
Monday, September 26, 2011

3 + 4

maxi dress - T by Alexander Wang, faux leather jacket - Winners, wedges - Walmart, belt - smart set, 
cross necklace - a local Christian store, silver bracelet - JOE Fresh,  rings - H & M
Thank you to Vickie for taking these photos!

Saturday and Sunday night were Day 3 and 4 of Western Canada Fashion Week. We've been experiencing a welcomed Indian Summer here in Edmonton so the weather was just beautiful this weekend. I wish it would last so we could skip the -30 degree winter altogether. (Wishful thinking.) I decided to wear my T by Alexander Wang maxi Saturday night to keep me cool and comfy. This dress is the most comfortable piece of clothing I own, I would totally sleep in it if it wouldn't wrinkle! 

Here are some of my favorite looks I spotted on Day 3 of WCFW:

124th St. Showcase: Charming and elegant.

Patricia Glanville. I adored the floral dress in the front.

 Nazila Couture. Such exquisite detailing in the bodice.

This pup stole the show during the showcase sponsored by Mini Edmonton!

And here are some highlights from Day 4:

Mode Models owned the runway in clothing from West Edmonton Mall

The cards the models are holding have the name of the store that the clothing they're wearing came from. (If you're wondering.) Unfortunately I couldn't see them very well. That or I was too busy paying attention to the male models to notice them at all.

Every season Western Canada Fashion Week gives local hair salons a fantastic opportunity to show off their talent and creativity with the Salon Showcase. A student at the Eveline Charles Academy styled this adorable 'do.

This hair "masterpiece" is courtesy of the uber-talented professional creative team at Eveline Charles. The models wore garments made out of garbage bags! Very unique. I should mention that a proud Eveline Charles was actually in the audience that night!

Black Swan

Ricci Hair impressed the audience with their theatrical and spectacular creations titled "Modern Queens."

 Look closely. Do you see the little cross sticking out of the top of the model's hair??

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! I'm actually enjoying an extended weekend because I took three much-needed days off from work this week. I need to catch up on my sleep! And use up some of my vacation time. Although the next few days will be anything but a vacation for me with fashion week shows to attend and other exciting things going on in my life right now. Will fill you in soon : ). Have a great week!


  1. Wow, amazing photos! And I love what you wore - that maxi is gorgeous. I also love the photo location - I always wonder why more Edmonton bloggers don't visit there for photos, it's such a great locale.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  2. Marie, you look SMOOOOOKING! Love the smokey eyes, love the grey+black outfit, and love the badass attitude :D

  3. The garbage bag garments are fantastic, also loving your look and how you styled up your maxi!

  4. Great photos!! Looks like I missed out on some crazy hair creations last night, seriously so impressive what they can do.

  5. Love love your outfit. The maxi dress with all of your accessories look amazing!!! Looks like some great shows! Congrats on your exciting news, whatever it is ;) !!!
    Enjoy your days off.
    :) J.

  6. lovely my dear. Have such a fun next 3 days! Look forward to seeing what you do!
    <3 Kastles

  7. OMG the dog is adorable!!! Hahaha, love dogs too much. You are killing it with your maxi dress and great rosary too, I am telling you, churches are the best place to get them, more authentic, less commercial ;)

  8. Loved your look for the day...your hair down and smokey eye are perfection!!! Looks like another fabulous fashion your pics Marie!

  9. Wowza, you are smokin'! you look amazing here, girlie!

  10. I love that T by Alexander dress soooo much! And those pieces are great :D Those last ones are a bit weird...haha

  11. I love that dress on you so much..and that silver cuff/bracelet is gorgeous. I've enjoyed these fashion week's a bit of New York right here at home.

  12. You look totally AMAZEBALLS, Marie. Gorgeousness, lady. ;) Here's to a fab week!

    xx Love & Aloha

  13. So jealous you got to go to this Marie... definitely didn't have an ounce of time to go :( I have a Urban Decay Naked palette giveaway going on if youre interested... I thought I would let you know :)

  14. great photos!! I love your outfit, you look beautiful! And I love the little dog they featured, how adorable!!!


  15. Oh wow! Gorgeous pics of you!! Love that A Wang dress and your faux leather jacket. Those dresses made out of rubbisg=h bags are fantastic! Black Swan is my fave. :)SarahD

  16. This is so exciting! I love the black swan dress - so innovative! :) You look lovely too! X

  17. Your.HAIR!! Looks so good, Marie! The fashion too, but I'm still stuck back on your hair. Whew.


  18. The grey maxi is gorgeous, great look! the show looks great, love fashion shows! x

  19. Looks like a lot of fun. Wish you had more photos of your outfit! I love that jacket on you :)

    xo Ashley

  20. I adore your grey maxi dress! Love how you mixed it up with your leather jacket! The fashion runway pictures look amazing!

  21. Do you if there will be a Western Canada Fashion Week this year? thanks!

  22. Anna: Yes, for sure! One in September and then one in the spring next year.


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