareness about what younger people go through when they are bullied for simply being who they are and that it is NOT okay. I hope you will share this video as well. This kid needs to know he's not alone. No one is ever alone.


  1. I have no words....
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. wow, poor guy! I've saw this on George Takei's facebook page ( Lt, Sulu from Star Trek) and it sure makes you think!.

    (and no i'm not a trekie)lol

  3. Just horrible. I hope he knows he's gonna go through it and be happy.

  4. Wow, what a powerful video. To think he's been bullied since grade 1! I wish there was more we could do to stop bullying.

  5. The mean posts are making me so's so tragic that adults say such harsh things to a child who is clearly struggling. This world makes me sick :(

  6. Thanks for sharing. It is awful what some of the comments on YouTube are. It makes me so mad to see all the negativity out there.

  7. wow.

    very moving.

    i will re-post. thanks so much for sharing here on your blog!

    we all need to remember kindness...

  8. I saw this on my Facebook yesterday...and yes, seriously so powerful. A lot of people, myself included, had a rougher time through elementary school and high school and my heart goes out to any kids who are suffering as much as this brave boy. As a society, there needs to be a big push for change in terms of classroom politics and the way bullying is brushed under the rug. It's not okay...the very fact that there was yet another suicide in Quebec just last week is proof that this isn't just something that the media has decided to turn their attention to. Thanks for sharing this Marie and your beautiful words! Very moving.

    Alexandra xo

  9. ooooh Marie... i hate to break this to you:

  10. Dress Me Dearly: You think this kid lied?? If he lied, he's also a damn good actor! Don't you see the pain in his face? He filmed the first video in August. I think everything in that video was genuine. The video of the link you just posted is recent and I think he's letting everyone know he's doing okay now. I just can't believe he was lying in that first video, I just can't. It's too real for him.

  11. This video is so sad and moving!! What a brave boy!

  12. It's possible he was embarrassed after the video went so viral and decided to post another video to try and make it look fake.

    No matter if it's real or not there are still lots of people who feel this way out there and I think it sheds light on some big issues in our society.

  13. I couldn't watch it..I can't take the sadness right now but thanks for bringing such an important issue to light :)

  14. bullying is such a big and serious issue, and i think it's great that many people are bringing it into national attention and doing things to put a stop to it. :)

    <3, Mimi
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  15. :(

    Oh god it made me teary :(

    I can't believe this kid went through all that. I really hope he will pull through! He needs help and support.. I really hope he gets it soon >_<


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