
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Life Update

Last week I mentioned that I had some exciting things were going in my life so now that Western Canada Fashion Week is over and I have time to breathe I thought I would share them with you all : ).

#1 I styled a photo shoot by myself for the first time last Monday and got to work with the amazing Harvey Miedreich. Here's a sneak peak from the shoot. I will share the rest with you once Harvey releases them.

I took this photo which is why it's not centered

#2 I filmed a commercial a few days ago! On a Vespa! Funny (and long) story actually: My agent sent me an email saying he had submitted me for two roles: the "Scooter Girl" and the "Dancer."  (Not that kind of a dancer, people.) He knew about my dancing background but he said if I couldn't ride a scooter that I shouldn't go for the "Scooter Girl" role because they want someone with experience. So I went to the audition thinking I would be up for the dancer role only. But when I got into the room and the producer asked if I was trying out for both I  suddenly changed my mind and blurted out, "Yes!"  Why not double my chances, right? He said, "You can ride a scooter?" And I said, "Well I ride motorbikes." I do not ride motorbikes.

 Anyways on camera he asked me to tell him about my experience with riding and I told him a (true) story about when I was 13, driving a motorbike near my family's cabin at the lake,with my cousin on the back, I almost ran into a tree after gawking at shirtless teenage boys and instead of putting on the brakes after I swerved I put the gas on all the way, and then the brakes (you could call it a "reverse reaction") and I flew off the bike onto the road and broke my humerus which wasn't funny (ha ha, yes I actually used that line. Call me extra cheesy.) If you're wondering what happened to my cousin...nothing! She ended up with a hole in her sock and that's it. But I quickly followed up with, "I'm much more comfortable riding motorbikes now," which was a lie wasn't true because the accident scared me away from riding anything with two wheels, minus a bicycle. When the producer asked me what type/brand of bike I last rode I came up with, " was a small one. It was my friend's, I think it was a Honda? Yeah, it was a Honda!" I was sure the producer saw right through me but he let me go on to audition for the dancer role and I had to two-step with myself because I didn't have a partner, which is as hard and as awkward as it sounds by the way, but I felt I did a pretty good job. Anyways, a couple of days later my agent calls me to tell me the "good news." I thought for sure I got the role of the dancer! Nope. I got the other one. Shit! Now I had to learn how to ride a scooter! And fast! And in heels. Dear Lord. So D.'s friend gave me a quick one hour lesson on his scooter a couple of days before the shoot and I felt comfortable enough to be able to drive one in the commercial.

No broken bones this time! And I kept the coat ; )

You gotta fake it 'til you make it right?? I had to follow that truck with the camera on it with only about 5 feet between us, without going out of frame and I'm proud to say I did it and I did it well, apparently. The director said I looked so calm while riding and I replied with, "That's where the acting comes in." He didn't know that in my head I was saying the Hail Mary and praying I wouldn't lose control or ram into the truck in front of me. But thankfully everything worked out well and after I calmed my nerves I actually had fun. Unfortunately I can't tell you what the commercial is for yet but it will be airing in Canada sometime this month!

#3 The most exciting news: I'm going to be an Auntie again! My sister-in-law is pregnant and due at the end of April/beginning of May. I am over-the-moon! The baby will join my nephew, Kayden (below), who hopes he'll be getting a brother "or two" although my sister-in-law is not having twins unless they're not telling us something ; ).

He's not always this dirty, I swear.

And that's that. Not everything in my life has been hunky-dory though. (Does anyone else still use that word besides me and my Grandmother? Hunky-dory?) My car broke down, not sure what's wrong with it but it won't start so I've been driving around in D.'s dirty clunker I call "The Bomb" until my Dad can take a look at it. I also found out I'll need gum surgery on both sides of my mouth and two crowns which, even covered by mine and D.'s benefits will cost me a few thousand dollars. Yikes. But I'm trying to focus on the positive: at least I still have teeth, right?

I hope you're all having a good week so far! We're closer to Friday already : ).


  1. that IS some exciting news! congrats on it all.

    and i think it's great you were able to pull off commanding that vespa AND with heels!! you look great, as always!

  2. OMG I totally LOL'ed. This is great. I'm so glad you were able to ride that thang well and not injure anything (not that I'd ever doubt you, of course). You look so stylish doing it, too. Hopefully you can get the commercial online and post it for us, yes yes?

  3. I can't wait to see the rest of the photos! And the commercial! Will it air in the US? It's all really exciting...

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  4. WOW! Huge, huge congratz on the stylist job (can't wait to see more photos), not falling off the vespa and being an auntie again! :) And got to the dentist - in his case the saying "better sooner or later" is especially true. X

  5. Congrats on your first photo shoot, Marie! What a gorgeous sneak peak! It looks like an amazing time :) xx

  6. Can't wait to see the rest of the shoot - that one teaser photo looks amazing.

    Congrats to your sister in law! Exciting news indeed.

    x The Pretty Secrets

  7. Courtney Erin: No, it won't air in the U.S. : (

  8. Too bad! Well, if it ever goes online, send me a link because it sounds really cool. Just one more reason that I need to move back to Canada I suppose...

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  9. great life updates! congrats for all 3 ;) And you must post the vespa video, seems so fun!

  10. Such exciting news. Thanks for the update! Congrats on your commercial-you look adorable on that Vespa. Also on being an AUNTY FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!! YEA!!! So happy for your family.
    Hope your car problems get better.
    Great post.
    :) J.

  11. Amazing news, apart from the gums. But the positives outweighs the negatives. That commercial sounds amazing. I would love to ride a scooter. Can't wait to see the whole shoot. :)SarahD

  12. sounds like an amazing week!!! congrats on it all!

  13. Sounds like a pretty wonderful week (minus the car and teeth). I'm excited to see the pictures, and the commercial!!

  14. Your life is so exciting and busy, but I really am genuinely so happy for you! Congrats on all your successes (because lets be honest, thats all we should be focusing on in the life.. the postive)!

  15. i love how you styled that photo! her tousled hair makes the conservative outfit look so sexy ^_^

  16. Holy cow you make me laugh! Congrats on styling the shoot and the scoot commercial very cool! And way to go and just going for it with the scooter and kicking butt!

  17. you look so cool on that vespa! always reminds me of an Italian / European kind of commercial, more recently the Kiera Knightly one for Chanel!

  18. Sounds like you've had a fabulous week. Love how you styled that outfit, can't wait to see more! And yay, congrats on booking that commercial, you look like a natural on that scooter. ;) And, aww, how lovely to hear that your sister-in-law is pregnant. xo veronika

  19. Ah! We called my old beater 'The Bomb' as well. I secretly loved it though ;) So many other exciting things happening! Congrats on becoming an Auntie again!

  20. You've had some great things happening for you Marie (car & gum surgery aside), well deserved I'm sure and I will be watching for you on the scooter!

  21. Glad you got the part in the scooter ad! I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for the ad on TV. I'm guess it was a cell phone ad, or clothing for Joe-Fresh or maybe Reitmans clothing? Now you've got me guessing!!!

  22. Your life sounds pretty amazing lately!

  23. Wow, you've been busy, funny story about the motorbike lol! You look fab on that vespa! x

  24. wow, that's ALOT of exciting news! Congrats on the commercial gig, and you're right, you gotta fake it til you make it!! I'm proud of you, miss lady.

  25. AGHHH! you look 100% adorable on a vespa!!!!! hope you have a great weekend love!

  26. Your scooter story made my day :)! Sounds like with good life news comes some bad stuff too, but it's great to see you focusing on what is positive and makes you happy xo



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